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It was close to midnight, the streets were busy which was usual for the little Market District of Konohagakure. Rinshi sat at the front counter, “Yo Pops, Can I Get Another Bowl Of Miso Flavor Ramen Extra Pork And Beef”. Rinshi was starving he had barely eating anything that day, aside the four large bowls of Miso Flavor Ramen stacked beside him.  Earlier that day he had just helped unload cargo from a ship owned by a merchant and was bush tired he barely finished by 9 p.m, so instead of going home he decided to treat himself to dinner. Rinshi believes Eating at Ichiraku’s is his own personal tradition though when spotted by his peers he is usually alone.
Rinshi loves the smell of noodles almost as he loves Pops beautiful daughter, Rinato, though she pays him no mind.  Rinshi continues to devour the bowls of Ramen, by midnight he has eaten at least 12 bowls of Ramen.

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Last edited by Rinshi on Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total



Takeshi was on his way home after he did a B ranked mission. He was tired and hungry, and he knew his mother wouldn't have made any food since it was twelve at night. So instead Takeshi decided to go to Ichiraku Ramen, since it had been a long time since his last visit. He had a few ryo on him, so he decided to just go ahead and eat there. As he walked in, he was surprised to see that the table was almost completely filled with bowls. Takeshi counted at least 8 bowls just sitting on the table. He actually had to wait to sit because the lady who was working there was having trouble with the dishes. After a short while, Takeshi sat on a stool while his ramen was being prepared. He looked over to see the guy who had been eating up all the ramen.

He looked to be at least the same size as Takeshi, thought he could tell that the guy was younger than him. He wore a black short-sleeved shirt with the Hyuga clan symbol on both sleeves and back. He wore blueish black pants that come just below his knees. He wore black fingerless gloves with reflective metal plating on the back with the Hidden Leaf Symbol engraved, he also wore the Konohagakure protective forehead protector on his head. After seeing the symbols on the guy, Takeshi quickly realized that he was part of the Hyuga clan, it was Takeshi's first time actually seeing one. He was interested to see if they really had white eyes, though the man had his face buried in ramen at the moment, so Takeshi couldn't tell.



Rinshi, faced buried in his bowl of ramen, brought the bowl to his face drimking the salty, yet sweet juice from the ramen. Rinshi placed the bowl back down on the the table, "Pops keep them coming!!!"

Rinshi noticed a boy not much older than him sitting at the counter, he had long red hair and black eyes. He couldnt help but observing the strangers eyes as they seemed to have a serious, yet emotionless look to them. It had seemed the boy was also observing him, due to the fact he had about 9 large bowls on his table sitting alone it was hard not to notice.

Rinshi turns his head, looking at the boy who now was turned around."Hey, if your gonna stare at me atleast start up a conversation otherwise you just come off as creepy." Rinshi closed his eyes and folded his arms, as his now 10th bowl of Miso-flavored Ramen was placed before him.

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Takeshi's eyes widened with surprised at the guy's outspoken personality. For a lot of other people, that comment would have been seen as rude or inappropriate. Takeshi on the other had a seemingly endless amount of patience when it came to just about anything. His patience could even be seen as a sort of weakness since it took him a long time to get fired up in any way.  Takeshi turned his head towards his incoming bowl of ramen and smiled a bit. Before he slurped up a bite of the ramen, Takeshi decided to say something to "strike up a conversation".

You seem to have a big appetite, did you do some intense training today or somethin?

Takeshi then took a bite out of the noodles as he waited for the guy to reply.



Rinshi sat arms still folded and opened his eyes, explaining to the boy, "Oh no training, I'm just hungry."  Rinshi then reached for his chop sticks, pulling them apart, he then reached for a piece of beef and pork wrapping them around the noodles, and brought to his mouth and began to chew.

Rinshi felt the warm salty sweet taste, of pork and beef, along with the noodles run down his throat. Before he continued he asked the boy, Hey so whats your name, I see that your a ninja as well, what squad are you apart?

Rinshi sat awaiting for the boys reply as he continued eating his bowl.



Takeshi heard both of the boy's statement, and would had replied but he had his mouth full. He didn't remember this place being so good, no wonder people came her a lot. Takeshi still preferred his mother's home cooking, but he would definitely come here when wanted a snack. As he slurped up another bite of noodles, being careful not to let the juice go wildly everywhere. He heard the boy ask him a question about his name and what squad he was in. After chewing up the food in his mouth, he turned to the guy and got ready to answer his questions.

My name is Takeshi Uzumaki, and this red hair of fine is just one of their trademarks.

This caused Takeshi to pause for second and think why did the Uzumaki's have red hair. This thought quickly went away as he remembered he was trying to have a conversation.

As for my squad, well that's kind of a funny story. You see, I never had a squad of my own, this whole time I've just basically been going on missions on my own. Just like this last B rank I came from, as for my rank. I'm a chuunin, so at this point I don't really need a squad any more.

Takeshi turned his head to his bowl of noodles and took another chunk out of the noodle count. While still looking at his bowl of noodles, he began to speak again.

So, its your turn now. What's your name and your rank, and what squad are you part of.

As he waited for the guy to reply, he began to eat some more of his noodles, before they got too cold. Cold noodles were the worst in Takeshi's opinion.



Rinshi slightly blanking out a good majority of Takeshi statements as such, My name is Takeshi Uzumaki, and this red hair of fine is just one of their trademarks. 

Rinshi, finally able to pull his mouth away from his delicious bowl of heaven, faced the boy slurping a noodle into his mouth and acknowledged the boys request.  "My name is, Rinshi Hyuga, Genin and a member of Konohagakure's famous Squad 5, Tatsumaru Uchiha, Niko Hatake, Sojiro Aburame, and myself." Rinshi paused noticing his bowl was empty, grabbed the bowl, drinking the salty sweet contents, he placed the bowl on the table, and beckoned to the cook, "Pops another bowl, im not even close to full!!!"

Rinshi now reengaged into the conversation, "As for you, being apart of the Uzumaki clan is quite an accolade, its quite an honor to meet you."



Takeshi stopped eating for a second and thought about what Rinshi said. His statement, even though he meant it as a compliment, depressed Takeshi for a minute. Takeshi's mother told stories about how the Uzumaki clan once was. How they were once a powerful village that coexisted with Konoha and how they developed new sealing techniques. Some how which are still used to this very day, but then they were destroyed. Other villages were starting to fear the Uzumaki clan's ever growing arsenal of sealing techniques, along with their powerful chakra. Ever since then, the Uzumaki clan has been scattered all over the earth. A good number of their techniques were lost, but probably the most impactful loss, was the loss of their culture.

Takeshi considered himself lucky that his parents managed to find a nice living in Konoha. The village that always had a good relationship with the Uzumaki clan, they even still use the clan's symbol on a lot of things in the village. Konoha even incorporated the symbol on the village's flak jackets. Takeshi then realized that he got lost in thought. So he took another mouth full of noodles and after eating it, turned to Rinshi. Thank you for the compliment, its my first time meeting someone of the Hyuga clan myself. I've always wondered, is it true that there is two separate families within the Hyuga clan?



Rinshi sat in the booth with his arms folded, listening to Takeshi's question, Thank you for the compliment, its my first time meeting someone of the Hyuga clan myself. I've always wondered, is it true that there is two separate families within the Hyuga clan?

Rinshi unfolded his arms, and slid out of the booth, and approached the stool next to Takeshi. He sat down at the stool, "Sorry, talking from a distance, was rather, uncomfortable." He looked at Takeshi, his eyes were dark brown, from a distance they looked black, his hair was a very bright red almost pinkish. Rinshi reached for his chopsticks as his 11th bowl of Ramen was placed before him, he pulled the chop sticks apart, but before he began to answer the boys question he sat there thinking.

Rinshi sat hunched over the bowl of Ramen, he sat motionless, recalling the story of Neji and Hinata Hyuga, some of the afamed members from their clan, that his mother and father told him as a child. Many years ago, The Hyuga clan was a strong support in Konoha's military strength, back then was the reign of the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi. Of the Hyuga Clan's next generation of shinobi, were 3 children. Hinata was born into the Main Family of the Hyuga Clan, while Neji was born into the Branch Family. Neji was the stronger one between them, while Hinata was shunned by her father Hiashi, who then decided to continue training her younger sister, Hanabi, instead of her. A year after Neji graduated, Hinata graduated from the Academy. That same year Konoha hosted the Chunin Exams, Hinata, as well as 8 other 1st year Genin were elected by there Sensei's to participate, they were refered to as the Rookie 9. Before the final test, there was a preliminary round due to there being more Genin that passed the 2nd test. Neji and Hinata, were to battle, Neji obviously being the favorite to win, Hinata bravely fought him anyway, but sadly suffered defeat. Years later after the Invasion of Konoha during the Chunin Exams, 7 of the Genin were now Jounin, including Hinata and Neji. During the 3rd Great Shinobi War, Neji and Hinata seemed to have settled their differences in a effort to stop the one known as Zetsu's white army. During this battle, the two fought vigorously and came out victorious. Neji however died, I actually cant remember if he was killed in battle or not. Hinata continued on in the battle against the Jyuubi, as the Rookie 9 were the worlds only saviors. Neji and Hinata's valiant stand against Zetsu's white army, caused the leaders of the Hyuga Clan, to decide that the seperation of the familys, should no longer exist. To this very day the Hyuga clan is no longer divided, and the Clan has never been stronger.

Rinshi, coming back to reality, realized he was in the middle of a conversation, "Actually, the houses of the Hyuga Clan have not been divided for decades. As for you, is it true all members of the Uzumaki are experienced in Sealing Techniques?"



Takeshi watched Rinshi as he looked to be in deep thought. Takeshi figured that he might have been thinking of his clan's history, though Takeshi wasn't sure. The history of a lot of clans seemed to be tragic, and even though Takeshi never did any research about too many clans, he was still told the history of some of Konoha's strongest clans. One would of course be the Uzumaki's, however the strongest clans that Takeshi knows about is the Senju and the Uchiha who founded the village. That is a long story that Takeshi didn't feel like thinking about at the moment. Then he noticed that Rinshi asked him another question. He asked Takeshi about the Uzumaki sealing techniques that were passed down from generation to generation. That was of course before the Uzumaki clan was attacked. Takeshi turned to Rinshi to answer his question.  Maybe, before the clansmen had to scatter. Now since most of the practices were lost to time, it is hard to know how many who call themselves Uzumaki actually know the history of the clan, let alone our techniques. Fortunately, my mother was able to teach me a portion of the techniques.

Takeshi turned back around to eat another chunk of noodles before turning back to Rinshi. Tell me something Rinshi, what is it like to have Tatsumaru Uchiha as a sensei?



Rinshi, already with noodles and pieces of beef hanging from his mouth, he dropped the content back into the bowl hoping his new acquaintance would not notice.  He heard Takeshi explaining his clan's history, Maybe, before the clansmen had to scatter. Now since most of the practices were lost to time, it is hard to know how many who call themselves Uzumaki actually know the history of the clan, let alone our techniques. Fortunately, my mother was able to teach me a portion of the techniques.

"I see, well whatever the case, I would expect your mother passed down a great skill to you." Rinshi smiled at the red headed boy, the two rebegan their assault on the bowls of Ramen before them. Takeshi then stopped eating, "
Tell me something Rinshi, what is it like to have Tatsumaru Uchiha as a sensei?"

Rinshi stopped to briefly recall the bell test, he then picked a piece of pork wrappen in noodles with his chop sticks.  Rinshi then stopped placed his chop sticks ontop of the bowl. Rinshi shrugged his shoulders, "Well its not that bad, we do some pretty intense training, and when he tested our combat abilities for the first time, he gave us the bell test. I was no match for Tatsumaru so i decided to help Niko and Sojiro at what ever costs." Rinshi looked at the clock as it read, 1:30 am. Rinshi picked up his chop sticks and continues eating.

Rinshi finished his bowl of noodles, but before he stood he took a few brief seconds to say, "Well Takeshi Uzumaki, I'm gonna try to get get some Taijutsu training in tomorrow, you should join me.  I'll be in Rolling Hills outside of Konoha." Rinshi stood from his stool, and placed his right hand in his pocket, and began walking out of the diner. "Ciao, my friend." Rinshi said as he waved without looking back.



Takeshi watched as Rinshi left the ramen stand, and as he finished his bowl of ramen he slowly started to get up. As he got up from his stool he felt a hand on his shoulder, instinctively he felt the urge to string some hand seals together. However, after he looked back he saw that it was the chef. Takeshi smiled and pointed to the ryo he laid down on the counter for his bowl. The chef then pointed to the rest of the bowls, and Takeshi's heart dropped. He ended up having to pay for Rinshi's bowls as well, which turn out to be very expensive. Tsk, kids these days...Takeshi grumbled to himself as he went on his way back home. He would definitely get some pay back next time he saw Rinshi.

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