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1Killing Bacon Time [D-Rank, WIP] Empty Killing Bacon Time [D-Rank, WIP] Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:35 pm



It was a rather interesting day for Saiyuki. She had heard plenty of rumors about a beast roaming through the land. Like a vandal the beast had caused a major interest with its breaking and crashing farms. The rumors were spreading like a disease, she could hear them from everyone single direction. All the talking made Sai quite curious. Her head didn't think and her different lensed eyes would be closed to fully concentrate on the conversations around her. She would pick up every little detail of the vicious beast and calculate how this 'monster' would look like. Her ears picked up a low voice saying a boar had been given the villages a massive irritation by ruining the green creations of Mother Earth. Her head led her body closer to the two men chatting about the oh so famous topic. She arrived at a typical cafe for men. It had the weapons hanging on the dark wood walls. The awful beer smell could be sensed a mile away. When Saiyuki let her little fingers slide over one of the tables it felt as if a dagger had been doing his best to kill the wood on it. Saiyuki used her charms to get closer and closer to the two men. One was quite a old one and that also was the other person. Saiyuki acted as if she wanted to know what they were drinking, while eavesdropping on their conversation.

They were indeed talking about a boar that went wild. One of the men had a farm and the stash of bacon had ruined it. After the men noticed Sai listening they stopped talking about it and looked at Sai as if they were double 0 agents talking about classified information.
Saiyuki now ran off toward the Administration Building wanting to ask if there was any new mission for her. Lilith ran through her files trying to find an good mission for Saiyuki. "Here is one. 'Kill The Boar'. You will have to kill the boar who has been terrorizingthe villagers and killing their crops. Will you take it, Saiyuki?" Sai nodded at everything the person said and after she was done speaking Sai said she would gladly take the mission.

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