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1There's a Fly in my Soup[D-Rank Mission] Empty There's a Fly in my Soup[D-Rank Mission] Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:53 pm


There's a Fly in my Soup[D-Rank Mission] Day 1






The sounds of an alarm clock being smashed to billions of pieces, is a common occurrence for those who find themselves living in the same apartment complex as Nanashi. The teenager had a tendency of not being the most friendliest individual during the wee morning hours, usually taking out his frustration on the clock. It not that the teenager didn't like getting up in the morning – in fact he usually gets up an hour or two before the alarm even goes off. It's just that the beeping of it was annoying, especially when he has a proclivity in forgetting to turn it off – on a regular bases. Needless to say numerous of clocks lost their lives through such forgetfulness. Moving away from the futon, Nanashi began too go through the standard morning ritual; restroom, teeth brushing, bath, etc. All the while thinking about the mission that he managed to pick up at the last minute yesterday.

A new shop had opened up and were shorthanded, needing an additional hand or two. Nanashi instantly picked the mission, seeing the parameters being something that he had done years prior becoming a shinobi. Even better after contacting the owner, he agreed to allow Nanashi to come there as a Geisha, seeing how the latter technique was one and it could become a hit for the business. So it were a win-win for both, the establishment gets themselves a Geisha and Nanashi gets to do something that he loves. The fact that the owner had prior dealings with Nanashi, didn't have no sway in the matter. Nope not at all. With that in mind Nanashi began the painstaking process of putting on the geisha entire, including the make up. Within an hour and a half, Nanashi the shinobi didn't exit his apartment. But Nanashi the male Geisha did.

[Two Hours Later, three hours after the shop opening]
“Didn't know that Iwagakure, had Geisha.” A visiting patron said, talking to a fellow customer about the male geisha who had just left their table, after taking their orders. The Geisha's movements were graceful and elegant, no movement was wasted, everything were perfect. A true testament to the man's skill at the art.

“Actually we don't. Geisha usually can't be founded within the village, for they are more common in other parts of Tsuchi no Kuni.” The other customer said, sipping on a cup of tea that had just arrived.

“Though this particular Geisha, I had the luxury of meeting once before, when I was visiting other places in Tsuchi no Kuni. I appreciate the art and can honestly say he has improved more, if that even possible.”

Nanashi, the Geisha in question couldn't help but to mentally smile at the moment of the patrons, as he glided through the now crowded restaurant carrying two full strays of foods and drinks to their respective table – balancing them with incredible ease. Making some of the other workers wonder how makes it look easy. The restaurant in question had quickly got packed within thirty minutes of him arriving there this morning, no small part by the owner promoting it constant and letting it slip that one of their workers is a Geisha at the last minute. And thus the snowball effect happen, someone told someone else, they told their friends, friends told family, etc. the end result is a crowded restaurant and the owner seeing dollar signs. As for Nanashi, he was simply enjoying himself and no it didn't have to do with the fact he's getting paid or doing something he loved.

Not at all.

12 ½ Hours later, 30 Minutes after Restaurant closed

Wiping down the last table, Nanashi began to make his way towards the back of the establishment, where the owner where located. Needless to say the opening day of the restaurant was a success, there wasn't a moment where it wasn't packed with hungry customers. Nanashi himself couldn't fathom how much money was made today – then again it wasn't his job to think about that anyway.

“Thanks for the help.” Jinzo, the owner of the restaurant said, filling out the mission statement, while leaving a comment on how well the genin did. The owner was thoroughly impressed with Nanashi work ethic, never once did the young man complain about the workload placed on him, in fact it seemed like he enjoyed it immensely. Then again considering his former occupation the owner can see why.

“If it isn't too much trouble, I wouldn't mine having you work here again. I mean that's if you want it.” Handing the scroll to Nanashi with the given information, the owner waited for a response, while secretly hoping it would be the one he wanted.

Nanashi didn't have think about it long before coming to answering the question and making his way out of the building, heading towards the administration building to turn in his missions.

“Sure, I'll come back sooner or later.”

Word Count: [849/600]

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