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1Tsukidame(WIP) Empty Tsukidame(WIP) Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:10 am



   Tsukidame(WIP) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQ9rEAznsECbxiMv01O_T251JrbbhUmY0Enq59xpIeBpIvdS-7
   Clan:Tsukidame Clan

   Kekkei Genkai:Moon Release (Tsukiton) and Star Release (Hoshiton)


   Specialization:Ninjutsu, Genjutsu


   Clan History: The Tsukidame Clan was an useless family. They were all hired as slaves and so on. One day, they discovered the powers had possessed all the time. They were able to use the cosmic as a source of their powers. First, these powers were discovered by two men who each possessed one from those two releases. They trained together, laughed together but in the end, they stared arguing about who was more powerful. Soon, a fight started before the very own eyes of the clan‘s elders. Another man from this clan found out that he was possessing the same abilities. Being able to master both techniques, he was able to defeat both of them. From that day on, this story has been passed from generations to generations in order to know who was the one that had developed all the jutsus the Tsukidame Clan is using these days. From that day on, that man is known as “Sage of the Tsukidame“.

   Kekkei Genkai Description:The user is able to use the unique abilities of this clan: The Moon Release and the Star Release. Both of them can only be used when outside is night time.[The Moon Release Requieres the moon to be on the sky and the Stars Release requieres the stars to be on the sky (with some exceptions for the jutsus that use their user's power instead of getting it from the Moon/Stars. These Jutsus are usually S-Rank or higher but there were some exceptions for some A-Rank Jutsus.)].
The Moon Release is specialised in using the moon's special powers in order to create jutsus with it's energy. It can be specially used for Genjutsu. The Rank of the Moon Release the user possesses is equal to the Rank he has in Genjutsu.
The Star Release is based on the star's powers in order to create very powerful jutsus. It is specially used for Ninjutsu. The Rank of the Star Release the User Possesses is equal to the Rank he has in Ninjutsu.

   Drawbacks: Once the night hasn't come, the user is incapable of using both the Moon Release nor the Star Release (with some exceptions). Also, the user is not allowed to learn Raiton Techniques.

   Members:None for now(In the future, my character will be the clan leader)

   Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

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