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Juro woke up with his second mission. After Kyramu awoke, Juro got his close on and tightened his headband around his forehead. Kyramu climbed on to juro's head and sat down on it. Juro chuckled and headed out the door. Aware that the suspects are in their twenties, Juro was cautious, how was he going to find them? Well, it wasn't that hard, considering that their was garbage everywhere. He followed the path but turns out, the wasn't a clear one. Garbage everywhere he turned.

Eventually, Juro found some thugs walking around. One through a rapper on the floor. Well that wasn't so hard. Based on the information he was given, they were to been in their twenties. It seemed about right. Kyramu then jumped off juro's head and ran right infront of them and started barking. One of the members stopped. "Awww...pooch thinks it can boss us around." One of the men said. The overly muscular man was about to kick Kyramu when Juro appeared landed of him. Juro spoke to the thugs.

"Look, I don't like this as much as you do....well maybe not," Juro laughed at his bad attempt at a joke,"Anyway, By order of the Hokage, You are to be arrested for littering. Just fade the consequences so I don't have to lose force, I hate battling people who aren't worth battling." Juro was smirking. Based on the description, the one who attacked Kyramu was Jako Dakkinju. The one on his left was Tadao Fugumi and the one on the right was Haizen Tenzo.

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