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1It's Kind of a Funny Story [Solo]  Empty It's Kind of a Funny Story [Solo] Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:23 am



The elders of the Senju clan never hesitated to send Kyo to the hospital whenever there was the smallest thing wrong with her. Kyo assumed that they were waiting for one of the doctors to finally declare that she was completely insane, thus letting the elders of the young woman's clan substitute her with someone that they deemed more fit. But this was only Kyo's theory. In reality, the elders thought of the girl as frail and much too important for the clan's functioning to lose. Hence, they had become somewhat overprotective of the young Kyo, especially since she had lost most of her family. Of course, these were the same people that refused to believe Kyo when she told them that her parents and older sibling were in fact murdered. But that was a discussion that Kyo had long given up on. In any case, when Kyo found that she had difficulty breathing, they sent her over there almost instantly. She had gotten back from a mission and had found that her stamina was greatly reduced. She thought that was just a part of her exhaustion from doing so much and resting so little. But then breathing became more difficult. Simply breathing would reduce her to the point of exhaustion. But long before that, she had already been placed under medical care, much to her dismay. It had been a day or two and they had yet to figure out what was wrong with her, exactly.

An oxygen mask covered her face, helping her breathe. She was quite sure that she could do that on her own. She would roll her eyes every time a nurse came into the room, demanding that she take her medication or some other nonsense. Really, she felt fine. She hadn't been injured during her assignment, just a few cuts and bruises here and there. The rest was fine. She could take care of herself. She had been doing so almost her entire life. She was fine, really. There was no real need to spend her valuable time locked in a room. Besides, she had a pet to feed, lest it begin feeding on buried corpses like it used to when Kyo found the damn thing. She peeled herself off of the bed. It was nighttime, which meant that the nurses were likely asleep or paying the minimal amount of attention. Kyo would have to be quiet and go by unnoticed. Well, she was an expert at that already, so the task at hand wouldn't be so hard. They didn't have a machine attached to her that monitored her vitals, which meant that the nurses wouldn't be alerted of the fact that she had gotten out of bed.

The young kunoichi ripped herself off of the bed, being careful to be as quiet as possible. She removed the oxygen mask from her face. Her breathing was still labored and weak, but she attributed that to the lack of rest, seeing as the nurses stepped into her room and woke her up every hour or so. God forbid that the leader of one of the oldest clans in Konoha be debilitated by any form of disease. Kyo rolled her eyes. People seemed to panic whenever the clan's image was at stake. During any other time, Kyo was left completely alone. It struck her as hypocrisy. In reality, her clansmen were intimidated by her cold gaze. They assumed that she would rather be alone than be accompanied by any of them. Well, it was all a big misunderstanding that neither party was aware of.

In any case, Kyo made her way through the hospital's corridors, making sure that she avoided the nurses and doctors on call. She did so with success and finally exited through the doors of Konoha's hospital. The streets around her were virtually empty. She adjusted the robe that the hospital had given her so that it provided a little more warmth in the chilly atmosphere. Thankfully, the garment she got resembled more of a bathrobe than the typical hospital gown. She still looked strange, but Kyo didn't care. She hardly ever did. All she needed to do now was make her way back to the Senju household and call it a night. She would wake up early the following morning and she would resume her training routine that had been so rudely interrupted. She didn't notice her breathing getting heavier and heavier as she walked across the empty roads. She didn't notice at which point she collapsed on the ground, nor when her sight began to falter. But regardless of those details, the young woman had collapsed on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Her breathing was labored and shallow. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to leave the hospital after all.

2It's Kind of a Funny Story [Solo]  Empty Re: It's Kind of a Funny Story [Solo] Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:30 am


Tatsumaru stepped out of the hospital's main entrance with a sigh. He had just had four vials of blood drawn to check on his vitals. The basic check-ups involved with a congenital lung disorder. With nothing else to do today, Tatsumaru simply picked a position and walked in it. After a minute or so, he saw a silhouette in the distance, it appeared as though someone had collapsed. Tatsumaru ran up towards the figure, to see it was a young woman, who was lying face down in the dirt. Grasping her shoulder, Tatsumaru rolled her over to see... Kyo Senju. She was completely out of it, and barely breathing. He froze for a moment, hesitating. The head of the Senju clan sat in his grasp. He could turn her into a smear on the pavement and nobody would know. For an instant, Tatsumaru found himself raising his fist, ready to strike her down, but he stopped himself. It didn't feel right. Checking her pulse, Tatsumaru found her heart rate was slowing down, as was expected from someone who wasn't breathing properly. They panicked, then they blacked out, the heart rate sped up, then dropped slowly. Tatsumaru wasn't a medic, but he knew a lot about repository problems, considering he had them himself. Picking Kyo up, Tatsumaru began to head towards his house. If there was one person who could treat it, it would be Shiho. She was a talented shinobi, and a brilliant medic.

Tatsumaru got there quickly, as he didn't exactly waste time. He laid her down on their bed, before going to find Shiho. He found her outside, staring at the sky. "Shiho. I found Kyo. She's on our bed, she needs medical attention." Tatsumaru spoke in a cold tone, attempting to hide his concern. Shiho nodded and headed off to the room, stopping to kiss him softly on the lips and whisper "Thank you." Tatsumaru sighed, staring at the sky for a moment. He had just saved the leader of the Senju clan. That would come to bite him on the ass for sure. Still, it felt wrong putting her down like a sick dog. Regardless, he had done what he could, it was time for him to leave and find something better to do.

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