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1Training a few Jutsus [Private/Training] Empty Training a few Jutsus [Private/Training] Mon May 27, 2013 11:11 am




Today, Binsu had been woken up by the sound of his alarm clock right after a strange nightmare, which seemed to always occur on Fridays. It involved Hades, and he being out of control. He went on a rampage around the village, all because Binsu hadn’t let him go for a walk alone, but he soon came to regret that choice, as there was no way at all that he could control him. Just as he was about to use his claw jutsu on Binsu, the dream ended by the sound of his alarm clock and Binsu found himself starring up at the roof of his building. The thing that scared him the most about that nightmare was that it could come true one day. Nothing in it was as he would say, abnormal. Hades usually threw tantrums every now and then when he didn’t get his way, but none as serious as rampaging an entire village, though there was a slight possibility that it could happen. Today, Binsu was going to learn three, brand new jutsus. One of them was a fuuinjutsu that would allow him to summon his large Kappatsuna blade to his location nomatter where it was in the world. He had designed the jutsu to be similar to the generic sealing technique, but rather than sealing and summoning an object to and from a scroll, he'd just be able to summon his item of choice towards his location. he had earlier on chose the Arbiter's Grounds to be his training location, as people always described it as a sad but peaceful place.

Later on that day, Binsu and Hades made their way towards Arbiter's Grounds, and upon arriving, Binsu straight away prepared to learn his new techniques; quickly taking out two similar seal tags, one labeled 'Home' and the other 'Location' in the Japanese Kanji symbol. His new technique was called, 'the retrieval seal'. Not long ago, Binsu had learnt and practised the art of Fuuinjutsu, though he had only trained it up to its minimum rank. Still, he didn't require a high ranked level of fuuinjutsu to learn his new technique, for it was alost as basic as the generic sealing technique. 'Ok, so the overall goal of this sealing jutsu, is to be able to summon this Location tag, to the same location as the Home tag,' Binsu thought to himself, before placing both of the small parchment papers on the ground just in front of him, approximately 10cm away from each other. He would then perform a series of handsigns, starting with the dog, then the boar, then the serpent and finishing off the pattern with the dragon handsign. After a brief moment of nothingness, a puff of smoke appeared from nowhere and for a second or two, none of the pieces of the parchment papers could be seen by neither Binsu nor Hades, but after a few seconds went by and the smoke cleared, the Location tag had appeared to have 'Jumped' to the same location as the Home tag, as they were now stacked on top of each other. 'Good, got the first part down,' thought Binsu, ' for the second part.' Binsu then unsheathed his large Kappatsuna blade from his back and wrapped the Location tag around its handle. He then took the Home tag and wrapped it around his right wrist. He picked up his Kappatsuna blade with one hand and then threw it about 5m away from where he was. He then instead, decided to only perform the half-dragon handsign to perform the jutsu, and after he had made the handsign with his left arm, a cloud of smoke appeared both around the blade and around Binsu's wrist. After the smoke had cleared, the Kappatsuna blade was held in Binsu's right hand; a sign that the sealing jutsu was a success. He then placed his sword back over his back and prepared himself for the next technique he had to learn.

Training: Retrieval Seal *Jutsu* E - rank
{Wordcount: 672/500}




Once Binsu had successfully finished mastering his brand new, E ranked fuuinjutsu, he decided to step up his game by learning a much more, advanced technique he had read books about but had never attempted to learn it until now. The jutsu was called ‘Hiding like a mole technique’: it allowed users to freely move around whilst submerged underground, as if they were swimming in earth. Binsu was highly skilled in Ninjutsu, and his skill with Doton was above that of the average nin’s level. The hiding like a mole technique, required exceptional skill in utilizing Doton as an element and required some skill in that art of Ninjutsu, both of which Binsu had. The first thing he had to practise doing, in order to master the technique, was practise making the ground beneath his feet, soft enough for him to ‘dive’ under in. He needed it as fine as sand, but still hard enough to maintain its form. After weaving together a series of hand signs, Binsu concentrated hard on changing the density of the earth around his feet, so that it was low enough for him to fall right into, after a few attempts at this, nothing seemed to happen to the earth. It didn’t change in any way, or any way visible at least. Binsu then decided to have contact with the earth, as he tried to do it for a fifth time.

Finally, after the fifth go, Binsu finally managed to lower the density of the earth around him so much, that he felt knee deep into the ground, before he stopped sinking. Although the achievement didn’t seem like much, it was an achievement nonetheless. Glad with his results so far, Binsu attempted to make himself sink even lower, but only manage to sink half of his body into the earth, or at least up to his waist. He tried doing the same hand sign sequence over and over again, but then decided to add even more chakra into the technique. Before, he had been trying to do this technique with only C ranked chakra, but now he was infusing B ranked chakra into the technique. With determination, Binsu managed to fully submerge his entire body, from head to toe, underneath the earth, but soon after pushed himself back up to the surface, before making any attempts at the jutsu once more. He sat down next to Hades and decided to think up a few ways of how he could improve this technique. ’Hm, maybe I could bend down lower, just before doing the technique,’ but none of his ideas seemed promising, even to him. He quickly got up from the spot he was sitting at, and made his way back to his training area, leaving the large polar to sit alone and observe the clouds in the sky, mind filled with thoughts of boredom most likely. Without wasting a second, Binsu quickly performed once more, the same hand sign sequence, and like before was able to fully submerge himself underground. Strangely enough, this time around he was breathing like normal; unlike before, where his breathing was much heavier than usual. Earlier, he had felt as if he was trying to breathe in and out, whilst someone was pressing in his chest and stomach, but this time around he felt no pressure against his chest. He then attempted to do something he hadn’t yet tried: moving around whilst underground. At first, he was able to move about a meter forwards, but then when he tried to go any further, his muscles would tense up and he’d feel the inability to move.

The feeling of not being able to move, only lasted for about a minute or two, after that, Binsu could feel himself moving forwards once more. He made a guess, that all it took was practise, and he was going to attempt to successfully move, whilst underground, up to a distance of 10m. Firstly, he emerged himself from underground, and then re-submerged himself after completing the same set of hand signs. As if he were learning how to ride a bike, the process was becoming much easier and easier every time he repeated the jutsu over and over. In the first five minutes of practising, he was able to move 5m forwards, 2m west and then back to where he originally started, before he ran out of breathe and he forced himself back up to the surface. After ten minutes had gone by, Binsu was able to travel underground to a distance of 10m, and was able to easily move around anywhere he liked, as long as it was a distance of 10m or less away from the position he started at. After a few more hours of none-stop travelling in and out of the earth, at a distance of 10m, Binsu decided to take another rest, as he now made his way towards his companion Hades. ”That is quite the jutsu you are learning there,” spoke Hades, as he slowly got up to sit on all fours right next to Binsu. ”It’s going to be far more useful than you,” Binsu would joke around with the bear, but it didn’t seem to see the humour in the sentence.

After a few more moments of rest, Binsu would rise from his sitting position and make his way back towards his practise area. Although his techqnique was virtually ready to use, he wanted to practise travelling at greater distances than he already could for the amount of chakra it was costing him to use this jutsu. He repeated the same hand sign sequence as before and then channeled doton chakra into the ground not far down underneath his feet and within seconds, he was back underneath the ground. With a hint of determination, Binsu moved himself 10m forwards, but dared to move for another 5m. It took a bit of time and extra work, but alas Binsu was able to move up to 15m forwards whilst underneath the ground, though he did notice that each time he did the technique, his speed decreased everytime he tried to move around whilst submerged underneath the ground. 'This is still not far enough. For the amount of chakra i'm exerting, i need to be able to move more than 20m per try,' he thought to himself, before emerging himself above ground, before trying the jutsu once more. With the same hand sign sequence completed, Binsu found himself back underneath the ground and trying for the 20th time to improve the distance of which he could travel underground for. First, he reached 10m with ease, then moved another 5m forwards. Then, whithout thinking about it much, he managed to move for yet another 5m forwards, making 20m the overall distance he covered whilst underneath the ground. 'Yes,' Binsu thought to hismelf, but the jutsu wasn't quite yet complete. Now that he had covered the distant part of the jutsu he had to work to the depth part of it. So far, he was only able to submerge himself as far down underground as 2m, but again, with the amount of chakra he was putting into the jutsu, he wnated to be able to go down much further than that. He threaded the same hand signs, before re-submerging himself back into the ground. This time, he tried his best to focus on moving down, further down into the earth, rather than moving forwards. On his first attempt, he managed to get as far down as 5m, then on his fourth attempt he managed to go as far down as 10m. He emerged back from underneath the ground, before taking a short moment of rest, though this break was shorter than the others, and was only used by Binsu to catch his breathe before going back underneatht he ground.

With the exact same hand sign sequence threaded, Binsu was back underneath the ground in seconds and had already started making his attempt at going deeper down under the ground than his last attempt. On his first try, he managed to get 5m down under the ground, then on his second attempt he managed to get 7, but then managed to get as far down as 10m in his third attempt. He then stopped for a few seconds, before making his attempt at going even further down underneath the ground. He managed to get down to 11m, then after two more tries reached 15m. Whilst underground still, Binsu noticed that for no extra chakra drainage, he was able to move around even whilst as deep as 10m into the ground. After taking a short pause, he tried to go down to 20m, but on his first and second attempts he failed. He then tried it for the third time, and with luck, he managed to reach a depth of 20m, but soon went back up to the surface and emerged from the same spot he had went down under the ground from: his technique, completed.

Training: Hiding in the Mole Technique *Jutsu* B-rank

{Wordcount: 1511/1500}

Last edited by Binsu on Tue May 28, 2013 3:10 am; edited 1 time in total




Alas, Binsu had finished training both his retrieval seal fuinjutsu and hiding like a mole technique, but was still left with one jutsu still to learn and master. The hiding like a mole technique would later on proove useful, especially to Binsu, since he had been offered a spot in the respective ANBU organaization as an ANBU captain, but he knew very well that he couldn't possibly accept the offer until he had a fair amount of jutsus in his arsenal. He hadn't been 'asked to join', realistically, but had been considered for the spot, but the final decision was going to be based off of how much jutsus and techniques he had in his arsenal. It was mainly because of this, that Binsu decided to train the two new techniques he had read about in a book and one he had made up on his own from scratch, in hopes that it maybe just enough to get the elders to accept him in as their very first member in the corpes. For the first time in his life, Binsu had decided to persue the very same goal he had been aiming for ever since he was a child, though not until now had he actually felt ready to take on the responsibility. He knew that life would never be the same again, should he be accepted, and that he'd need to devote most of his time in helping the village's needs, but that was a small price to pay to ensure the safety of his home. As for right now, he had to focus his mind on the task at hand: he had successfully learnt and mastered two techniques already, but still had one more to train. The next jutsu on his list, was the Mud clone jutsu: a jutsu that he had always wanted t learn ever since he had mastered his doton up to S rank. He decided to sit down for a moment, and whilst he rests he'd think up of different ways in which to train the technique by, hoping to use the one that seemed the easiest of course. He now made his way towards Hades, before seating himself just besides the bear and resting against its large belly.

'So, the last technique is a mud clone jutsu,' Binsu thought to himself. 'I'll need to first learn how to shape the mud into a life-size scale model of me, then master changing its appearance to resemble me in every way. After that. i'll focus on moving the clone, before finally working on its trapping properties.' Binsu had already come up with a few ideas on what the clone should actually be like: it should resemble him in looks as like any other clone jutsu, but it must be made up of mud. When it is hit with attacks one rank lower than it and below, it must be able to reform back to its original form, but because it is based souly on Doton chakra, any Raiton attack would do more damage to the clone than any other jutsu/element. To start off his training, Binsu rose up from his sitting position and went to stand but a few meters away from his pal Hades. He then went over the sequence of hand signs he was going to use for the technique, before he decided it was time to start practising it.

After completing the sheep, boar and sheep hand signs, Binsu managed to emerge anm odd, blob-like shape from the ground, only a meter in front of him. He was able to maintain its shape without the need to feed chakra into it, but the difficult part was forming it into the shape of a human being. He made three attempts at stretching the sides of the blob and tried to give the blob some arms and legs, but it was useless: the arms and legs looked too much like sticks, rather than limbs. After another attempt at shaping the arms of the clone, Binsu managed to shape the stick-like limbs into perfect arms and legs. He then shaped the torso, finding it easier to shape this part of the body, before giving the blob a head. Within minutes, the shape of the mud clone looked that identical to Binsu: it was wearing the exact same thigns as Binsu and even had his three swords on it in the same locations as Binsu. The only difference in the clone, from the real Binsu, was the colour: the clone was simply brown, as mud should be. It took him more time and chakra to give the clone colour, but once he had done so the clone looked exactly identical to Binsu. Now that he had gotten the shape and form of the clone, he had to bring it to life.

A motionless clone, was just a statue of the real thing, so Binsu decided to start practising moving the clone, as if it were really he himself. 'Hmm, the clones have to mimic the same style of moving i do, otherwise my opponets will be able to pick out the difference between the real me and my clones,' Binsu thought to himself, as he now went over to stand directly in front and parallel to the clone. He lifted his arm up and the clone mimiced him, but not in the same way as he had done, so Binsu brought his arm back down and repeated this exercise until the clone had mimiced him perfectly. It took the clone 15 attempts to mimic Binsu exactly, but had done it nonetheless. After a few more hours spent on training the clone to move in the exact same way as Binsu did, Binsu decided to move onto teaching the clone how to do basic things, such as throw kunai/shuriken/senbon, dodge and evade from the most basic of attacks. He made his clone stand directly in front of him, before punching it once in the head, in hopes that it had the senses enough to evade from the attack, but sadly the clone took the hit without even attempting to avoid the attack. 'Hmm, obviously they won't be able to use any of the jutsus i do, nor can they wield a blade, but maybe i can give them a special ability of their own,' Binsu thought. Remembering that the clones were made up of mud, Binsu decided to give these cloens the ability to reform when hit, but they would only be able to constantly reform from attacks C rank and below, but would also be able to take up to 2 hits from an attack the same rank as them before they dissipate. Raiton was strong against rock, so the clones would be weak to raiton-based attacks. With this thought made up in his mind, Binsu looked into the eyes of the clone, knowing already that it already knew of his plan. Binsu unsheathed his Hakujona blade, a C rank katana, before charging towards his clone with full speed. The clones, just like Binsu, all would have enhanced Agility and Fast reflexes, just like the original Binsu had. Once he had reached the clone, Binsu sent a horizontal slash, right through the clone's waist, but thankfully after the blade had come out through the other end, the cut that had separeted the clone's upper body from its lower body had cleared up and the clone remained unharmed. It then leapt away from Binsu abotu 5m, took out a kunai he had earlier given it and it sent it flying towards Binsu's head, but thanks to his fast reflexes and enhanced agility, he managed to easily step away from the attack and let the kunai fly past. Binsu was impressed: he had fully mastered the mud clone jutsu. After disspersing his clone, he made his way towards Hades, picking up the kunai his clone had used on him as he walked past it. Today, he had managed to learn three, brand new techniques in under 14 hours, which to him was an incredible achievement.

Training: Mud Clone Jutsu *Jutsu* B-rank
{Wordcount: 524/1350 *10% off 1500 WC because of fast leaner SC*}

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