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1Deliver Supplies~D-rank (Private) Empty Deliver Supplies~D-rank (Private) Sun May 26, 2013 12:44 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Weeks had gone by since his C-rank mission. It was recommended that he take some time off after his bloody battle with those alley dwelling terrorists. However, Kenji had already come to terms with killing another person, he didn’t necessarily want to, but he had to, those ghouls had terrorized the community long enough and something had to be done. After the second week of boredom, Kenji was fed up and politely requested that he be given something. He asked and he received. The very next day he was given a D-rank mission.
Kenji was unusually excited for this low level mission. His time away had made him realize how much he actually enjoyed helping others in any way he could. But his generosity only extended so far. The day was warmer than usual. There was a slight comforting breeze and the sun had rose in the sky providing him with soothing warmth. It was a perfect day for physical labor, Kenji thought. He had already equipped himself with everything he needed, his body. His assignment was a simple one; go to the village gate to pick up a relatively small shipment of ninja tools. This was just what Kenji needed to get back in the swing of things, as he walked through the village on this glorious and somewhat festive day. There was an certain ambiance about Kumo today that made him even more friendly than usual, stopping to greet just about everyone. He remembered that there was a time limit on his mission, be it quite a while from now, he couldn’t lollygag too much. About ten meters ahead he could now see the gate where the supplies would be awaiting him. There were two special jounin in position guarding the gate as well as the shipment to come. “You’re actually quite early, Kenji. How are you?” “It feels good to be back in action, sort of.” Kenji said as him and the other two special jounin laughed.
The delivery was made by three giants, literally. These guys stood at about 6feet 8inches and weighed at least three-hundred pounds. It then occurred to Kenji that these three crates obviously didn’t contain your run of the mill two/three sets of kunai and shuriken. It was either comprised of an enormous quantity of kunai and shuriken or larger weapons. They were four feet high and at least 100 pounds. This just got real , Kenji thought to himself. Kenji was a bit of a slacker in the strength department, relying usually on speed and intelligence. He knew he would receive no assistance from the special jounin, having to man their post. And these goliaths were clearly not in the mood to carry these crates another foot, so the two miles to the weapon shop was obviously out of the question. Once the delivery ninjas left, Kenji stood there examining the shipment, rubbing the hairs on his chin thinking of how he would deliver these to the weapon shop without breaking his back. Then an idea came to him, I could easily transport half of a crate two miles in no time . “May I open them, and deliver half a crate, and have them deposited in another container at the shop. Then bring the crate back and fill half way and repeat the process. I’m afraid that’s the only I see myself transporting these heavy crates.” Kenji asked. The special jounins shrugged their shoulders and said, “Sure why not, while you’re transporting half of a crate, we’ll watch the supplies you leave behind.” Now that Kenji had approval, he wasted no time, emptying half the contents of the first crate. Once he done that, he sprinted for the weapon shop like a lightning bolt. He had traveled two miles in less than five minutes. As he arrived to the weapon, he explained to the manager the process he was going about to deliver the crates, which would total up to six trips Kenji had to make from the gate to the weapons shop. The first four trips he made were easy, but as he carried the second to last half crate he started to fatigue. On his way back to the gate, sweat ran over his entire face leaving puddles of perspiration every step of the way. When he got back to the gate for his last trip, the special jounin complemented Kenji on his work ethic, but at the same time scolded him on his stamina and strength. After the genin listened to their lecture, he eagerly resumed his mission because he was ten minutes away from being done. A mission that was suppose to provide an easy transition, was a lot more demanding than Kenji had expected; and was extremely relieved once he arrived at the weapon shop for the last time. “Just in time before we close, thank you young man. I hoped you got a good work out.” The shop manager said with a big smile as he turned around to tidy up his shop counter. Kenji couldn’t help but to let a little smile surface, his lungs were still burning so laughing was a no go to say the least. Kenji stood outside the weapon shop, put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky. He exhaled while shaking his head then went home sluggishly. After he took a nice long shower, which he was almost too tired and sore to do, he laid in his bed. While lying down he stared at the ceiling and said, “Another satisfied customer.” Then he closed his eyes.

WORD-COUNT: 936/600

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