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Mission Details:

When Shou got to the district where the shops and restaurants were, Shou walked up to the Kiri bar with a little frown. He wasn’t exactly one for drinking, but he had gone to the bar every now and then though it was not one of his favorite haunts. Shou preferred quieter places, believe it or not. Loud obnoxious people just served to be annoying and superfluous and they had a tendency to be too similar in the way that they did things. He walked in with a sigh and hunched his shoulders to avoid touching the patrons and went directly over to the bar where he sat on a stool and waited for the bar tender to walk over and pay attention to him. It wasn’t long before the scrawny looking man finally did come over to him. It was no wonder the owner needed help getting rid of unruly people when things got out of hand if this was his staff. Why didn’t the owner just hire more bulky people? Oh right. Because he could get genin to do things for him rather than paying for higher security that probably would be more expensive than what Shou would be getting.

"You must be the genin that's been sent to clean up this place." The bar tender looked at Shou with a certain amount of distain in his eyes as if he were calculating Shou's odd appearance; his sharp teeth and nails, his almost gold eyes and blue-green hair with dreadlocks. Shou made it obvious by his appearance that he wasn’t your typical run of the mill shinobi. He made it one of his goal to stand out compared to others even if he didn’t have an obnoxious in-your-face personality. Shou smiled cruely, showing his teeth a little bit, at the bar tender before nodding at the statement.

“Yes. I’ll keep watch, and deal with your tough customer’s, buddy. Don’t worry.” Shou smirked and moved so that he could see all the corners of the bar, sitting in a back corner of the bar when the bar tender nodded, agreeing at him being there. The first couple hours went by without a single problem. It wasn’t until later that it started to get more rowdy in the restraint and Shou started watching people more carefully, fidgeting in his seat, fingers tapping against the table he was sitting at.

There was a group of older looking shinobi sitting at a table closer to the bar that Shou had to keep his eye on more than any of the others. Over all they didn’t seem to be causing problems, but there was one of them that seemed to be a problem compared to the others. Shou sighed as the genin stood, obviously reaching for his weapon’s pouch when the bar tender refused to get him another drink because he had already had too much. “Here we go.” Shou muttered as he stood up and walked after the man, catching up to him quite quickly and moving in front of him. “Stop before you do something stupid.”

“You wanna try me?” The older genin smirked as he swayed on his feet, pulling out one of his kunai and waving it in Shou’s face. Rolling his eyes Shou shook his head in agitation and took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger in check. He didn’t want to be the one to start a fight since the other genin was so intoxicated.

“No. I don’t. Put that away or I’ll have to take it away.” Shou uttered with a scowl eyes focused on the waving kunai. It could get dangerous, not for Shou, but for the other if the genin decided to attack him. He sighed, the man was probably drunk because he didn’t like his position in life. It was always the same. However, the man didn’t listen to his warning and the older genin lunged at Shou. Quickly, before the drunk could react, Shou, in four movements, had disarmed the man and pulled his arm behind his back. The man struggled for a moment, but Shou slipped the man’s kunai back into the weapon pouch and pushed him forward towards the door and out of the restaurant though he was struggling and making a violent scene making heads turn inside the restaurant. Shou was relieved when they made it outside so that they didn’t have the other patrons staring at them even though there were more people outside. He made sure that the genin was well on his way home before going back inside and scowling when he saw three others surrounding the bartender. Wonderful.

Taking a deep breath, Shou moved forwards to the others and shook his head. “Hey, guys, buzz off before I have to make you buzz off.” He demanded, glad that the trio didn’t seem to have any background as Shinobi. He wouldn’t have to worry about weapons. He was lucky as two of the men decided that they wouldn’t exactly want to deal with the shinobi staring them down. The two men shook their heads and slowly backed away, but their friend remained staring at the bar tender so Shou reached out to the man after a moment.

“Get off of me, punk.” The man snarled as Shou took the arm of the man who had leaned over the counter still while his friends tried to call him away, turning with Shou and dumping his mug of beer on him. “Come on man, lets just go to a different bar!” They tried to call to him, but the man didn’t listen so Shou pulled the man, disabling his ability to fight as he made his way outside with the man, the two friends of the man slowly stumbling drunkenly after them. Shou shuddered at the feeling of the alcohol on him, anger bubbling inside of him.

But then Shou let out a hiss of air as pain blossomed across the right side of his face making him see some stars on the edge of his vision and it caught him off guard. He hadn’t been expecting that from a drunk mess of a man. He frowned. It was one of the disadvantages of being short. The elbow of the man that he was trying to manhandle out of the bar had connected with his nose, dangerously close to hitting his eye as well. Sure, it wasn’t a direct hit from another shinobi, but it still hurt and he could tell that it was going to leave a mark. For a Hozuki to have a mark from a fight was rare because of the way their bodies worked, but it still happened. He wrinkled his nose shifting the injury a little to lessen the pain.

Gritting his teeth, Shou saw the trio off quickly, not wanting to deal with them for much longer. He took a deep breath and shook his head before going into the bar again that smelled like alcohol and smoke. Shou sat again and leaned back in his seat again waiting until the night was over before going home. Smelling like alcohol and aching Shou made his way home wanting nothing more to take a shower, throw his clothes in the wash and sleep.

[WC: 1243/1000]
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