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For this mission, Yasutake had contacted the bar owner in the morning so that they could come to an agreement on how he was going to make this as smooth as possible.

They were seated at a table in the bar, what sunlight there was filtered in through the windows and the Genin lounged back into the chair with a bemused look upon his face.

"Tell me what they're like." He said, suddenly getting down to business. They didn't have all da- Well, they kind of did since the bar was opened at night, but that wasn't important at the moment! Yasutake wanted to know what he was up against and why the bar owner couldn't simply get his own security or bodyguards to protect his establishment. I guess hiring a shinobi to do the work would look better to the public. It'd show that they actually cared enough to step in and that lowlife thugs couldn't keep doing this sort of thing. He shrugged while he thought to himself. Maybe that was why the bar owner did so, but he still thought just hiring bodyguards was the best idea.

"There is four of them." There was a thoughtful look on his face. He was probably going back to remember past interactions with them. "Three of them are civilians, but the patrons have said that one of them is a ninja from our own village!" He exclaimed, and Yasutake stopped leaning on the chair, surprised at the sudden exclamation. "Some say he's a genin, who recently graduated."

For a moment, there was no reaction from the Hattori. But in his mind it was nothing but chaos. After hearing the words of the owner, his mind already thought back to the past missions that he had completed. Many of those missions consisted of handling ninja from their own village, his comrades and teaching them a listen in terrorizing the city. The fact that he was doing it again, so soon left him with a single fist clenched in plain sight. "You have no need to worry. This is the reason why you hired a shinobi, right?" He said softly. Yasu's exterior was calm enough, but his interior was a raging storm. Someone's going to wish they were never born tonight. He thought to himself and he nodded again.

"Is there anything else you can tell me?" He raised an eyebrow. He needed to know absolutely everything. "Have any of them shown an affinity for combat, besides the shinobi of course." He doubted that he was going to be getting a detailed description of the four of them to know who was who, but if he analyzed the situation correctly it wouldn't take him long to figure it out.

"That ninja one has used a kunai to threaten the patrons. He went extreme, further than he had before. But his friends probably thought he was too drunk and took him away." The owner scratched his head as if he was thinking about something. "They're all pretty skilled I think, they can take quite a few hits. You're going to have to hurt them badly. But, I think if you beat the ninja in their group then you'll be fine." The owner smiled as if he were the smartest person around.

"Great." He said as he got up to his feet and grinned at the owner, even despite the storm that raged through him, he smiled. He had long ago learned to use his anger to his advantage for situations like these, this mission should be easy enough. Stepping away from the table, the owner extended his hand towards Yasutake, and he snorted as he walked past him out the door. Now why would I touch you? Walking out the door, he looked to both sides, wondering if he'd catch someone spying on the establishment and when he saw nothing he willed himself away.

In the early morning, the mist was still quite thick, but it seemed to grow even thicker to the front of the bar, and when that happened the Body Flicker Technique was complete and the mist spiraled to either side as if a rapid figure had passed through.

It was night time, his mission was a go now.

He sat atop the roof of a building across the street from the bar. There was already a line forming on this night, it was the end of the week and it looked like many people wanted to blow their pay on a bar. Their choice. He shrugged. But at the back of the line there was quite a bit of a ruckus. Are they already here? He rolled off his backside and off the edge of the two-floored building to land in the dark alleyway that gave him vision of the majority of the line and the entrance.

I can't kill them. He remembered as he looked about the alleyway. Why he did so, maybe he was expecting to find a weapon, a blunt weapon, but he didn't, and so instead just as the group of four troublemakers were pushing everyone in the line out of the way and causing the more 'passionate' people to leave, Yasutake leapt over the fence that had been sealing him in the alleyway and he closed the distance rapidly.

He's the shinobi. He realized as he rushed the one in the back and the moment he left the floor, his leg was reaching upwards and kicked the man in the back of the head. For a moment, Yasu thought he was going to crash through the glass door, but instead he missed it barely an practically headbutted the stone corner and dropped.

Before Yasu had even landed though, he was grabbed out of the air and spun around only to be thrown in the direction he had come from. When he landed he tucked himself into a rolled into a crouch and he heard the sound of running footsteps behind him.

Stepping to the side the first man ran past him, and he kicked him in the side of the knee, and he crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain, and as he started to move again, he latched onto Yasu's foot as he blocked the first punch from the second man.

But he relied heavily on his mobility combat, the fact he was being held didn't really make his position from being outnumbered any better, and he received a solid headbutt that left him rearing backwards and doing all he could to stand upright.

He twisted his foot out of the grip of the man holding him, but he slipped up. That wasn't going to stop him though, his foot angled itself to the back of the civilian's head and rammed it off the ground where he felt a satisfying thwap before he fell on his face and was forced to log-roll out of the way of a kunai.

Removing his sash from around his waist, he moved towards the man that had headbutted him, and when he swung at him again, he caught it in the sash and spun him in a circle, but as he did he dropped to the ground and the man flew out of the sash, and from the sheer momentum crashed into the fence that he had been previously hiding behind.

Slowly standing up to his feet, he raised his hand to his face as his gaze settled upon the final one. So this is actually the ninja? He thought, as his gaze wondered towards the first man he had taken down. Looking back to the ninja, he didn't really look like one but he had the headband over his brow for sure. The other guy must've just had a regular headband then! That was a mistake. He thought as his hands reached backwards to the kunai in his pouch, and his other grasped the three shuriken.

Releasing the three shuriken at his left side, his kunai at his right and running straight up the middle at his last opponent, he took note of the garbage can beside the door, but he kept running to the apparent shinobi as he was struck by the ninja tools and was thrown backwards.

"Wha-!" He cried out as he saw the man appear in the place of the garbage can as he continued to charge.

Too slow.

He stopped his forward momentum, pivoted on his foot and when the man's form went past him after trying to tackle him, his foot lashed out from the side of his body and kicked him to the pavement.

The guy struggled to his feet, but he looked around at his downtrodden team and got up and ran away towards the two behind Yasu and half-dragged, half ran away -- but he was forgetting something. One of his team mates.

Walking up to the door, he opened it and went inside... He didn't normally drink, in fact, he never had but there was a first time for everything he realized as he wiped away the blood from his nose.


TWC: 1567

Training Perception to E3.

Training Perception E > E3 | 1567 Words - 450 = 1117 Words Left Over.

Training Speed to D-2

Training Speed E3 > D2 | 1117 Words - 1025 = 92 Words Left Over.

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