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Mission Details:

After the brats that he had had to deal with the first time he had been given the mission to help around the academy, Shou hadn’t exactly been planning on taking another mission at the academy. Or in general, around the academy at all in case kids were around. It wasn’t that he was afraid of them, no it was more of a profound dislike and he knew that if he hurt them he would get in trouble, so he’d rather steer clear. He had learned that he hated kids the first time he had been in the academy and that was enough for him to never want to give them a second chance. After all, the paint that they had covered him with had taken a few days to completely remove from his hair and clothes. The brats hadn’t even given him an apology for what they had done.

Yet, here he was again, only a few weeks after the last time, preparing for yet another stent in the academy so that he could fulfill another d-rank mission on his way to becoming a chuunin. He was too old to still be a genin and it bothered him and it was the one thing that had motivated him to take the mission without much complaint. He knew that there were some who complained so very much about doing D-rank missions and he didn’t want to be one of them. So, here he was standing outside of the academy, procrastinating going in until the very last second with a scowl across his face, staring up at the building that enclosed the hateful children.

The clock struck eight in the morning and he sighed as he looked up at the hateful time-turner positioned on the outside of the school and pursed his lips before walking inside. At least this time he didn’t have to put up with an actual class. Instead, the mission that he had been given this time was to patrol the halls and make sure students weren’t getting out of hand, were in class, and if they weren’t to dole out the specified punishment for their offence. It wasn’t going to be too hard much harder than dealing with children in a classroom setting, surely, and surely not as bad as children covering him in paint again. Shou had his guard up this time and he wouldn’t be taking any flak from the kids this time.

After checking in at the front desk, Shou set to work, patrolling the halls with a bored look on his face. There wasn’t much going on while the children worked in their classrooms, admittedly, but it was still better than being in the classrooms with them. After all, he could be left mostly to his own devises with only a few interruptions and he would use this time to go over what he had been training himself in in his head, which was a good thing. It kept him calm and free from agitation for just being in the academy again. And now that he thought about it, it made him curious to know why they would let one of their worst students become a teachers aid. Though, it had been six years since he had walked these halls as a student, receiving the very same detentions that he was now handing out.

The day had nearly come to a close when Shou heard a ruckus coming from outside in the training yard and he went to investigate. No students were supposed to be outside during this time of day. They were supposed to be finishing up the day in their classrooms under the instruction of their teachers. He frowned. They must have slipped past one of the other aids wandering the halls to make sure the students were good little children and stayed in class.

Outside, he came across the two students in a heated fight that had dissolved from weapons, evidence scattered around them, into a simple fist fight. Shou at first debated just watching them duke it out for his own amusement but he knew that simply doing so would be looked down upon so he took the initiative to break them up. He pulled them off each other and gave each of them a few choice words while being berated by words like ‘geezer’ etc. He took them in stride, not letting them anger him as the day was almost over and gave them both double detentions for fighting that they were to serve the next day as when he was finished giving them the slips the final bell rang.

[WC: 786/700]
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