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Mission Details:
Shou walked into the academy with his characteristic smirk plastered on his face. A d-rank mission where he had to deal with academy students to just make sure that they didn’t get out of hand for their teacher as a teacher’s aid? That wasn’t going to be too hard. His mother had been a teacher at the academy and a damn good one too up until she had been killed in action. What could be so hard about keeping kids in check? It wasn’t like they could do anything to him.

How wrong he was to let down his guard. He didn’t know or remember how devilish children could be when they wanted to because he hadn’t had to deal with many children after the academy, and, unfortunately for Shou, it just so happened that the class that he was to be an aid for was one of the classes that had gained the worst reputation for the pranks that they would pull on the aids that they were given. Not that Shou knew this, so he walked into the classroom with a small amount of a cheery attitude.

Their teacher was still there when he entered the classroom, explaining in an elated voice that he wouldn’t be in class for the next few days because of a mission and that teacher’s aids familiar with the class plans would be coming each day, or something similar. Shou didn’t really pay attention to what was being said as he walked up to him, preferring to scan the children that he would be looking after. They seemed nice enough, neat and tidy and behaving in front of their teacher.

But that façade that they had been putting up shattered almost as soon as the teacher left them with a quick, “Good luck, Hozuki, Shou. You’ll need it.” Before closing the door after himself. That was when the children turned into an uproar. A chorus of voices that nearly deafened him all asking different questions as they all approached at once, some quicker than others. Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn’t this.

With his guard down, he didn’t bother to move away from the children until it was too late and many hands squeezed tubes of paint all over him. By the time the paint had started to cover him, sure, Shou could have moved away, but he remained still, shocked, and figuring that it would be useless to move away even if he could have used a jutsu. What would have been the point? Instead he waited until they were done, anger boiling inside him, seething. How dare the kids get the paint in his hair and smear it into his clothes?

The children backed away when they were finished gazing at their masterpiece and frowning a little bit at the lack of a response that they had received from their teacher’s aid. The person on the receiving end was not supposed to just sit there and take it. They were supposed to yell and move away! Yet Shou hadn’t. Shou instead waited until they were all clear, so he wouldn’t hurt them before letting out a bark, “CLEAN,” While pointing at the mess that the children had made on the floor and their teachers desk while they had been messing up. “Go get yourselves cleaned up. You have five minutes to get back here and clean the rest of this up.” He said, voice dark and full of mal-intent towards the children and the students clearly knew this and rushed off to comply to their dark aid’s will. Luckily their obedience lasted for the rest of the day, though the children snickered throughout it about how colorful they had made Shou.

With a final glare at the children when the end of the day came around, Shou turned on his heel wordlessly and exited the classroom and immediately made his way home. The paint was sticky and flaking in some areas and he disliked the way that it felt on his clothes and in his hair. Gods, how had his mother been able to stand the unruly children in the academy? He certainly didn’t remember being this horrible to aids, even if he was one of the intolerable children at the academy who hadn’t been a particularly good student because he had been acting out he thought, a little jaded. Frowning he pealed his headband away from his head and began to clean himself up. The paint didn’t completely come out for a couple days much to Shou’s disgust.

[WC: 782/700]
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