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1Visting a Father (open) Empty Visting a Father (open) Thu May 09, 2013 3:49 pm


Naoko walked over to the grave where his father was buried, deep within the soil. Naoko touched his the father's grave stone. He hadn't had anything to place on the grave, for he just thought of the idea. He refused to not bring the once great ninja anything to show for his respect he had recieved from Naoko. Naoko thought of getting water from the pool. He thought it might be a little naughty, but hey who would notice?

He got up and went to find water from the pool

2Visting a Father (open) Empty Re: Visting a Father (open) Sat May 11, 2013 9:50 am


Naoko would come back with the water in the bucket.put the bucket by his side. He would rub the "gravestone" and that moment, he started to hear voices. He had heard the rumors of this cemetary, but didnt believe them. Now he wasn't so sure. Naoko looked around, no one was there. Naoko shrugged and picked up his bucket and poured slightly on the grave. He then heared a crack of a branch and turned around, didn't see anyone.

Naoko pour the bucket faster onto the grave. He heard footsteps, getting closer and closer. He started to panic, and dumped the water sloppily and adn looked behind him, sweat beating down his face. Nobody was there. Naoko took a deep breath. He got up looked around, there was no signs of anyone. Was he going mad? Naoko sat by his father's grave. He refused to be scared.

3Visting a Father (open) Empty Re: Visting a Father (open) Wed May 15, 2013 6:18 pm


Naoko sat down and waited for whatever was to come. He started to walk back and forth impatiently, as he would then stop an datp his foot while looking at the bucket, lying on its side. Naoko heard noises again, but didn't see anyone. He even thought he heard laughter. He then figured it out. He was being tormented. Naoko then didn't feel interested anymore. He started to walk out of the cemetary when he then heard a sound. "Where do you think your going?" The voice asked.

Naoko knew that nothing was probably there. Maybe it was spirits or something. Naoko didn't care. He didn't reply to the question and left the cemetary. He wasn't going to speak of this to anyone else. What happened in the cemetary stays in the cemetary.

-eixt thread-

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