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26Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Thu May 16, 2013 11:53 pm


The game continued as usual, until some assholes started fighting, specifically some player and an umpire. Their screaming match erupted into a barrage of fists, and the crowd, including players (Bokuden and Jishin gathered their things to leave as well) began to leave, now either enraged or bored. Horui sighed a silent sigh, and heard Bokuden call out, "Come on Horui, we should get out of here. You don't want to get mixed up in that, these brawls can get out of hand extremely quickly."

Horui agreed, but as he began to leave, he couldn't help himself. He removed a summoning scroll from his hip, and summoned he and Nagare's favorite flying bat, Mohan. Horui turned away and left with Bokuden, Jishin, and Nagare. Mohan flew high into the sky, becoming a shadow blotting the sun, and suddenly a fireball at least 20 times the size of the baseball field began slowly descending from the sky, threatening to destroy the area. Any lingering people or players, and the pugilists, of course, began running and screaming in terror. Mohan flew back and landed on Nagare's shoulder, and Nagare gave him a smile of approval. "Nice work, Mohan."

"It was my pleasure, Nagare. I do love wreaking havoc, after all." and with that, he disappeared back to his dimension. The fireball finally made contact with the ground and a loud explosion of flames sounded, but it simply faded away and left the field unharmed. It was now empty, and everyone had long since run screaming. Nagare and Horui giggled in unison at the perfectly executed genjutsu as the 4 shinobi left together.

Nagare turned to his comrades and stopped walking for a moment. He asked, "So, what do you guys want to do now?"

Horui's Chakra Remaining: 100|125:

27Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Fri May 17, 2013 11:38 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Behind her the crowds began to disperse, but not from the brawl itself, more from the fact that it seemed Horui had decided to allow a summon to cast some jutsu or other on the people. She ignored the fact, choosing to continue walking off in silence.

It seemed in her trotting off she had acquired a few scamps following behind her, namely Nagare and Bokuden. Nagare seemed to be interested in hanging out, or so she gathered from his question " I suppose lunch is in order, that is if you would like to accompany me. ", her eyes then cut over toward Bokuden wondering whether or not to invite him as well, " And I suppose you're welcome to come as well, as long as my friend doesn't mind." referring to Nag of course. In all honesty she wished to be away from the fellow, so far he had only proven to be asinine in his actions, but then again she found most to be asinine.

Last edited by Dākuchairudo Jishin on Sat May 18, 2013 12:15 am; edited 1 time in total

28Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Sat May 18, 2013 12:08 am



"I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I must decline. I get the distinct impression that you don't want me to be there and no one likes being the third wheel after all." Bokuden explained as he glared over his shoulder, "Besides, it looks like I have some things to take care of here first. You guys go on and enjoy your lunch." As he turned a group of shinobi (5) were quickly closing in on them. These shinobi had seen Horui pull out his summoning scroll and saw Horui and Nagare laughing after the illusory flame disappeared. Apparently they did not appreciate being made fools of.

29Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Sat May 18, 2013 12:13 am


Bokuden declined Jishin's offer to come to lunch, leaving Nagare and Horui alone with her. As he was about to leave, 5 shinobi from the baseball game approached, looking solemn and dangerous. They must've seen Horui and Nagare cast the jutsu. "Well. It looks like we've got suitors. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." The ninja looked unamused. This was one of Nagare's rare attempts at a joke, and they hadn't responded. "Forget it. I'm going to give you one chance to leave before I kill you." Horui agreed and let out a devious smile. He took a moment to wait on their answer.

30Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Sat May 18, 2013 12:44 am

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Bokuden seemed to have caught on that she didn't particularly like him, rejecting her less than gracious offer to lunch, she simply shrugged her shoulders. Looking back toward the others it seemed that a few men from the earlier skirmish had caught up with the group, aggravated by Nagare's genjutsu, or so she thought. Nagare then cracked a joke which she briefly chortled at, in an obviously sarcastic manner. He hadn't laughed at her terrible jokes, so a bit of payback was in order. Then he stated he was going to kill the bunch, something which was quite unnecessary, certainly the men were idiots deserving of punishment, but they were fellow Shinobi of Kumogakure and it would look quite terrible if they were to die, as if the initial clusterfuck wasn't bad enough. Besides it was written in her book that she was bound by the clan, unable to strike A Shinobi of Kumogakure down unless the circumstances deemed life or death, which they had yet to do.

Tossing her bat and glove off to the side she began to ready for the oncoming brawl, "Don't think the Raikage looks highly upon killing other members of our little fraternity." that didn't mean they couldn't beat the Hell out of them though. Staring down at the group she awaited them to attack first wanting to make sure that there was no chance that they could be seen as instigating, which in all actuality Nagare had done. A silly mistake.



"Don't think the Raikage looks highly upon killing other members of our little fraternity." The woman who remained nameless was right. Bokuden remembered the last time he pissed off the Raikage she made him brush her dragon's teeth. It was a terrifying experience. Therefore Bokuden had to make it look as though his group were the victis by making forcing the approaching shinobi to attack first.

Knowing he could not kill any of them without it being an absolute emergency he removed his hand from his sword's tsuka. Bokuden then ran straight at the oncoming shinobi. They all took swings at Bokuden as he passed through the crowd, but he evaded them and came out of the ordeal untouched. "Those attacks were hardly necessary," Bokuden sneered with a grin on his face that bared his sharp and pronounced canine teeth. "I guess this constitutes self-defense now, doesn't it?" He asked of Nagare, Jishin, and Horui with a smirk on his face.


Nagare heard Jishin say, "Don't think the Raikage looks highly upon killing other members of our little fraternity." He considered her comment for a moment, and was almost disappointed that she was so dedicated to prevent death. It made her seem soft. Nagare considered his mental state. Broken. Well, no matter. He watched as the 5 shinobi swarmed Bokuden all at once, focusing on him. "Bad idea." Nagare quipped, playfully. He summoned Mohan again, using his own chakra this time, from the scroll. "You need me again so soon?"

"Looks like these idiots didn't take kindly to our 'joke'."

"So you want me to fry them, then?" Nagare thought for a moment, about the satisfaction from ridding the world of some imbeciles. Then he thought about what Jishin said, and reluctantly listened for fear of how the Raikage would react. "No, just maim them. Until they can't see straight. For a month."

Horui ran to the left and Nagare ran to the right, taking opposite poles about 10 meters from the group surrounding Bokuden. Mohan flew about a congruent 10 meters overhead of the group, and with a teethy grin as his wings once again shadowed the sun slightly. Nagare, Horui, and Mohan charged their chakra in their throats simultaneously, and Nagare gave out a signal call. "Fire Release: Cerberus Burst Flame!" A combination technique, just now thought of by the Nagare, they all launched fireballs. Nagare's and Horui's moved faster and were smaller than Mohan's, colliding first with the group and impacting each other, causing an explosion of flames. Two shinobi escaped in time, gasping for breath. The final fireball moved in a slower fashion, but impacted the already expanding blaze caused by the previous two, and made a giant expanding ball of fire that scorched a large area. The display was wonderful and flashy, with various plumes of smoke surrounding the red hot concentration of fire toward the middle, and despite the looks of it, it wasn't as much damage as it seemed. It certainly wouldn't kill the stupid ninja. It would burn their bodies terribly, but wouldn't kill them. Finally, the flames dissipated a bit, and 3 shinobi were unconscious and charred-black on the ground. Bokuden was untouched by the flame despite its close proximity to him; Nagare was precise about his aim and how it would affect the size of the combined fire so that it would not be expanding toward Bokuden as much as it was in every other direction. There were still flames burning around them, an after-effect of Mohan's oil-based fireball. Nagare turned his attention to the last two, who were shaking in terror, and looked back to Jishin and Bokuden. "Care to handle the last two?" he said, with a sadistic tone.

Nagare's Chakra 85|125:
Horui's Chakra 85|125:
Mohan's Chakra 40|60:

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Jishin watched as Bokuden dove into the fray coming out without injury upon the other side, then stating that the battle would no longer be considered to be initiated by them. Self Defense. Nagare then summoned his bat again, the root of their issue to begin with, over the course of the next few moments he mutilated the group with a several fire blasts which took out three fifths of the group. Once the blast subsided the men lay upon the ground, it appeared to her that they had acquired third degree burns from the ordeal. While they would live, they would not be as they had been before, and most definitely they wouldn't be able to continue with their Shinobi careers. Which of course defeated the purpose of not killing them in the first place, as they were no longer useful.

Still there was little time to think of what Nagare had just done, she had her own problem to deal with as one of the two left sloppily swung at her, catching his fist she lifted her leg delivering a teep kick to the man's solar plexus removing the air from his lungs, finishing her move she quickly hit his windpipe with the inner portion of her palm. Afterward she then twisted his arm and threw him to the ground, he was no longer in any shape to fight back.

Afterward her eyes fixated back upon the burned men lying unconscious on the ground, some would most likely need amputations and others would be hospital-ridden, "Death would be more merciful than this." she stated changing from her earlier tune, the men were idiots who shouldn't have picked the fight, but that didn't warrant what had happened to them. Her eyes reverberated to Nagare, little expression sat upon her face as she explained her feelings on what should happen, and would had happened to the men, " As a woman of a clan that must end lives regularly, I heartily disapprove, one should strive to subdue someone, be it killing or not, striving to avoid causing unnecessary pain. With this being said, it is also in my opinion that what you've done to these men is worse than giving them death, which would be a mercy at this point. I mercy which I must now ask you to give them, they are no longer of use now." her voice throughout the speech was that of a monotone, little emotion behind her words, almost as if she was apathetic to the situation...


(OOC: Only post for today, going out tonight.)



Confronted by the final opponent Bokuden merely placed his left hand on his sword and the man ran away after seeing what had happened to the other four. "Well, that was anti-climactic," Bokuden sighed as his gaze returned to the rest of the group. The woman in their group seemed to be scolding Horui and his twin about the use of excessive force and to mercy kill the three burnt shinobi. Bokuden examined the three assailants in question and felt inclined to interject, "Don't act rashly, the burns they have suffered seem to be third degree at worst. Bokuden grabbed a towel from his bag and used his water release to dampen it. He then threw it over the body of one of the burnt shinobi whom the oil fire had still not been extinguished in order to smother the flames. "They might not be supermodels after this, especially with that oil fire having clung to their skin, but these injuries can be treated," Bokuden explained before turning to Horui and his Twin, "That being said, using a jutsu of that level when they were obviously a minimal threat to us at best was extremely irresponsible. These are still our allies." Bokuden's glare at the twins never waned as he awaited their response.


Criticizing eyes cast glares onto Nagare and Horui, showing that Jishin and Bokuden were not as amused as they. They took turns chastising Nagare and Horui, speaking as though they were brigands. Nagare grew irritated of this condescending lecture quickly, and he snapped at the two. "Look, these burns aren't a problem. They won't be something permanent, the medical ninja here in Kumo will see to that. They certainly will be able to continue careers as Shinobi; the majority of the burns are second degree, and the ones that are third degree are in places that will heal fine, especially when treated using medical ninjutsu. I'm fully aware that they are ninja of our village, but at the same time, they are the ones who turned on us. I gave them a chance to leave, and they didn't take it. I'm not one to hold back on hostiles. If you disagree with me, I hold no grudge against you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As for your attitude towards me, I don't appreciate it and I certainly won't put up with it. I'll be leaving." Horui approached two of the burnt figures and picked them up, while Nagare picked up the last one, sent Mohan back to his dimension, and put the scroll back on his hip.

They turned and left, without another look back at their "friends". Nagare had no perception of such a thing as friendship; all his friends betrayed him at some point. Why did he even bother anymore? He could only rely on himself and Horui. And that's all he would ever need, anyways....

Horui took a left down a rocky plateau, headed toward the Kumo Hospital, and Nagare followed.

[Exit Thread]

Dākuchairudo Jishin

Bokuden seemed to be appalled by the fact that Nagare had used such unnecessary force on the hostiles, who were in all actuality weren't hostiles. Idiots caught up in the moment. His opinions on what should be done for the men did differ, to her they were no longer men, they were equivalent to a limp horse waiting to be put out of its misery. They would be shells of their former selves even after any treatment, medical Ninjutsu included, were complete. Her thoughts lingered for a moment wondering what the men would want, and in her mind it seemed that death would be the optimal choice. Still she decided to no appoint herself as the men's executioner, if they wished death they would state it at a later date when they returned to a more cognizant state.

All the while Nagare seemed to be attempting to rationalize his actions, claiming that with the help of Medical Ninjutsu they would return to being absolutely fine, such a thing was highly unlikely. Then he had the audacity to state he didn't "appreciate" the way they were criticizing him after he used an absolutely unnecessary amount of force on their loutish combatants. Her lips remained pursed as she stared at Nagare as he left, taking the more injured members with him, a sign that he obviously felt bad about what he had done, regardless if he wanted to tell them he did or not. Or so she surmised, anyway.

After he left Jishin quickly regained her baseball gear gazing toward Bokuden, who having gained a tad bit of her respect, deserved an introduction " Jishin, Dākuchairudo Jishin.", she wondered afterward if giving her name was the right decision as she could now be implicated via default in the situation if Bokuden decided to go and speak with a high ranking Shinobi, she doubted he would though. Letting out a quaint sigh her mind wandered back to Nagare, who seemed to be becoming more and more psychotic each time she saw him, "Think we offended his sensitive disposition, can't say it's the first time I've done such a thing. Probably won't be the last, either. Anyway, aside from the actual fighting debacle, it's been good to meet you." and with that she walked off, her day was finished.


37Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: Play Ball! (Nagare/Invite Only/No Kill) Sun May 19, 2013 11:50 pm



After Horui and his twin took off with the burnt shinobi, the previously nameless woman finally introduced herself as Dākuchairudo Jishin. After the short introduction, Jishin took off as well leaving Bokuden as the lone remainder. As Bokuden ran his fingers through his, hair he let out a sigh and said to himself, "It's always something when I come to this field. Ah well, it looks like I've met some pretty interesting people in the midst of all the foolishness that has gone on here today."

Bokuden then remembered that there was another shinobi that was left on the floor, the one Jishin had kicked. Bokuden strolled over to the man and lightly kicked him in the side. "You still alive?" Bokuden inquired. The man let out a pitiful moan and Bokuden took that as a sign that he would be fine without him. "I guess the fun here is over for the day," Bokuden noted and made his way off of the fields, "Lunch doesn't sound like a bad idea though."

[End topic]

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