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Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The daylight had greeted Sousetsu this fine morning on the day of his new mission. Sousetsu removed a note from his clothes as he left his house and reviewed his mission once again.'A boy has been putting graffiti on the wall of buildings. He has thus far managed to escape custody, and posses skills equal to that of an Academy ninja, able to move around on rooftops to escape capture. Now it is your turn to try and capture him, good luck!' Sousetsu folded the piece of information and stored it within his outfit once more. "Tch...More troublemakers. Obviously no-one has actually sat down to talk to this boy, or keep an eye on him for that matter." Sousetsu interrupted himself to stretch before beginning his mission. After all, it's always to limber up before having a run. "Yep...Look's like wits will win this battle." Sousetsu said before he vanished to head to the last 'grime' scene.

Before long, Sousetsu had arrived at the newest piece of 'artwork' left by our fellow leaf resident. It lingered on the long, wooden fence surrounding the small lake within the village. Sousetsu noticed that not too far off his current location that there was a new 'masterpiece' on stone. Reaching his new clue and wiping his fingers across the paint it seemed to be still wet. A fresh trail that meant he was nearby. Sousetsu headed for the rooftops to get an overhead view of the area and pretty soon found the culprit spraying more paint over a lower rooftop.

Sousetsu landed on the powerlines behind the shinobi in training and made his presence known by calling for the boy. The little boy turned to find Sousetsu balanced upon the tightrope above him. [Color=Blue]"Do you mind cutting that out?"[/blue] Sousetsu said calmly. "Why should I? You older guys always pick on me anyway! Just you wait and see! I'll become a great shinobi!" The boy replied. Sousetsu seemed somewhat impressed with the boy and the fact that he was indeed correct about the boy being misunderstood. "I don't doubt that for a second." was the response Sousetsu had left him.

The boys eyes widened. He was so accustomed to hearing the scoldings of his elders that he did not expect someone to believe him."You can be anything you want. You are becoming a leaf shinobi. The elders want you to stop vandalizing the village for your own good. Destroying the village will not make people acknowledge you the way you want them too." Sousetsu lunged himself to the same level as the boy but remained in his crouching position, keeping eye level with the boy.

The boy began to shed a tear, but not of sadness, he was glad that someone had agreed with his ambition. He dropped the spray can and wiped his eyes. "Thank you..." The boy said snivelling his wet nose. Sousetsu smiled and came to retrieve the spray can. After picking it up he smiled to the boy once more and stood to the boys side placing his hand on his shoulder. "What I say is the truth and don't ever doubt it. There will come a chance soon so don't worry. I'm sorry for this." Sousetsu finished his sentence with a blow to the boys neck, knocking him out.

He picked up the boy and brought him to the villages police station and left him with a message spray painted on his chest. 'Achieve your goal' it said. He turned to the police receptionist and nodded before he made his way from the entrance the Hokage's office to hand in his mission report as a success.

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