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1Pika Empty Pika Wed May 01, 2013 5:07 pm



Pika Clan310

Clan: Pika

Kekkei Genkai: Hibanaton {Spark Release}

Elements: Raiton||Katon

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History:
The Pika Clan started many years ago. mostly interested in parties and celebrations, they trained their Katon and Raiton into flashy, spectacular jutsu meant more to produce inexpensive pyrotechnic displays for Kumogakure, whose high altitude prevented most fireworks from functioning properly.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The members of this clan can combine Raiton and Katon to distribute and control heat and light in the air. the effects released by this hybrid appear to sparkle and glitter in the air like fireworks, and members of this clan are often hired to replace fireworks at a reduced price.

the Hibanton's effect is achieved by blending the Raiton and Katon chakras, and focusing them down into tiny spheres. these motes burn so quickly that any individual spark lasts for less than half a second. as such, the skill in using the Hibanton is in generating many sparks at once, and properly controlling the paths they follow. a unique characteristic of Hibanton is that, although many of the jutsu appear to be explosive in nature, there is no physical force behind any of the attacks. this results in 'silent fireworks' that, while they do make a hissing as the sparks burn, do not pop or burst at all.

in battle, Hibanton users use their jutsu in a number of ways. as warning flares, they can be seen for miles. they can be used as distractions, often drawing the eye of the enemy at the displays they can create. they can also be used as combat techniques, using the individual sparks to burn the enemies using the intense light, heat, and large range of many of the techniques.

the intense heat and light generated by these pinprick balls of chakra cause them to shimmer any number of colors. most Pika clan members can only generate one specific color using their Hibanton, but skilled members are able to control the individual colors in the sparks they generate, and rarely a prodigy emerges that can control the colors set off my their individual elements as well.

The rank of Hibanton is the same as the rank of the ninja's lowest constituent element rank. So, if a ninja has S-ranked Raiton and C-ranked Katon, Hibanton would be C-rank. Spark Release can be SS-rank if both constituent elements are as well.

Suiton is a good defence against this style, as the sparks burn too fast to push through any defensive techniques. against a Suiton defence, Hibanton is counted a rank lower. against Futon, however, the winds only fan the flames, making them burn all the hotter and brighter, causing the burns they create to become more intensely (1st degree becomes 2nd, etc).

Drawbacks: Due to having an Advanced element, the clan members cannot learn a fourth one. also, because they have spent years focusing more on celebrating that combat, members of the clan are unable to train in either Taijutsu or Kenjutsu.


Hotaru Pika

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Hibanton: Pretty Sparkler
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Hibanton
Range: 1m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: -3 chakra/post
Cooldown: 1 post
Description: the user concentrates her Hibanton into up to three small sparks of light that hover about her, staying within three feet of the caster. should someone touch the slights, they can cause 1st-degree burns. if watched for long enough, they will cause visual echos of their presence, being more annoying than distracting. these lights are more decorative in most uses, but can generate light enough to cover up to 10m (the light is equivocal to sunlight on a partially cloudy day).

Name: Hibanton: Beautiful Fountain
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: D
Type: Offensive
Element: Hibanton
Range: 2m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: the user focuses her chakra into a tiny spark the size of a pea, then releases it from either her palm, or throwing it onto the ground where it erupts into a 1m-tall shower of sparks that deal 1st degree burns on direct contact. should the victim stand in the shower for the entire duration, they burns become second degree.

Name: Hibanton: Heavenly Rocket
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Hibanton
Range: 10m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1-2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: after concentrating a their chakra down into a spark, the user launches it from her palm. when it reaches the end of its journey or hits an object, it bursts into a 1m cloud of beautiful, yet painful embers that cause up to 20 acute 2nd-degree burns to anyone caught in the area around the primary spark's ultimate destination

Last edited by Mitsuru on Mon May 06, 2013 6:01 pm; edited 8 times in total

2Pika Empty Re: Pika Wed May 01, 2013 10:30 pm


You need to expand on the mechanics of Spark Release. You, from your included Jutsu, seem to only be able to create sparker or fireworks-like effects; if this is the case, specify. Also, say what Hibanton is weak/strong against.

E rank jutsu may not be elemental.
Gorgeous Fountain is how tall?
Rocket is fine. Probably could be 2nd-degree.

3Pika Empty Re: Pika Wed May 01, 2013 10:55 pm


Pretty Sparkler is now kinda weak, if you want to amp it up to actual burns. have an un-copyable ability, plus a rank up of usage. Give yourself more restrictions, maybe a weakness to something.

KKG: Raiton is strong against Doton, Katon is strong against Fuuton. That cancels how?

4Pika Empty Re: Pika Wed May 01, 2013 11:39 pm


Kekkei Genkai Description: The members of this clan can combine Raiton and Katon to distribute and control heat and light in the air. the effects released by this hybrid appear to sparkle and glitter in the air like fireworks, and members of this clan are often hired to replace fireworks at a reduced price.

BThe rank of Hibanton is the same as the rank of the ninja's lowest constituent element rank. So, if a ninja has S-ranked Raiton and C-ranked Katon, Hibanton would be C-rank. Spark Release can be SS-rank if both constituent elements are as well. because of the spread of the elements required to make up Hibanton, it is neither strong nor weak against any other element.

For a custom advanced release to have a snowball's chance in hell of getting approved, it has to go into great detail on how it functions. This doesn't even touch on how the element works in any way shape or form, it just says it glitters like fireworks... No commentary on how it functions in combat, it's nature, strengths, weaknesses, properties, damage effects, nada. Needs a lot of work to ever get considered.

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