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1Hadaruku [WIP] Empty Hadaruku [WIP] Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:42 am


Hadaruku [WIP] Itattooz-tribal-sword-tattoos
Clan: Hadaruku

Kekkei Genkai: Skin Walking (Beastial Transformation)

Elements: N/A

Primary: Kuchiyose (Contract with Spirit Guide's species archetype. Fuuton: Bats, Katon: Monitors, Raiton: Insects, Doton: Bears, and Suiton: Predatory Fish/Amphibians.)
Secondary: Chakra Flow
Tertiary: Taijutsu (Subspecialty of characters choosing)
Primary starts at A, Secondary starts at C, Tertiary starts at D.

Location: Scattered

Clan History:
The Hadaruku clan is one of the older clans recorded in Shinobbi history. While the clan did not begin as a clan of trained Shinobi warriors rather they were considered a tribal and shamanistic people. Who believed that the elements were in fact spiritual beasts and held influence over their lives. As the clan grew in age they began to delve deeper in this belief and slowly began to adopt more feral characteristics that were attributed with predatory animals. This innate ferality grew to a breaking point as the clan began to deteriorate socially to the point of near animalistic behaviors. This continued for generations and became the reason why the clan was known as Hadaruku or “Skin Walkers”, as Shinobi from other villages began to believe they were ferocious animals born in the skin of humans.

However, after several generations a young member of the Hadaruku clan traveled alone into the wilderness to set up his own “pack”. It was there that he met his spiritual guide, a beast that represented his innate affinity towards an element. This “Spirit Guide” taught the young man how to better overcome his internal beast and control it, allowing him the ability to shift between his human and animal “skins”. This young man adopted a name for himself, something that hadn’t been seen inside the Hadaruku clan for generations, he called himself Hadaruku Meida.

Meida began to draw on the power of his elemental alignments growing stronger than any other Hadaruku while gaining more “domesticated” characteristics. After years of training Meida returned to his “pack” and was able to easily rip the mantle of leadership from his superior, making him the official Alpha. It was at that time Meida forced members of his pack to undertake this “Spiritual Quest” to gain power over not only themselves but the power that dwelled under their skin as well. This soon became a tradition amongst the Clan (renamed once the members had undergone their Spiritual Quests) and Meida looked to further his influence to other packs that roamed the wilderness or eliminate them altogether.

For years Meida and his clan either absorbed feral packs of Hadaruku or eliminated them altogether and wiped them from existence with their new found power. However, Meida had overlooked one small detail of his conquest, the Shinobi Villages. As tales were spun about the rampaging horde of seemingly human Hadaruku fear began to follow the Clan in their wake. This caused a hostile reaction from several Villages and forced the Clan to break into smaller segments and go into hiding as Nomadic settlers. For generations the Hadaruku hid both their Kekkei Genkai and their astounding abilities from their home villages, until recently when several brave young Shinobi revealed themselves as the Hadaruku from legend and were accepted for their great power and ability. This has caused the younger generations of Hadaruku to break their silence and step forth in the light of what they are publicly, they are Hadaruku, they are “Skin Walkers”.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
The Hadaruku have the unique ability to transform into the animal that represents their Spiritual Guide (this can only be obtained once a Hadaruku reaches Chuunin rank, must be a minimum of 2000 words to awaken their Kekkei Genkai.) Once this is obtained the individual Hadaruku gains the ability to freely shift between his human and beastial form, gaining specific characteristics and abilities based on this beastial form. The Spiritual Guide is decided by the individual Hadaruku’s Primary Element and are as follows.

Fuuton: Bat

Katon: Frilled Lizard

Raiton: Praying Mantis

Doton: Bear

Suiton: Angler Fish

Each of these forms holds a different set of abilities which are based out of their Secondary element. (Please note: That you may not take an Element that your Primary is weak to IE: A Hadaruku who takes Suiton as his or her Primary Element may not take Raiton as his or her Secondary Element.) On top of this the Special Characteristics of the beastial form are automatically given to the character as passive traits upon reaching Jounin rank. The power of all abilities in Beastial form is based off of the Rank of their Secondary Element.

The Hadaruku Clan are born feral, just as their ancestors once were this is due to the untamed nature of their Elemental Chakra. This Ferality will not change until after a character goes on their Spiritual Quest, which can only be done after the attain Chuunin rank. The Ferality is then decreased to allow normal interactions outside of combat. On top of this an individual Hadaruku cannot take a third or fourth element, this is to ensure the individual does not destabilize his or her own elemental chakra once more. Hadaruku Clan members cannot take any positive characteristics inside human form.








Missing Nin

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Hadaruku Transformation Technique
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Hadaruku Bloodline
Duration: Maintainable (Chakra cost is the same as the Shinobi’s rank, -5 per post after this is activated.)
Cooldown: Double the active Duration
Description: The Hadaruku Transformation Technique is what defines this clan’s impressive control over their Chaotic elements with the help of their Spiritual Guide. This is accomplished by the transformation into their Beastial form (Based on Primary element) and are able to use Chakra Flow jutsu (based on Secondary or lowest ranking element.) In addition the physical transformation is based on the current rank of the individual Shinobi and at higher ranks will unlock new abilities for their beastial form.

All Forms Gain base Special characteristics and slight facial and bodily changes based upon what their Primary Element is.

Special Jounin
Fuuton Bat:

Katon Frilled Lizard:

Raiton Mantis:

Doton Bear:

Suiton Angler Fish:

(This KKG Jutsu is still under work.)

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