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Zodiak got tired of all the mission he had to do, so he took a day off. He picked the perfect day, it was warm and the bright sun was shining. The young Genin stretched his arms while walking outside. He loved the warmth of the sun on his skin even though he never got a brown skin of it. The shinobi went to the Market District, he wanted to look what was new.

A little shop got his attention and Zodiak slowly went inside. The shop was full of delicious candies. "Ooh!" Zodiak said and that also was the only this he could say. The young boy looked right, then looked left and quickly ate one of the sour candies. His expression went all sour and his eyes were almost crying. The shop owner saw what happened and kicked him out. "Damn you, young kids! Stop stealing candy!" the old man said while pulling Zodiak his ear. "What! I didn't do anything!" Zodiak lied. "I saw you eat the candy, you thief!" the shop owner made Zodiak his ear bleed. Then he kicked him out of the shop with a good punch in his back. "Never come here again! You hear me!" the old man shouted after the Genin. "My ear is bleeding?! The candy was totally not worth that much!" Zodiak said while walking away and rubbing his ear.



"Urgh...need to go and do some shopping. No food for dinner tonight..."

He complained, shutting the fridge door. Oh great, another day of walking around the village like a headless loon! He despised having to go outside when it was a day off...he'd much rather sleep and waste the day away on nothing, rather than go out and make the most out of his time. Rubbing the back of his neck, Kenta sighed as he left his home, locking the door behind him before heading on down to the Market district. It was going to be another one of those days where he was forced to spend more and more ryo by the second.

Having entered upon the Market District, Kenta was smacked by the different smelling foods. Candy shops, meat stands, fish stalls etc. What an interesting combination of flavors and smells...He only really needed to get some beef joints, leg of lamb and some herbs and spices. It wasn't too much to get but the spice stand was shut...brilliant. No kick in the food tonight then! Yet hold on...what was this? A shopkeeper was dragging out someone by the ear, making them bleed. What did the kid do? Kill his pet? Jesus, bit extreme. Dropping his basket near a stall, Kenta walked up to the kid who was now rubbing his ear, Kenta's golden eyes staring straight to him.

"What'd you do?"

He asked the Genin simply, frustration now written on his face. Ever since he became Sp.Jounin, he was tasked with keeping order within the village, along with other members of his rank and up. With the exception of the Hokage since he was still away...where was he actually? Kenta was promised training from him...



While Zodiak was rubbing his ear, he heared a voice in front of him. Zodiak looked up and saw a frustrated expression on the person's face. The Genin just stared at him for a while and was thinking about an answer. Why would he ask? Is he someone important maybe? Or maybe he is going to punish me too! All these thoughts ran through Zodiak his mind. He tried to speak but no sound came. Zodiak was still thinking who this person could be.

Finally he thought of an answer. "Depends on who i am telling." the young boy said kinds nervous to the frustrated person.



Depends on who he was telling? Was he trying to be a smart ass? Urgh, not another one. Kenta had zero time for those that were only going to give him a headache. Kenta rubbed his forehead with his left index finger and thumb before lowering them down to his eyes, a small sigh releasing from his lips.

"Look, I honestly don't care. I was being nice."

He simply said, cracking his neck as he began stretching upwards, bones cracking down his spine, releasing small burst of relief and pleasure before he settled back down. The kid was nervous, yeah but nervous people don't usually go all evasive. They kinda stammer for a moment and then fail to find words before either explaining what happened or asking the simple question of; 'What?' But nyeh, it wasn't Kenta's problem if this kid was going to steal. If it was only small things like candy, then yeah, it'd be nothing to tie panties into knots...but if it were money then Kenta would probably have to handle the child and throw him into confinement for awhile, just so he could clear his head.

He turned from the boy, walking over to his basket before picking it up and turning back to him. Now several feet from the boy, Kenta just examined him, getting a better view of what he looked like. Hmm...not much to tell really, nothing out of the ordinary. So, besides the goggles that hung around his neck, nothing piqued Kenta's interests.

"Very well, you don't need to talk."



Zodiak lost intrest in the person and started look around him. When he heard his voice again, Zodiiak looked at him very casually.. "Very well, you don't need to talk" the person said after cracking his neck. The Genin saw that doing that made him glad for a second there. Who does he think he is?! Playing all cool like that! Zodiak shouted in his mind. Luckily for Zodiak he hadn't shouted it out loud, but it wouldn't take long for him to burst and scream. Inside he was litterly boiling. I mean i only wanted to know the person before i told him! C'mon! Now, now, stop being so angry Zodiak, just anwser in a nice way.

"I only wanted to know who you are! Jeesh!" That didn't really go as planned. "Damn it! That came out wrong"' he tried to apologise while grabbing a cigarette, putting it in his mouth and burning the end of it. He inhaled deep to relax.



"I only wanted to know who you are! Jeesh!"

Beg ye pardon? Kenta's eyes flashed as his ears picked up what the benin had said. He did? Could have made it a bit more clearer. Kenta was still half asleep so common sense was throw right out of the window. He cocked his head to the side slightly before returning to the kids front. Smoking? Was he even old enough to be smoking? Considering it was a public place with kiddies running around, Kenta sighed and signalled for the Genin to follow him. He turned away before leaping into the air and landing on a nearby rooftop.

"So, you want to know me? Fair enough. I'm Kenta Sarutobi, I've only recently become a Sp.Jounin so my tolerance is still getting better. I can tell your boiling point is near bill so I'll try not to insult you. Well...TRY is going to be hard indeed since that's what I do. Anything else? I like long walks on the beach, I love candle lit dinners, puppies are to die for darling..."

He said, face blank but sarcasm deep in his voice near the end. Yup. He dun goof'd like a motherfucker. Then again, he didn't really realise cause he's so used to being sarcastic or just downright bitchy to anyone...hell, even the Kage.

...The kid, not knowing how old he was, was beginning to get annoying...not him himself, just the fact that Kenta greatly disliked the smell of smoke from cigarettes...He just greatly despised it since his father used to smoke to deal with his depression once his wife had went out on a mission, Kenta's mother. Urgh. Right in the childhood. A frown appeared on his face as his eyes would shut, concentrating his best to ignore the smell...and to make it even more obvious, Kenta clasped his nose firmly with his free hand, blocking out the smell.

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