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1Middle of chaos - avatar au Empty Middle of chaos - avatar au Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:25 am


Middle of chaos - avatar au Bannertop-2
This wasn't supposed to happen.

Things weren't supposed to be this way.

He was supposed to stop all of it...

To save us all.

He failed.

It's been five years since Aang and his friends failed to stop Ozai from harnessing the power of Sozin's Comet. Now, the Phoenix King and his daughter, Fire Lord Azula, rule, and none oppose them. The world has turned to chaos and despair as everyone is forced to serve, and the Fire Nation controls all.

Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and everyone else who opposed the Fire Nation has gone into hiding. Scattered across the world, the time has come for them to unite once more. Things have gone on long enough, and the world can bare it no longer. Together with those still willing to fight, those still rebels at heart, they make a new stand against the Phoenix King and his army.

But they are not alone.

Groups of rebels, deserters and traitors of the Fire Nation and those from all over the world are joining together to stop the tyranny and to end the madness. It won't be easy and they know the risks of going against such a firm rule, but they have hope.

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