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1Sunset Gold - Semi-Canon Pern Empty Sunset Gold - Semi-Canon Pern Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:19 am


Sunset Gold - Semi-Canon Pern Sgad
History x Rules x Info x Advertising x Needed
There are only two Junior Weyrwomen at Ashld Weyr, and both of them have a curse. At least, that is what is believed of those that Impress to any gold hatched from Syneth's Clutches. Rumours spread throughout the Weyr and Hold about the downfall of Dragons, though all hope for the better.

With Thread continuing to fall, a full Turn has gone by without the Senior Weyrwoman's Syneth Rising to mate. With Tsunade expected to retire at any time, and the two young golds yet to Rise themselves, it has become a race among the Bronzeriders to get their chosen queen to rise first--and to be caught by their bronze--before the curse rears its ugly head and kills off either one or both of the potential Weyrwomen.

The weyrfolk begin to pick favourites behind closed doors, and the Bronzeriders battle for the title of Weyrleader while the Goldriders just try to stay alive.

Whose side will you be on?

Sunset Gold is a brand new semi-canon Pern roleplay set in the 7th Pass. We call ourselves semi-canon as we are based around a non-canon weyr, though we only use canon colours and other canon basics for our site. We would like to refer to ourselves as a semi-literate site, bordering on advanced for the more eager writers out there, We are set in a tropical region with monsoons and summer storms as well as the threat of an active volcano right outside the Weyr.

Being brand new, we have many positions of both ranking and regular levels available:
~ Contest-available Junior Weyrwoman position!
~ The retiring Weyrleader who may yet win his position again!
~ Power hungry Bronzeriders vying for the right to lead!
~ Craftsmasters of everything you can think of!
~ Two sets of still-young Weyrlings!
~ Saird Lord Holder and his family!
~ The lovely Lady Holder position!
~ The chance to help the retiring Weyrwoman as Headwoman!
As well as numerous other great opportunities. We have no set character limit, so feel free to take on those you think you can! There are endless possibilites at Sunset Gold!

Please feel free to join us and have a look around, we would love to have you!

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