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1 Vandals! Miscreants! [C - Kumo] Empty Vandals! Miscreants! [C - Kumo] Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:42 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Hope is gone

Zetsume had been looking around at the local shops on this fine day in Kumogakure. He received word from his Raikage about someone destroying shops. They would leave nasty remarks along with broken windows. It seemed as though they were trying to make a point. Now it was Zetsume's job to find this person and capture him. He was told that he would not be allowed to kill whoever it is because the crime was not that serious. So Zetsume only took with him his Hishou, and twenty rubber tipped arrows. These would prove handy when he is trying to catch whoever was doing it. The only kind of lead that Zetsume really had was a hooded figure walking around at night. That might as well have been everyone inside of this village for all he knew. He sighed after checking the damages to the stores. Seemed all of these stores within a block radius have all been vandalized in some way. Though something struck him odd. The fact that on this whole street only one store was not hit by this vandal. After some poking around near the store, he saw a For Sale sign. Though it was odd how even though the store was closing that this one was not hit. If Zetsume was the vandal either he would hit stores he had grudges against or he would hit randomly. It seemed that the ones being hit were all picked out. Every store within a block radius has been vandalized in some manner except the one about to close. Zetsume took in all of the fact he could before he tried to make assumptions. Zetsume took the time to talk to each store before it was dark outside.

Even though talking to them seemed like a good idea, just in case they had seen something. No one saw a thing though. This annoyed Zetsume because he wasted all of this time talking to each one just to find out nothing at all other than a hooded figure. Zetsume sat on top of a roof while looking down below. There was not many people outside on this night because of the weather. It was FUCKING COLD, even for his standard. Though if he were a vandal this seemed like the best time to do it. When people were not around. Zetsume looked for hours and hours jumping from roof to roof in search for this man but came up empty. He found a few hooded people but they were just pedestrians who meant no harm. Zetsume always felt weird when he was so close to ending it but then was so far away. Zetsume heard a loud crash in the background and knew that this could be his lucky streak. He followed to where the sound was.

Sure enough when he got there, there was a hooded figure smashing windows in the back of another Ramen store, while painting rude things on the wall. Zetsume knew this had to be the man and decided to take action before he noticed him. Zetsume drew back his rubber tipped arrow and let it fly. The vandal had no idea that it was coming but it hit him so hard that he fell to his knees. Zetsume drew another arrow and shot him again while he was on his knees, this shot caused him to lay flat on the ground. Zetsume was taking no chances on him escaping and kept his eyes fixed on him with another arrow ready to hit if needed. When he got close he turned the man over with his foot to see his face. He knew this man, it was his store that had recently been close. Seemed he tried to scare off other people with these acts. Zetsume had no idea how to deal with this. He had a man who lost everything and was about to turn him in where he would have to pay each store a price for the damage he caused. The man begged Zetsume to not kill him, even though he already was not going to. Zetsume spoke to the man "Why are you doing this. What is your name. Answer me before the next shot will become the end of you." The man had no idea that Zetsume was actually not going to kill him and this worked in his favor. The man spoke after a few seconds "P-p-please do not kill me. My name is Inichi, I worked at the Ramen shop down the street. I am sorry, I just wanted them to move away so my business could thrive. You do not know what it is like to lose everything and now my wife is leaving me for another man. I do not know what to do."

Zetsume looked at the man with pity. He hated how this man became. He was once a noble honorable man. Now he was just begging and crying to Zetsume. Though a small part of him did feel sympathy for him. He did not want to take him to jail. It would only make his life worst. He put his arrow back into his quiver and helped the man up. "Honestly, yesterday I would have killed you if this was yesterday and simply told the Raikage that you tried to come at me with a deadly weapon. Luckily for you a jounin by the name of Sanosuke taught me that people deserve a second chance.

Zetsume stopped talking and looked around at the mess he caused. After a long sigh he decided what to do with him. "Well, I am going to need you to man up. Look at this mess you caused. In order for me to let you go, I am going to need you to promise me that you will personally help repair and repaint everything you have caused damage to. If you can do that, I can mark this off as completed.

The man went to say something but then stopped before he realized he was in no position to speak anything other than yes. "Yes, I promise", he spoke in a low tone. He seemed to be afraid now. Zetsume knew this man's face, and he would have no where to hide. If he did not keep up his end of the deal, Zetsume would surely hunt him down.

"If you do not keep up your end of the deal. I will use lethal arrows next time to capture you. Anyways go home, and show. Zetsume said to the man before strapping his bow back on to his back. He left the scene hoping that this man would take his generosity.

A few days later Zetsume saw the man again and thanked him for keeping his end of the deal. As it turns out he is a carpenter now and is making more money than he did at the Ramen shop. This warmed Zetsume's heart that someone can change. Maybe people can change eh, Sanosuke, he thought to himself before turning in this mission.

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