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1I hate children...(Mission/complete) Empty I hate children...(Mission/complete) Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:40 pm

Sōdaina Borudā

Sōdaina Borudā


"Nice role model, ass hole!" was the first thing the Bald ninja heard as he approached the academy, cigar in mouth quickly giving the passing person the 'finger' reaffriming the point that he wasn't really the best role model. In fact he probably didn't need to be around small children at all...Regardless, there he was at the Ninja academy ready to do another low level job. With a slight sigh he flicked the cigar away entering the academy where he had just recently graduated himself. He had been tasked with helping in a novice Medical Ninjutsu class, they would all be dissecting a fetal pig, studying the basic anatomy of the animal. He fully expected one of them to blow chunks during the lesson, making the mission seem even more appealing.

Entering the specific classroom the elder Shinobi observed roughly twenty children most with uncertain looks, and two or so with looks of morbid curiosity, Boruda instantaneously spotting the future medics in the room. Taking a whiff of the area everything smelled of formaldehyde, obviously from the pigs, yet it lead him to think of preserved bodies...An odd thought.

In the dead center of the room was a two leveled push-cart, upon the cart were four buckets in the buckets, well you know what were in the bucket. Moving over to the cart Boruda peered in confirming his suspicions looking up to the group asking a simple question, "So, where's the teacher?" getting a unanimous 'Iunno' from the class right before the teacher entered the room, an unfamiliar face of an older male. Obviously not Boruda's medical teacher. The man, without even acknowledging his assistant, addressed the class "Today we will be dissecting these pigs, and before anyone asks yes you are required to do this, and no there is no simulation for this." the older man quickly pointed at Boruda, yelling at him "Stooge! Pass out the pigs!" the Bald ninja turned to the man to squint, not sure what he had just heard. Had he just called his assistant a 'Stooge' ? What an ass.

Still he did as he was told, going about the room and distributing the little dead pale piggies onto silver trays which each kid-ninja had on their desk. Soon he returned to the teacher standing silently, hands clasped behind his back waiting for him to begin speaking. He quickly did "Our shiny headed imbecilic friend," this guy was a dick "has just passed out your pigs, now we are going to begin." which they did.

Moments later a hand shot up from the back of the room, Boruda quickly walking back to find a young man with a certain green hue on his face, stating quickly "I think I'm going to -- " and with that the child did about what you're probably expecting...

So in the course of an hour he had been verbally berated by two people in two separate situations, and then vomited on. His day was not going as planned. "Yeah, uh, could have given me a little more warning on that one kid." returning to the front of class to have the teacher giggle slightly...It was on like Donkey Kong, Boruda was going to kick this dude's ass, after class ended of course. Coincidentally it did roughly a tenth of a minute after everything happened.
After the class cleared out, and without further chatter Boruda delivered a quick left straight to the man's nose causing him to plummet to the ground unconscious. He, doing the wise thing, left immediately afterward. He had done his job, and a little more.


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