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1Hunting the Hunters! (Kumo-B-Repeatable) Empty Hunting the Hunters! (Kumo-B-Repeatable) Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:33 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Mission name: Hunting the Hunters!
Mission rank: B
Objective: To kill whatever keeps howling in the night.
Location: Kumogakure
Reward: 270 ryo
Mission description: We have been getting reports of a howling just outside of the Kumogakure gates. We want you to check it out. If anything other than human is there, kill without hesitation.
Mission details: You are sent on a mission in which a howling noise is heard. You must be accompanied by either another player or a NPC, you may use the one here. Upon following the tracks you will find yourself at a den, inside of the den are 16 wargs (over sized wolves) they are incredibly dangerous and work like a normal pack would in a fight by surrounding their dinner. You must kill all of them. They have the strength of C rank pets. Min WC is 1500 (standard for B rank mission)

Picture of the wargs inside


Name: Seifer
Age: 18
General Appearance: Blond spiky hair, wields a katana. He is 5'10" with blue eyes.
Personality: Cocky of his skills with Kenjutsu, will make rude comments.
Motivations: To be the next Raikage
Fears: Death
Other: B rank user in Kenjutsu. Knows no real ninjutsu attacks.




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