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Chiba finaly made it to the top of the waterfall. it was quite the climb, but he'd been told that the view was worth it. as he turned to look at the village, he agreed that the view was an excelent chance to map the roadways, buildings, and even track pattern of movement for the people below. he deftly withdrew a hand into his sleave, returning it a moment later with his notebook. begining to take notes on this new perspective of the village, he started memorizing its layout.



Alessi had been up on the point for quite a while. Time was definitely no concern to her. With her recent promotion to Chuunin, she thought she would've been a bit busier. Yet, she was somewhat happy to not be on a mission, or have some errand to run. The only thing on her list was to be up on Waterfall Point, maybe read a few medical books, or even draw a bit. When Alessi first got there, she was able to get the perfect spot. on top of a rock close to the edge of the cliff. She wasn't particularly nervous about falling. The way she was sitting allowed her to keep stable. All was quiet, well... except for the water nearby, but that didn't bother her. Alessi had her sketchpad out on her lap as she glanced up occasionally to recapture the beautiful view. As she was busy with her art, she had failed to realize there was someone else up there as well.



it took Chiba only a short while to memorize the layout of Iwa. finished with his goal so quickly, he decided to explore the source of the waterfall. as he turned to do so, he noticed a young woman, a few years older than he was. immersed as she was with whatever it was she was doing, he thought it would be rude to interrupt her, so he started investigating the mountaintop to discover the source of the waters.



Alessi kept switching between her drawing and the scenery. Deciding to rest her eyes from the same switching of view over and over, she looked around for a moment. That's when she noticed a boy walking in the distance. She tilted her head slightly and stood up. It didn't really occur to her that she had an unfinished drawing, though she didn't exactly care due to the fact that she was only drawing out of boredom. After packing her things back into her pack, she hopped down from the rock she was on and started to follow the boy. It seemed like the boy was looking for something. This only got her thinking. "Maybe he left something up here. Maybe he's looking for someone." Multiple guesses popped into her head, but Alessi finally decided on just going up to the boy and introducing herself. Slowly making her way behind the boy, she grinned, then spoke lightly and calmly. "Hello? Did you lose something?"



the young woman had snuck up on Chiba, so involved with his hunt for the waters source he was. he turned when she spoke, and sesponed politely, "no, thank you for your concern. I was meerly looking to figure out the source of the waterfall. this much water flowing from nowhere is rather unique, and i was hoping to deduce some of its secrets for myself. My name is Chiba Shogo, it is a pleasure to meet you"
Chiba held out his had as had been done to him when he'd first arrived. that mucst be the propper greeting in these parts, after all.



Alessi accepted the handshake without any question. As she shook his hand, she could feel that there were no sign of calluses on Chiba's hand. Instantly, she was able to figure out that this boy wasn't a taijutsu fighter. It might have been a bit rude, but she did it out of instinct. "Nice to meet you Chiba. My name's Alessi Kazako." Releasing his hand her mind was immediately turned to the quick statement Chiba made before he mentioned his name. The source of water was something she had never really though about. She always assumed it was just some natural phenomena, but never really got into the facts behind it. Without any thoughts in mind, she calmly blurted out something. "Uh... Mind if I tag along and help you look?"



Chiba's surprise and excitement over having found someone as curious as he was didnt show on his stoic face, but he didn't hesitate before answering, "i would appreciate your aid, Alessi-senpai."

he turned back to where the water came rushing out from under the rocks. as he stared, he calculated how he might be able to explore the watersource further (chakra threads are too flimsy with the current as strong as it is, even with Doton. weighing them with kunai would only give the water more to pull at. an explosion tag might only serve to close the opening for good.) it was no use, there was no way he could delve into the secret. unless, "alessi-senpai, do you have any ideas as to how one might go against the current to delve deeper into the source of this water?"



Alessi followed close behind Chiba. She wasn't too sure where they were headed or what the signs of the water's source she had to pick up on. It was just as nice to have a bit of company, even if it would only be for a short while.

As soon as Chiba gratefully thanked Alessi for her assistance, he turned right back around and inspected the water flowing from under the rock. Alessi tilted her upper torso slightly to get a better look. She wasn't too sure if it was the source of the water, but she could have been wrong. Eyeing the rock above the water flow, she could see there was definitely water some sort of geological feature that made the water accelerate and shoot out. Bringing her attention back to Chiba, he started to ask for an ideas of getting closer to the source. "I don't think I can get us closer... I mean, we could try removing that rock that's blocking the current... But other than that, I don't really know...

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi was taking a walk when he ended up at waterfall point. Takumi had been really bust lately and was about to lay down and rest when he saw two people at the top of the waterfall. Taku began to walk up the face of the fall. At the top Taku yawned and said "Hello Alessi and Hello i am Takumi". He said to Alessi and the new person.



turning at the new voice, Chiba inpected the newcomer briefly."Greetings, Takumi-senesi. My name is Chiba Shobo. It is nice to meet you. Chiba was hoping this newcomer could shed some light on the issue at hand. "Takume-Sensei, as a Special-Jounin, do you have any knowledge of the waters' source, or perhaps where i could obtain such knowledge? it seems quite the natural phenomenon, and has me rather curious."



Alessi picked her head up slightly at the sound of a familiar voice. She didn't even have to turn around to know it was her friend Taku. Of course she did turn around to be polite. "Hey Taku!" Her voice was quite cheery. She had seen Taku not too long ago, but was still rather happy to see him again. Before anything else happened, Chiba greeted Taku and went right to asking if he had anything that would be able to assist them in getting to the source of the point's water.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku began to rub his head and said "If i remember right there is a large spring under the fall and there is a opening a ways back where the water comes out". Taku then turned and said "Also how have you been Alessi". Then taku went back to his topic If you follow me i will show you where it is". Taku said he then began walking toward where the water came out. When he arrived he jumped over to the waters exit point and said "Yep right here is where the water comes from". Talu then pointed to the large area where water flowed out of the ground at great speeds.



Chiba followed Takumi to the spot where the water flowed from. inspecting the emerging waters, his curiosity got the best of him. "i still can not imagine how the waters reach this altitude" he said. "especialy flowing at such speeds."



Alessi watched as Chiba became more and more fascinated with the flow of water. If she thought about it for a while, she could probably see how it was interesting, but that would definitely take her a while. She really wasn't too fond of getting wet when she didn't mean to. Though, most people are like that. Shaking her little daydream out of her head, she watched and adjusted her position to get a good look at the area Taku was talking about. A few more random thoughts started to freely drift around in her mind. One particular thought being her moving the rock and allowing passage to the mystery behind. Except, she wasn't strong enough to move the large rock without assistance. If only she was good with earth... With a slight sigh, she patiently waited for the two of them to conclude on a plan.

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