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1Hokousha Clan Empty Hokousha Clan Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:16 pm



Hokousha Clan Machina-symbol_zps6ebc7fa8
Clan: Hokousha 

Kekkei Genkai: Nemuigan -Doujutsu

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Genjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History:

The Hokousha clan was believed to be founded and formed by the a spiritual being named Orochisai Riko. Riko was an spiritual god of the moon who was believed to be banished from the skies and stripped of his kids. But though he attempted to move on after his kids were took, he missed his children dearly. He wanted new offspring and couldn't get his minds off of his young. He was thinking deeply, and his wife, Usagi saw him stressing. Because of this, Usagi payed another shinobi from another outpost to perform an experiment on his mind to attempt to reunite him with his kids again.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for Riko, he had a dream. He dreamt of children again, this time though, he only wanted one. Using his might and power, he willed a child to be conceived. She was named Masayume, a dream that came true. She was beautiful, yet a fragile little thing who did nothing more but sleep. Usagi found out about his child and loved it all the same. Masayume never woke up. Instead she came alive during the dreams. Riko and Usagi would both find her frolicking around as they slept. They were enchanted by her. Because of this Riko became lazy and didn't commit to his job and responsibilities. Instead he spent the day and night sleeping alongside his wife and daughter.

The higher gods were angry and filled with rage. Because the moon god never did his responsibilities the moon and the stars lost their light. To punish them, they took away Masayume and sent her to the earth, banished right after Riko was. This time though, Masayume couldn't simply sleep all day. She had to wake up to the earth. After this wonderful myth, Masayume  mind became more intelligent and her eyes had been altered to a different color. Her eyes also changed into a black and orange pupil with bags of wrinkles under her eyes. Obviously, this gift was mistake. The higher gods had gave out an gift on accident as they were attempting to banish her.

This gift became something that was traditionally passed down to their children, and many of her descendants - which after a while the group of shinobi organized them self into a clan named "Hokousha." Throughout this period of time, the members of the clan had been steady devolving and evolving their skills while establishing training stages for other clans members to follow later on in life. But as these members of the clan continued to mature their already found abilities, one man wanted more power. He dreamed of creating a technique that could connect the dream passage to the real world.  Most of the other clans members laughing and mocking him because of it.

This humiliation didn't tear into the inner sanctums of his soul. Instead, it motivated him. He studied everything he could, expanding his mind past the levels of an average matured shinobi of this technique; Which eventually worked. The man had finally been able to project his creations into reality to attack, and defend against some of the strongest techniques. This ability of the man was soon to be named "Dream Projection" - which was the result of Kumogakure having interest in the clans skills to help them fend off against the other villages if needed. As of now, Hokousha have been hiding in the shadows, waiting for their chance to make a move and expose the world to their dreams.

Kekkei Genkai Description: 

This doujutsu allows its users to utilize their mind, and the minds of others (depending on rank and level) to read the thoughts of the user and place the user to sleep to take the battle into a mental one. Once the user is put to sleep, he will still think he is in the real world and not inside of the dream passage if the user makes the environment of the dream a replica of the real battle field. As long as the users can see the eyes of the opponent, they can read the thoughts of them and as long as the opponent glances at the Doujutsu- they can put them to sleep to access the dream passage. [Doujutsu explained more in the Nemuigan.] Over the years of an Hokousha's life, their eyes will continue to mature until reaching the epitome of its power which is proclaimed to be able to one vs one an Mangekyou user.

Members of this clan are also born intelligent, and have trained most of their lives in Doujutsu. But, training in Genjutsu is just not a small thing to them. They take the training of perfecting an illusion seriously. This is the reason members receive a +1 boost to power and ability in Genjutsu, meaning that they can use genjutsu that is one rank higher than their rank limitations and their genjutsu is also one rank stronger than normal. Also, they are all born with an Eidetic memory and thus they can keep a mental image of anything or anybody they have seen, and can remember informatiom picked up from the Doujutsu for more longer time than an average shinobi. 


The Nemuigan also has a few drawbacks while being used. Constantly using the Nemuigan over a long period of time causes severe eye strain and even blindness in the user. At Genin, the user suffers eye strain and blurriness at 5 posts, which worsens over time; blindness is incurred at 10 posts. At C and B rank, the time they can use it for without consequence doubles. It doubles again at A-rank. Also while using the dream technique, The user is open to another shinobi attacking him/her while using the technique on someone else. Also if the opponent notices that this is a Genjutsu, and attempts to use Kai- he can break out of the dream. The basic rules for breaking out of this technique are the same as any other shinobi would break out of this technique.

Another drawback of this technique is that this skill has drawbacks depending on how much the user had matured their Doujutsu through training each rank of it in word training; The training word count to learn each matured version of this technique is similar to apping and learning a new Jutsu. This training must also be some sort of exercise that challenges the member's mind mentally such as expanding their mind through reading books, learning new Genjutsu, etc. Because of them focusing most of their training on Genjutsu, the clans members are frail and especially suceptible to Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, and as such, both specialties do one rank(+1) higher in damage against them.


  • Hokousha Yancha

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:


Dream Manipulation:

Dream Projection:

2Hokousha Clan Empty Re: Hokousha Clan Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:40 pm


Apologies, but the Mikkoku clan already has the site's Mind-reading ability, plus dream reading and manipulation. Theirs is way weaker than this, besides...Also, an entire sort of pocket dimension accessed and manipulated by your Doujutsu? That's overkill, sir. With Takao's permission...


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