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1A Long Day [Closed] Empty A Long Day [Closed] Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:07 am



Isamu sat down near the steam bath, looking carefully into the water. He fiddled with his hair as he mulled over the days events. He hadn't gotten much accomplished, and had slept the day away. Now it was late, and the moon shone brightly over the pale, foggy sky. Footsteps began to lighten as people flooded into their homes, and the crowd thinned into a stream, then a trickle, and finally, silence. He was alone, and he snapped out of this pensive state and removed his clothes. Suddenly, he heard the footsteps return, and fell back into the bath. A loud splash echoed through the room, and a few seconds later his head emerged and looking directly into his eyes stood Ryu, who was holding back a laugh.
"Sorry for scaring you there, Isamu. I saw you walking here, and decided to come along.

Isamu continued to stare into Ryu's amber eyes, slightly embarassed.

"Hehe, that's, uh, alright. I was just gonna relax a little. It's so quiet outside, it's almost creepy..."

They both held the stare further, and the wind whizzed outside against the building.

Last edited by Isamu on Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

2A Long Day [Closed] Empty Re: A Long Day [Closed] Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:24 am


Ryu cuffed his pants over his knees and sat down, dropping his feet into the bath. He never lost eye contact with Isamu, and Isamu was beginning to blush. "Ryu?"
"What's up?"
"I'm really glad I met you." Ryu's smile widened into a large grin.
"And I you. So, how was your day today?"
"It was fine. I worked over the counter at the shop, no deliveries today. How was your day?"
"Well, I helped my brothers do some D-Rank missions today. I may not be a ninja, but I am capable of carrying large objects."
"Indeed. You can lift me like I'm a feather!" The two laughed, and this gave Isamu the opportunity he needed. He grabbed Ryu's leg, and gave a hard tug before Ryu could realize what was happening. Ryu slipped and fell into the bath, and poked his head out of the water immediately, splashing water in Isamu's face. "You ass! Haha..." their eyes met again, and this time Ryu was the one to break contact. He swam back a few feet and took off his once-neat, now drenched clothing and left it next to Isamu's. They leaned against the rim of the bath and floated there quietly. Isamu caught a glimpse of a cut on Ryu's leg that stilled looked fresh. "Oh, no! Ryu! What happened?" Ryu looked at him, confused, than realized that he was looking at the cut.
"Oh, an accident while I was helping my brothers. No problem."
"BIG problem, actually! But don't worry, I got it for you." Isamu looked at his hand and focused, and a silvery shimmering liquid formed in it. He tipped his hand and let it drip down through the bath and onto Ryu's leg, and the wound began to slowly heal. Ryu stared, dumbfounded. "So that's your clan's kekkai genkai, right? It's beautiful...and it feels so soothing..."
"Haha, yeah. But really, Ryu. Anytime you get hurt, don't hesitate to find me. I'm also a medical ninja, after all. I'd be glad to help."

Used Jutsu:

3A Long Day [Closed] Empty Re: A Long Day [Closed] Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:48 am


The two sat stagnant in the warm waters for quite a long time. Talking, laughing, smiling, dreaming....time passed quickly, and it was suddenly almost 2 in the morning. Isamu was the first to realize this. He turned to Ryu, whose eyes were fluttering. "Ryu, it's 2. We should probably head back home."
"Ugh, I guess you're right. You wanna sleep over at my place? You're parents'll be fine with it, right?"
"Yeah, I'll stop by my place and tell them while I pick up some clothes." He redressed meticulously, and the two left the bath house, empty and silent in the dark of the night.

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