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1Street sweeper! (D-Rank mission/closed) Empty Street sweeper! (D-Rank mission/closed) Sun May 12, 2013 7:58 pm

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi


Migoto had been sitting in his house for the remainder of the day waiting for the perfect opportunity to start him newest mission. It was not a prestigious mission, or a mission of global importance;no it was to sweep the mucky streets of Iwagakure. They had sense fallen into a state of utter decay, a few days ago Migoto had walked the streets and seen a disgusting sight. A drunk and his friends were littering empty been bottles and snack wrappers willy-nilly in the dead of night. Not to mention they were causing one hell of a commotion with theur hooping and hollering. It was very annoying but something you just had to live with if you didn't want to go to jail for beating them up. But sense then Migoto has noticed the streets get more dirty by the minute, scattered paper overflowing trashcans, wrappers and bottles cast aside and broken, it was sad to keep their great village in the dirt. It was time for Migoto to go his part and clean this up.So Migoto had to wait until night so their weren't as many people on the streets and go to work with his dandy broom they had supplied him the other day. It was now about seven and the sun was just now starting to dip below the horizon, but their was a diminished number of people walking the streets, most attending to last minute things like shopping. Only a few more hours and he could get to work and finish this mission.To pass the time Migoto began to count the various people that passed by or follow them as far as he could see them,Migoto decided on the latter. He spotted a middle aged man, garbed in a simple kimono and cloth shoes, he was carrying a a bag of groceries he had probably just bought. Stopping at on of the houses he proceeded to knock on the door a few times then step back and wait for a response. After about a half a minute the door of the house opened to reviel an old woman wearing a simple pink gown. They were to far away for Migoto to make out what they were saying but they greeted one another and hugged. Once their pleasantries were done the man handed the woman the groceries and they parted ways.Evidently the man was the woman's son that had brought her groceries, what a nice thing to do. The best thing about playing the 'what are people doing'game is to see people perform heart warming acts such as that.Migoto smiled to himself and continued to enjoy the city as it continued to drift into the darkness of night. The street lights were coming on one by one as the streets lit up to give the residents that were still walking the streets some lights. It was now a perfect time to start his mission, it was now nine and most people were at their homes cooking and eating dinner. Lucky for Migoto he had already ate before coming out here, the warmness of the meat was still present in his stomach. With the promise of money and his stomach full Migoto started cleaning the streets. One by one he emptied the overflowing trashcans and placed the bags in dumpsters. He sweeped up the streets so they were free of debris such as broken glass that residents might step on. After sweeping the streets Migoto placed the debris in bags and placed them in the same place the other trash was, the dumpster. All in all the job took a good two and a half hours. After all of that manual labor Migoto was both hungry and tired, he would turn his mission scroll in the following morning. Right now the comfy bed that was upstairs called his name.


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