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1Sniper's Quest for Fishy Love [Iwa-D] Empty Sniper's Quest for Fishy Love [Iwa-D] Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:40 pm



It was a quiet morning, and a silent one as well. Nothing could be heard except the sound of Tame's steps echoing through the tight spiral staircase. He had just been given another mission, and was determined to complete he could go home. He reached into his pocket with his right hand, as the mission debriefing scroll was situated in there. He pulled it up switly, and opened it. Meh... Now I have to read it all over again. Sort of wish now that I'd paid attention... He started reading the scroll, still continuing walking down the stone cold staircase, lit only by the occasional candles.

So... Some grandpa lost his pet fish, and he wants me to get it... And is paying that much for it? Huh, not too shabby...think I'll take him up on that. He closed the scroll, putting it back into his pocket. Now knowing the rather nice reward that awaited him at the end of this short task, he actually got a slight smile on his face. He walked, with a now slightly increased walking pace, still in the long staircase. He was currently on the, what, 5th floor or so?



The building was enormous, and the secretary being at the top floor, all the shinobi had to walk up and down each day... At least they were in good shape. A cold breeze swept through Tame's hair, just before he found the final door. It was open, so he simply passed through it, entering the main hall.

It was, like the rest of the complec, made entirely from stone, but it's lighting was much better; the walls were covered with windows. Lots of shinobi could be seen now, walking towards getting their mission, or simply hanging with their... Friends.

He walked on the squishy red carpet laying on the floor, towards the exit door. It was quite a big door, more of a gate actually. More than three meters in width, and four in height. On the inside of the complex, just above the gate, was a huge panel of steel. It was in fact the actual gate, severely reinforce, used to seal the complex off.

Not only was the Complex Iwa's most impressive building, but it is also its best defended one. Each window, each entrance can be closed in a matter of seconds, and the walls themselves are at least a meter thick, reinforced with steel. He learned all of this at the Academy, as it was a subject their sensei often repeated with great pride. "I myself come from the same line as the great Candlemaster Bjong, the man that personally made the first candles to light the complex's great walls!" He repeated the statement over and over, the students soon started mocking him...

Tame snapped back to reality, and looked around for the person he was supposed to find.



So, Tame walked. The location indicated on the scroll pointed to the southern part of great Iwagakure, the part Tame knew best, actually. He walked through the now thick crows of all kinds of people, of all kind of ages. The sun was rising high, it was after 9 AM surely. It didn't take him longer than fifteen minutes to reach his s to reach his destination, a tall, colorful pillar surrounded with a big fence. So, Tame walked in, and looked around. The pond could be seen easily, so he walked towards it. An old man was sitting on the rock besides, holding a small net on a stick. He was trying to catch the fishes, but didn't appear to be having much success. You're doing it all wrong, fool... The stranger greeted Tame, who showed his headband as a way of declaring that he's the shinobi. The elder handed him the net, and Tame started. After no more than 10 minutes of precise and well timed dives of the net, the right fish was caught. He caught several of a species of look-alike fish before the original, but he still succeeded. Pleased he did the job well, he turned around and went back to the complex. Time for the payout...


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