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1The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Empty The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:03 am




Trickle, trickle, trickle: these were the sounds the rain outside was making. So soothing, so annoying, it was almost torture. It was a sound that couldn't be stopped by a command nor a button; it would go on and on until nature decided for it to stop. Rain seemed to be part of Kirigakure's weather pattern, as it had been raining now for the past, two days. Binsu had asked a guy named Bonreu, that day to come visit him at the Umbrella, in the lounge area that all lodgers can come into and chat. Today, there weren't much people in the lounge; maybe it was because of the weather. Either they had stayed inside their rooms, or they had gone somewhere else for a while. Binsu hadn't any friends in Kirigakure to visit, though he was planning on changing that, as he was hoping that he and Bonreu would become great friends, when he came over that is.

For a poet, Binsu's name wasn't exactly out there in the world, as far as publicity went. His dream, aside from his practical ambitions, was to become famous one day, for his poetry. He had once thought that he would end up writing a book filled with a number of small stories and poems, though had never found the time enough for it. These past few months, he had dedicated to travelling: so far he has only visited Iwagakure and Kirigakure.

Looking through the windows of the building, he patiently waited for his new found friend to arrive. In a way, he was more desperate than patient; as most patient people don't use up time by counting the amount of raindrops dripping down from the window sill.

Last edited by Binsu on Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total

2The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:47 am



Damn that grave digger Sanosuke mumbled bitterly to himself as he slowly trudged through the rainy and misty streets of Kirigakure. His right hand was clenching onto the side of his ribs that was slashed deeply by the assailant. When he had fought against the man with the scythe, he got a rather serious wound. So Sanosuke had to drag his half conscious body through the streets until he found himself a hospital. That's where he had collapsed on the ground from fatigue. When he woke up, he was in a hospital bed with stitchings on his left side along with bandages and healing balms so his body would heal quicker. The doctor came in and told him that he ran into Reo the Reaper an infamous mass murderer of Kiri that killed those in the cemetery. The doctor instructed him to stay in the bed because the wounds might open, also he said that unfortunately the cut was too deep and as a result it would heal but it would definitely leave a scar on his body.

Ever since he got his injuries from hospital, Sanosuke hated going there. It wasn't as though he didn't think the doctors were competent it was just that he hated staying there. As such, Sanosuke jumped ship and tried to go to the hotel so that he may be able to rest on his own terms. Sanosuke was a pretty quick healer, in a couple of days he'd be at full strength and ready to leave Kiri so he can go back to Kumo. Panting hard under his breath, Sanosuke struggled to breath. The thick air of the mist and the humidity of the rain made it hard for him to breath, he needed shelter and now. As he trudged through the rain and mist filled air, Sanosuke noticed a building by the name of "The Umbrella."

If his memory served correctly, that was the name of a hotel for others to stay in who were staying. Dragging his feet to the door, Sanosuke pushed all his weight and muscle against the door to help him open it. Panting hard, Sanosuke struggled to get himself into a chair. The efforts had him exhausted, he needed to rest. Once he would be able to catch his breath, he would then get up an order a room for him to stay in. Until then he needed to catch his breath.

"Damn that Reo..." Sanosuke muttered under his breath with a sickly amount of venom behind his words.

3The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:10 am




Trickle, trickle, creek, shut. The rhythm of the sound of the environment around Binsu had changed. His thoughts were interrupted by the opening and closing of the main door. For that brief moment the door had been flung open, Binsu heard the humming of the rain outside and from that he could tell the sun wasn't coming out any time soon. Slowly turning his way towards the door to see who or what had entered the quiet lounge, he saw a man he swore, he bumped into almost everywhere he went. It was that same Kumo nin, the one he had seen for the first time at the Sky bar back in Kumo and the same guy he had bumped into at the entrance of the village gates of Kirigakure. Binsu examined the body closely, as if trying to work out the meaning of a strange-sounding poem, and could pick out that he was wearing the same Kumogakure headband as the guy he had seemly bumped into wherever he went. Quickly opening up to the first page of the new book he had purchased at the shop that day for writing all his poems and stories in, he wrote a title that said, 'Meeting the stranger', clearly referring to the kumo nin who had just walked into the lounge of the small hotel, a little bit wet from the rain maybe. He then wrote: 'Chapter one: A name', before quickly closing it and putting it away in his small shoulder bag. He then got up from his seat and slowly made his way towards the nin, with a casual smile on his face to make himself appear friendly and harmless.

When he was at least an arm's length from the guy, he openly said, "Uh, hello there. I think i keep bumping into you and i'm sure we have met before, but your name escapes me, what was it again?" Binsu wasn't the kind of person to go around saying hi to every stranger he hadn't met before, but he liked making a lot of friends: it helps with his self esteem and definately gives him ideas on what to write about in his story. He made a small story based on all his friendship with the people he had met, and something told him that he and this man's story was going to be an interesting one. Staying true to his poetic background; he liked to give everyone a nickname, based on how he viewed them. They could be the most bizarre names one has ever heard, or the most common, but Binsu had a different one for every different person he met. He was going to wait for the time this man's nickname came would come to him, as he just didn't make them on the spot.

4The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:42 pm



Rain dripped from his hood as Sanosuke sat down in the main lobby of the inn he decided to take refuge in. How Sanosuke was sitting was he had his left hand gripping the bandaged left side of his body where he was cut. The rain made it hard for him to breath and now he was just working on trying to gain his breathing back to normal. Water coming down on his hood dripped his leg and it was starting to bug Sanosuke so he used his free hand to pull back his hood so he can be able to run his fingers through his hair and get the occasional small drops of water out of his hair.

When he did that, he had encountered the same shinobi from his village that he met on the gates of Kiri before Sanosuke went to the graveyard of Kiri. So he was in this inn after all, he did after all come here just to rest and knew that the guy was coming here. "Oh it's you." Sanosuke said as he looked at the man and gave him a weak smile as he tried to maintain his composure. It seems as though the man tried to remember his name even though Sanosuke was pretty sure that he never gave his name to the man while they met shortly at the village gates. Getting up, Sanosuke stood to meet the man "The name's Sanosuke, Sanosuke Flynt. It's good to meet you mystery man. I wish we could talk more but I gotta wake up early to head back to Kumo tomorrow morning, I'll see you back at the base I guess. We should catch up with a beer some time" Sanosuke said before walking upstairs to his bedroom where he could get some rest before going back to Kumo. It was going to be a long boat ride back home, maybe that man he met shortly might join him. He really did need company, this village seems so void of life

5The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: The Umbrella [Invite/No Kill] Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:07 am




Alas: Binsu had finally learnt the name of his mysterious acquaintance. It took him at least a month or more, but finally he had a noun to call him by, and the guy knew his name as well. Binsu wanted to ask the guy a number of questions, such as: how he keeps bumping into him, or what he was doing in Kiri this time around? Sadly, the guy was in a rush to get some sleep, as he was travelling back to Kumo the next day, most likely early in the morning. Binsu thought in his head, 'Hmm, maybe i could end my holiday here for now and head back to Kumo for a bit. I'm sure there are lots of missions waiting for me to complete.' Looking towards the guy as he walked away, Binsu displayed a friendly smile on his face, as he waved good bye to the man with his right hand, whilst his left hand held his poetry book and writing tool.

After the guy had left, Binsu opened his book, and under where he had written: 'Meeting the Stranger', he wrote, 'A noun, it's a start'. At the moment, Binsu had only just uncovered the beginning of a great story, the rest of the story was hidden in between the two nin's future relationship. Whether he becomes a foe, or he remains a friend, was yet to be discovered. The book about their friendship, had 'missing pages', if you will, that would be later filled when the relationship between Binsu and Sanosuke decided to grow. Now heading towards his room, Binsu closed his book and thought about what to pack for the journey back home.

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