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1Raijin's Lightsaber Empty Raijin's Lightsaber Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:47 pm

Naruto Saga

Naruto Saga

Raijin's Lightsaber SwordoftheThunderGod
Name: Raijin's Lightsaber
Type Of Weapon: Sword
Rank: S
Elemental Alignment: Lightning
Ability/Function: The blade glowed bright yellow and was apparently infused with pure electrical energy, hence its name. The blade was unusual in that, though it appeared to retract into or emanated from the hilt or crossguard like a lightsaber (and producing the same sound), it was apparently solid and subject to stressing and being shattered when sufficient force was applied.

The forces required were extraordinary, however, as a weakness in the blade had to be created first with a sustained attack from Sasuke Uchiha's Chidori, an extremely powerful lightning based attack itself, and then in order to actually break the sword it needed to be struck with Naruto Uzumaki's Rasengan in the exact weak point that was created. Before then the sword could easily cut through both Chidori and Rasengan without harm.

In order for Raijin's Lightsaber to break it has to take two full hits on the same spot made by an A-rank or higher jutsu that can cause a powerful impact on a small surface.

When the blade made contact with the enemy, it would give them a strong electrical shock. The sword was capable of producing electrical rings energy that can hold the enemy in mid-air while shocking them. The wielder of the blade can use this to throw the enemy a good distance away.

It costs 20 chakra to activate the lightsaber. In order to grab an opponent with electrical rings and shock you them you must pay an amount of chakra based on their rank; D = 10, C = 20, B = 30, A = 40, S = 50. If the user wants to hold the target for another post, they must pay the same amount of chakra again.

Close/Long Range: Close
Appearance: A hilt that isn't useful until its powers are being used. When Raijin's Lightsaber is activated the blade glows bright yellow and infuses with pure electrical energy, hence its name.
History: ~

Last edited by Ni on Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total

2Raijin's Lightsaber Empty Re: Raijin's Lightsaber Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:32 pm



Raijin's Lightsaber Sagaap10

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