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[OOC: Lifetime FTW!]

Tame walked outside the north gate of Iwagakure. He rather liked taking walks like this....that is, ones that led to places where there weren't other people. In particular, he liked one cliff that overlooked the entire valley. He stood, simply stood. Now all that was going through his head was: 'hopefully someone doesn't come along and ruin this for me...'



Music echoed across the entire village causing an enormous amount of citizens to dance around on the village's paths. The reason the music was so loud was because of the instrument being played by an unknown figure on top of one of the apartment buildings. Beside him, a young boy with brown spiky hair and an eyepatch on his right eye had sung out one of his poems. A drink was rested in his right hand as he would view the town while often interrupting his poem to drink the cup of water which was used to replenish his thirst. As he stood, he would squint far into the distance to look further down the village. The boy had been searching for his opponent that he was assigned to spar with. He looked to the east side, west side, south side, and north side. 

When Kosuke scanned the north side, he had noticed that a shinobi  around his age was exiting the village. The boy took a sip of his water, and raised his left hand's index finger to signal for the person next to him to cease playing the instrument. "This could be the person I'm suppose to battle. Go put the instrument in my closest. I'm going to follow him," said Kosuke and with a blink of an eye, he leaped through the village buildings- littering the plastic cup of water onto one of the building's roofs. Once Kosuke had landed onto the north gate, he stealthily jumped down to follow the boy which had been a good distance away from him and by silently moving from tree to tree he was able to conceal his presence from the boy.

The walking had started to become tiring, but eventually the boy stopped when he reached a cliff that over looked the entire valley. Kosuke had now been posted up with his back against one of the nearby trees. This is the perfect chance to ask him - He thought, peaking his head out at the boy. After overcoming his social anxiety, he remove his body from the tree and walked up towards the boy. Hopefully, the boy would have heard the footsteps and reacted to them. "Excuse me. Do you know who Tame is? I was assigned a mission with him." said Kosuke.


OOC: I sorry! late post AND somewhat shortie...

"Excuse me. Do you know who Tame is? I was assigned a mission with him."

Tame was silent. So, this is who I was supposed to spar with, eh... Still. Not the best of times; this was supposed to be a moment alone for myself... well, that's ruined, I suppose. I wonder if he'd do well with a 'special' greeting...

Tame turned around as the boy was speaking. He blinked a couple times before tapping his throat a couple times, signifying his inability to speak.

He gave a slight sigh, then raised his head in a slightly jerking motion, having a nice little idea. Genius, even. He made a motion to the young man that approached him to follow.

He jumped off the cliff. Backwards. There was a reasonably large plateau-like rock formation that he could land on. 30 meters long, maybe 10 meters wide. Perfect arena. Tame did a simple midair flip, and landed on his feet. He waited until the boy had followed--at least, hopefully he did. Then, he reached each arm over the opposite shoulder, seemingly pulling something from behind him. Then, masses of pinkish-purple light appeared, and from there his arrowguns were brandished. He rested one arrowgun on his right shoulder while he balanced the left by its barrel.


Last edited by Tame on Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:45 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : jutsu coding bleh)



Kosuke eyes widened at the boy. He was surprised to see that he couldn't speak or communicate with him. Maybe it was due to him having some sort of damage  around his vocal chords. That didn't matter to Kosuke. The only thing on his one tracked mind was to figure out a way to talk to the boy without attacking him or him attacking first. If Kosuke was to attack first, their was a chance of him not being a shinobi and if he was attacked first- he would be at a disadvantage already at the start of the fight which Kosuke didn't want. What was he going to do? 

"How could I possibly talk to you..with you being able to answer back," said Kosuke as he watched the boy wave at him. "Hey! Where are you going!" shouted Kosuke. It was unexpected. The boy with the green hair, and the coat that was obviously not fit for the hot weather had jumped off the cliff. Whelp, guess he's not a citizen with that type of agility - thought Kosuke as he placed his right hand firmly onto the scroll that was attached to the right side of his waist, and began a casual walk to the end of the cliff. Small strands of hair on his arms rose up from the anxiety and adrenaline that circulated through his body. Sweat poured down the side of his face from the scorching heat of the sun and nervousness. The boy didn't know what to expect next.

Click The scroll on the side of Kosuke's waist was removed from the belt. Ink was smeared onto the canvas of the rolled-out scroll as Kosuke grasped the handle of his paint brush. Several crabs were being drawn onto the canvas of the scroll and when they were finished, Kosuke formed the tiger hand-seal. Each of the four small crabs had become merged with his Doton chakra and turned into real life creatures that leaped off the page. Once the crabs landed onto the cliff, they crawled in front of Kosuke to look at their opponent; The green haired boy now had wielded two purple arrow guns in his hand which made Kosuke think that he had to be some sort of ranged fighter. If it was a ranged fight he wanted, it was one he shall get.

With Kosuke keeping his right hand in the tiger hand-seal form, all four of the crabs enlarged their claws to the size of a wrecking ball which was easy for them to carry since their body was made of ink. Wasting no time, the three of the crabs jumped towards their opponent with their two wrecking ball sized claws pointed at him. One of them aiming to smash the green haired boy directly while the two others were to the left and right of the crab that was looking to hit the opponent. If the wrecking balls of the middle crab successfully made contact with their opponent, they would smash the target which would cause collateral damage and knock the opponent back. 

Behind the barrage of three claws was Kosuke and the last crab, falling towards their opponent. As he fell towards the green haired boy, he drew several more creatures using the scroll and paintbrush in his hand; This time the creatures were two jellyfish. Quickly forming the tiger hand-seal, two jellyfish leaped off the page and floated into the air following Kosuke everywhere he went which he had just elevated himself backwards five feet (away from the green haired boy) by performing a back flip off the middle crab's wrecking balls which had now been wrecked into the ground by now. Staring the green haired boy down, Kosuke pointed his paintbrush towards where ever the boy had been now- commanding the jellyfish to aim their stingers at the target and fire two senbon each at them. Two of the senbon would shoot towards the green haired boy's stomach while the other two were aimed for each of his kneecaps. 



...Crabs? This guy didn't look like a Water Release what was going on? Ink ninjutsu...that's a rare ability. Haven't heard of someone like that...have to be careful, then.
Tame used his speed and agility to his advantage; he could outrun these faux crabs with ease. What's more, he could evade the next wave as well, this time jelly-fish, it would seem. Well, isn't he fond of aquatic animals...Wonder if he uses Suiton.

Tame knew that he was going to have to avoid these if he was to prevail...this boy wasn't going to go down easily from long range. Then again, Tame was...less than proficient at close combat, so it would be difficult to find a way to win. He crystallized his own body, and let himself dissolve; the granules stuck together to form his body, and it was nigh-impossible to tell something had changed. But, Tame did this for a reason; he let the granules loosen a bit, decreasing wind resistance, and letting him move amazingly fast, if only for an instant. The crab-hammer went down on Tame, who, in the next second, was not there anymore. He was about five meters away from the crabs, but closer to their artist. Now was the time to shoot, as he was going to exchange projectiles with the next of the boy's creations. He wasn't going to get caught off guard, though; he jumped into the air while firing four shots at the crabs(two with each arrowgun), and did a vertical flip. He was now standing upside-down in midair, and had dodged all of the jellyfish's he thought.

Two were aimed at his midsection, which he managed to evade; his flip, though, had left him somewhat vulnerable. The last of the four--what Tame now recognized as--senbon pierced his crystal-dust arm, and went straight through it. It naturally hurt Tame, as well as made him a little numb in his right arm; no actual wound was visible, though. Tame hoped that this would at least freak the young artist out....

The Yamada fired another volley of crystal bolts at the young boy, though his aim was off on his left arrowgun....three bolts each, though only three in total had any chance to hit. Tame kept a close eye out...he wouldn't be caught off guard.




Chunks of the ground were smashed apart as the area around them quaked from the collision of the crabs. Once the green haired boy had evaded the attack, each of them used the shape of their claws similar to the mechanics of a see-saw; The crabs lifted their claws off the ground, allowing their tiny bodies to return to a normal crab walking-position on the surface of the arena. All of this had happened in at least a few seconds- Accounting to the time it had took the green haired boy to move closer to Kosuke, and leap into the air.

A cautious tension spread into the area. The crabs scanned the arena, noticing that their opponent had moved closer towards Kosuke, who had reacted by leaping backwards- five feet away from the green haired boy. Each of the two jellyfish and the one individual crab following him in the process. This movement performed by Kosuke had allowed him to obtain some distance from his opponent, and monitor the fight while the two jelly fish and one crab were still beside him. Kosuke could only let out an enormous smile right now with what had occurred. He was at an monstrous advantage as of now. But, that was probably going to shortly diminish. 

Tink Tink The sound echoed as the wrecking ball sized claws of the crabs had hit the side of the four crystal bolts similar to a bat hitting a baseball- causing the bolts to be knocked away from them and possibly transform back into crystallized dust. Most of this collision was caused because of the crabs wobbling around towards their master as the crystal bolts were in range of the claws. It was a mistake which was the happening of time occurrence. But, Kosuke still blessed the crabs for their natural extinct to always confirm that their master was safe.

"About time. Now let's get this started."

Kosuke said as he observed the green haired boy float upside-down in the air. The technique was amazing. But, Kosuke showed no emotion since he was taught to conceal all of his emotions from when he had performed a rigorous amount of training in the Tohon academy. In that same academy, all of the ink users were taught to be emotionless and fear nothing during battle. This was the reason he had still showed no emotion while watching one of his senbon make his opponent's arm numb. It was as if the boy had become brain-washed to anything that had to include pain, showing love, or crying unless it was his former master- Dengen.

Poof A cloud of smoke appeared in the area as another set of crystal projectiles were fired at Kosuke. The smoke stretched out into the atmosphere, concealing the action that happened; Kosuke had substituted his body with one of the crushed rocks that had been nearby the three crabs. This rock had been formed on the smooth ground of the arena from the crab's claws, damaging the environment. Most of the crystal bolts that were dodged by now had transformed into shattered crystal dust on the groun ."Never knew using the environment around me could come in handy. Thank you Dengen," whispered Kosuke as he formed the tiger hand-seal to command the three ink crabs near him to attack the green haired boy. With the command, each of the crabs cocked their wrecking ball sized claws back, and pushed them towards their opponent in a punching motion. 

Six wrecking ball sized claws were shot towards the greens haired boy, resulting in half of the crab's tiny arms to tear off of them from the force of the wrecking balls being used in a punching motion. Each of the wrecking ball sized claws aiming to hit the body area of the opponent as they were evenly lined up in a row; One behind another and if any of these claws were to land onto their opponent, they would cause collateral damage to them and cause a small knock back. This was the reason these claws were so dangerous- They were able to use their size and force to cause damage to someone.

When the smoke on the other side of the battlefield cleared the area, only a small rock, two jellyfish, and one crab were there. The one crab analyzed the arena- it was messy and the other crabs had been following a simple command while regrowing their claws back to wrecking ball size. Noticing that the other crabs had followed a practiced command, the one crab cocked his arms back and shot two wrecking ball shaped claws towards the green haired boy. Meanwhile, someone was preparing for anything to happen later on. It was Kosuke. He smeared ink onto the canvas of the scroll, drawing six snakes. Each of them being drawn with an extraordinary speed and when they were finished, he formed the tiger hand-seal to bring them to life. All of the ink snake creatures jumped out of scroll, and landed in front of Kosuke (landing more further ahead of the three crabs that were in front of him as well). 



All this was getting intense. This young man, an artist and ninja, was sending quite the brigade at him. But Tame wouldn't let that happen...he knew that every jutsu had a range. And even a ranged fighter had their limits...perhaps being complacent, the Yamada decided to see if his own could be stretched farther than this shinobi's. He sped up to evade the first--rather large--volley of crab-hammers...and was displeased. A frontal assault, and he put on the masquerade of a ranged fighter? For shame.

Quite simply, he left the arena. It was a plateau-like rock formation with little else around it, an island of sorts. But that wouldn't stop him. Stomping his foot, Tame 'held' his arrowguns via a levitation, now barrel-less, while they were spinning....collecting the crystal dust from around the 'arena'. His stomp created a crystal platform, an even smaller 'island', a small ways away (about 15m) from the arena. It was both distanced and that he would have a clear shot with little hope of interference. However, it also reformed the arena into a rectangle with four smaller rectangular holes, making a cross-shaped catwalk down the middle that led into an outer path. The outside was also sealed by a crystal barrier. Would it hold, Tame didn't know...

Gotcha now...!

Utilizing his Diamond-Dust Dance again, he quickly quick-moved along a set of 'stairs' he'd created temporarily, out of the previously crushed rock. These promptly fell away to the bottom of the valley after Tame had utilized Time to get down to business....

Tame held his two arrowguns so that one's magazine spikes was opposite the other, and 'plugged' one into the other, the blunt pyramid into the dent where the barrel would have been. Rotating the back arrowgun 90 degrees to the left, he held the combined Shardstingers, a formidable weapon. First...second. Next...!

Nothing was next....this was getting boring. And futile. At the rate this was going, Tame couldn't fend off all of these ink creations....just wasn't plausible. He jumped off his platform to a nearby cliff...and proceeded to begin his escape.

{1069/1000: Mission Completed. Tame Attempts to Exit The Thread.}

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