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1Mos Le' Harmless[S-Rank Legendary Pet] Empty Mos Le' Harmless[S-Rank Legendary Pet] Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:25 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

Name: Sukoshi kaen(A Little Flame) 少し火炎
Rank: S-Rank
Species: Golem
Appearance: Sukoshi has two different appearances which he can switch between with the use of his first technique.
Little Guy: The first form of Sukoshi is a small, one(1) foot high embodiment of fire. With a small looking body and a head that passes the width of the torso. The small version of the Golem is not fully covered in rock but its hands, calf region to the waist, shoulders and neck area are coevered in stone. The rest is all fire. No apparent mouth is shown in this form but Sukoshi is still able to speak with Tatsuya and others if he so chooses.

The Big Guy:This version of Sukoshi is much larger. He stands at eight(8) feet in length and when standing perfectly like a human solider his width is at five(5) feet.It has an inner body of scorching hot fires with a thick, jagged, rock surface covering the flames. There are even matal bands holding some of the layers of rock together.

Personality: Sukoshi has two different attitudes, depending on the situation he is in with his partner, Tatsuya. No matter what Sukoshi is highly intelligent and isn't afraid to show his intellect.

Non-Combat: Sukoshi is a little childish, doing what he can to have fun and play around with either Tatsuya or someone around him. He will act childish by running around, having fun or cracking a joke. He is also very cocky, liking when he is complimented on his looks or skills.

Combat: Suokoshi becomes serious and has a controllable anger, not letting loose unless told to by Tatsuya. He likes to boast about his strength, showing that he is a highly dominate creature who works with another dominate creatures. Sukoshi will make a joke every now and then towards Tatsuya in a fight, when he notices something that is high end on his joke list.

Ninja-jū sutairu: Karada kaizō(Ninja Beast Style:

Name: Ninja-jū sutairu: Sumasshingu chikyū (Ninja Beast Style: Smashing Earth) 忍者獣スタイル:スマッシング地球
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: (Offensive, Defensive or Supplementary?)
Element: (What element is required for the jutsu?)
Range: (What is the range of your jutsu?)
Specialty: (What specialty does this jutsu require?)
Duration: (If your jutsu has a duration please state it here.)
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: (What exactly does the jutsu do? Explain in great detail the effects, advantages, as well as any disadvantages of the jutsu. Details are the key to a fast approval.)

Name: (What is the name of your jutsu?)
Canon/Custom: (Is the jutsu canon or custom?)
Rank: (What rank is your jutsu?)
Type: (Offensive, Defensive or Supplementary?)
Element: (What element is required for the jutsu?)
Range: (What is the range of your jutsu?)
Specialty: (What specialty does this jutsu require?)
Duration: (If your jutsu has a duration please state it here.)
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: (What exactly does the jutsu do? Explain in great detail the effects, advantages, as well as any disadvantages of the jutsu. Details are the key to a fast approval.)

Name: (What is the name of your jutsu?)
Canon/Custom: (Is the jutsu canon or custom?)
Rank: (What rank is your jutsu?)
Type: (Offensive, Defensive or Supplementary?)
Element: (What element is required for the jutsu?)
Range: (What is the range of your jutsu?)
Specialty: (What specialty does this jutsu require?)
Duration: (If your jutsu has a duration please state it here.)
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: (What exactly does the jutsu do? Explain in great detail the effects, advantages, as well as any disadvantages of the jutsu. Details are the key to a fast approval.)

Ooc:This pet is my reward from the easter event. FREE!!

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