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1Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:40 pm



The wind bristled through Arufa's hair as he sat upon the first Hokage's head. Well, the mountain's head anyway. Arufa always came here when he was bored, or had nothing to do. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that he hadn't come here, either.

He stood up, revealing that he wore a baggy white cloak around him, long black shinobi pants, wooden sandals, and a grey T-shirt underneath. On his back was a long katana, which looked old and had better days; but had a look of danger nonetheless.

It was a relatively nice day outside, fairly sunny but not too hot. The perfect weather for training.

The air seemed to have a sharpness about it that could cut through steel, something that Arufa couldn't quite put his finger on. He fingered the hilt of his katana. He always did this when he was thinking; it calmed him.

He noticed the trees bustle calmly in the wind. He heard birds chirping in the distance. He felt at peace.

Arufa sat back down on the grass and started twisting his hair. He did this often, it was somewhat of a habit. He looked down at the city, still twirling his hair, and sighed.

'My habits are becoming way too repetitive. I wish I could do something new for a change.'

Sitting down had eventually become uncomfortable for him, due to the weapons pouch that was on his left ass-cheek. Within a few seconds he was awkwardly laying on his stomache, facing towards the edge of the cliff.

Arufa coughed once. And twice.

'Dammit, this dirt is really getting to me.' he said inwardly.

He stood up and patted the dirt off his clothes, and continued to stare at the village below him.

Btw the rest of my posts will be longer most likely.

2Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:05 pm



As Skito appeared on the highest building in sight, he became very still. Wondering so many people weren't out today as usual, he grew worried, but then decided to not care about the villagers. In boredom, Skito leaped from building to building looking for things to entertain him and said out-loud " Damn, today is really dull. Where is everybody?"

Growing weary of his search, he then decided to calmly lay in the closest lake he could find. Instantly he felt shivers up his spine, but payed no attention to it. Today was a nice and very calm day, so why not enjoy it? Skito began to hum and close his eyes with no worries or doubts in the world. Later on in the day, he was woken by a disturbance of noises.

In no hurry he got up and slowly walked off to see what the commotion was. He soon found out that it was a bird that had simply and suddenly lost the it's ability to fly. With no second thought Skito fixed the birds wing and sent it off, letting it feel the amazing breeze of soaring through the beautiful sky.

Skito thought to himself "Ok, enough of this. Where can I get something to eat?!" Just as he thought the words out-loud his stomach grumbled. Without another thought, he wondered through the village wondering what he should eat. But before he ate he figured he should change out of his current clothes.

Soon Skito was wearing a plain black T-Shirt with long black shorts that went passed his knees.

Training: Ninjutsu- D>C

3Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:17 pm



Julian wore a black overcoat made of cotton, it was thick for such a hot day and on the inside left breast were his kunai, on his neck his headband rest the metal part protecting his jugular and resting above his collar bones. He wore a pair of boots made of thick leather, rubber on the bottom and a metal toe insert. On his eyes he wore his contacts, blue this day much like the clear sky above. Julian had been thinking about his lot in life lately and his ponderings had brought him up the climb to the mountain of the Hokage. It was a national monument that held the faces of the previous Hokage on its features and it was inspiration for some in the Village Hidden in the Leaf.

To Julian it was an interesting part of history, but that was not why he went about the climb on that day. It was instead because he was bored, he wished for something more exciting to happen with his day and he decided to train up his earth elemental chakra. With that he could unlock some of the stronger powers of his clan, of course he would also need to pass the bar of genin soon but that thought was not in his skull on that day.

Upon his ascension he noticed a young male who was lying on top of the rock and walked towards him to a distance of ten meters. Around the two was a bit of a clearing about twenty meters in diameter with the random tree or rock prevailing above the ground. The trees were no more than fifteen feet tall and probably just a foot wide in radius, the tallest rock there was about three feet and most were not the nice rounded stones of the village below. Beyond their clearing was a grove of trees and thick underbrush rife with foliage and things not quite visible from their position.

Now just who might you be?” Julian asked with his silky voice, it rolled off his lips and into the air like a graceful song. With an eyebrow raised the young genin kept his hands by his sides and his feet spread about shoulder width apart. Inside each four pockets of the coat was a metal item cushioned by the surrounding cotton that acted as a great insulator. As a user of the lightning element Julian knew how much having metal around could come back to bite him.

413/2,000 Doton C->B

4Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:32 pm



Arufa was surprised to hear, "And who might you be?"

The simple sentence ran through Arufa's mind multiple times, each time feelings like silk. He quickly flashed his chakra just enough so he can tell who this person was. He had never met him before, but he can tell he was from the Genko clan.

"My name is Arufa Kokuou. And... who might you be... child of Genko?"

Arufa loved doing this. He loved surprising people. He could always tell what village or clan people were just by being nearby them. It was a gift from his own clan.

Arufa slowly turned around, a small grin on his face as he looked at the shinobi before him. He wore a dark black overcoat, and from the way it was shaped Arufa could tell it was possibly armored or reinforced.

He then turned back around and continued to look at the village in all it's glory.

Training Fuuton C>B

Used: Chakra Sensory

Last edited by Arufa on Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:59 pm



After eating his meal, Skito decided to wonder the village more. Immediately after turning the corner he saw a young boy and what it seemed like an older and unfamiliar man who seemed to be "conversing"? Being as curious as he is, he went over to ask the gentleman his name.

"Hello there, what is your name? I didn't recognize you from anywhere. So I just came to introduce myself, the name's Skito. Skito Exodus." As he proclaimed with his rather big ego and smile.

In the back of his mind Skito was concerned. He had never seen this man around before and wondered to himself if this mysterious man was safe or not. Judging by his appearance, he considered him to be a threat, but kept his worries on the down low.

Training- Nin: 396/2000

Last edited by scene_kid on Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add on to the training)

6Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:14 pm



((Add in the jutsu and chakra count Arufa))

Due to the other ninja knowing his clan the suspicion was raised in Julian and as such he was more set on edge however that did not much matter honestly. The person gave his name and Julian assumed he, like himself was a genin of the village. As Arufa turned around Julian waited until he could no longer see him and simply pointed his finger at his back. Unless he had eyes that could see chakra he would not notice the jutsu even if he had turned around as Julian did so. Of course he would have a reason if the other genin had come up at that moment, but he did not join the pair until after Julian had spoken next.  The string would probably attach to the middle of his back and right on the other ninja’s spine without so much as a brushstroke of a feeling.

My name is Julian” the young ninja said looking at Arufa who stood ten meters in front of him, this happened two seconds after the string would attach if it did, if not this would not have happened. Two seconds after the last word Julian spoke, Skito approached the pair and declared himself. To Julian it seemed like he was talking to him, this caused the ninja to regard him out of the corner of his eye with curious intent. Had he not just announced his own name? Judging from the goofy smile plastered all over the man’s face however the other ninja had probably not heard it, even though he too was only ten meters away from Julian at this time. “I am training today, would either of you care for a spar? I will even fight you both at once” as the question was lodged Julian felt the chakra from his strand and the chakra in his legs both fluctuate in preparation for the confirmation of this duel. As he spoke his sentence a smirk crept across his face the Genko already getting excited for the prospect of this spar.


Chakra: 135/150


7Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:45 pm



Arufa looks at the person he could now identify as 'Julian'. "Nice to meet you, Julian." Arufa replied. Not 3 seconds after, a third shinobi made himself known.

After said shinobi asked his question, Arufa slowly looked over to him, a curious glint in his eye. "My name is Arufa Kokuou." he said calmly.

He looked back towards Julian at the offer of a spar. "If you are that confident, then fine, we can spar. Skito!" Arufa yelled, a new excited glint in his eye, "Come here!" he yelled, though with no hostility in his voice.

Before Skito had time to come, however, Arufa drew his sword and ran towards Julian, attempting to slash, grinning all the way.

"I hope I am sufficient for you to fight!" Arufa yelled.
Training Fuuton C>B

8Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:52 pm



"Alright, I'm gonna be totally honest here.. 'Julian' Is it? Yes, well.. If you truly are going to spare Arufa and I, I suggest you not hold back on us" Skito quickly said

Spreading his legs and readying himself, Skito prepared to fight this mysterious man "I'm warning you though sir, even though I have no clue as to of who you are.. I'm surely not going to hold anything back!" He said smiling again. "I hope you're ready to lose Julian! Cause I have no intention on losing to you!

Training; Nin D>C 487/2000

9Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:04 pm




That was all Julian said in response to Skito’s first sentence which was delivered fright before Arufa’s suggestion for the man to join at his side. Soon after that he would begin running forward but with Julian’s string already attached he was essentially a puppet for Julian to play with, and play he did. Arufa had drawn his sword and rushed towards Julian and with a flick of Julian’s left index finger the genin was sent, spinning like a top, towards Skito at thirty five miles per hour. Skito was just two meters to the left of Arfua at the time and if he did not expect it he would not only be cut by the sword but also be slammed by the genin hurtling into him, after that Julian flicked his finger up which caused the string to fluctuate and bring Arfua up into the sky before Julian flicked and Arfua went back down to the ground into Skito if he had hit him before.

If Arfua had not hit Skito he would have continued on in his arc for another four meters before slamming into one of the thicker trees there, the blow of hitting the tree would be enough to fracture the bones in his left arm and several ribs unless he found out the secret within the span of under a second. After that Julian would flick him back at Skito wherever he had moved to. If Arfua had hit Skito the first time not only would Skito have suffered cuts from Arfua’s sword but they both would have been bruised from the impact and jarred as judging from the trajectory their heads would conk together at the force of the speed causing whiplash. Either way it was not a good start to the spar on their side, but for Julian it was going just as easy as a stroll in the park. The string worked much akin to a supercharged static electricity and it would stick to Arfua until Julian let up or the technique expired, whichever one of those that came first.

With the direction Arfua was slashing as his momentum was changed and his legs were pulled off the ground from underneath him, Skito would receive cuts to the inside of his thighs near his arteries meaning that he would be hindered for the rest of the match if either of the two could recover from the head trauma. It did not look good for the duo but Julian never counted anyone out, even after they appeared to be.


10Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:23 pm



As Arufa is thrown through the air, he quickly grabs Skito by the shoulder, doing a flip as he lands on the ground. He then flips through handsigns and launches 4 kunai at Julian, all laced with ninja wire connected to Arufa's sleeves.

He slams his katana blade-first into the ground and balances on the end of the handle as it sticks straight-up from the ground. As the kunai are flying, he instantly fills them with raiton chakra as they crackle to life, all headed towards Julian.


11Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:31 pm



Acting instantly to Arufa's move, Skito uses Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique to sneak behind Julian and pin him to the ground with shear force. Using Wood Release: Minor Creation Technique and attempts to stab them into Julian's calves with all of his strength.


Last edited by scene_kid on Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

12Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:45 pm



(Scene’s post is invalid due to use of godmode, just gonna post what will logically happen)

As Arfua would slam into Skito the two would suffer mild concussions as their skulls hit together, the whiplash tearing the muscles in both of their necks and dealing trauma to their grey matter and causing both to have excruciating pain in every place above the shoulders. Arfua’s sword also cut both of Skito’s thighs and opened up the femoral arteries on each leg causing blood to gush from each limb both sides were cut at an angle due to Arfua grabbing on Skito’s shoulder and moving the direction however due to the fact that Skito was not properly planted this only caused the two to be thrown farther along and into the rock, this would deal the most damage to Skito since Arfua would be cushioned by his body from the blow. Skito would no doubt fracture his left arm and at least five ribs on his left side along with dislocating the shoulder depending on where he had landed. This of course meant that Arfua was never able to launch off any attacks and with that done Julian withdrew two Kunai and awaited Arfua to move while speaking. However as he did this he also put chakra into the ground and turned the ground underneath them into mud, unless their first action was to retreat Julian would continue on with this jutsu.

You should get him to a hospital” Julian said as Skito bled out, the femoral arteries were close enough to the skin that even the paltry sword had caused them to be serious cuts. After the injuries sustained by both other genin it would be their best bet to retreat, and Julian delivered his line very matter of factly he had not delivered the cuts after all and that was what happens when kids play with sharp tools.


Chakra: 120/150

13Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:46 pm



Arufa gets up with a groan, and takes Skito towards the hospital, slowly limping, before realizing he has ninja magic and uses a shunshin.

14Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:11 am



Yeah I'm dead. I guess... Woooo .-.

15Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Empty Re: Legendary Battle [No Kill, Private] Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:13 pm



That was by far the most pathetic duo of ninjas I have ever seen’ Julian thought to himself as the two limped off, it made him ashamed for his village that some such as they had come out of the academy. No, that was the wrong way to look at it; instead he shifted his thoughts to that of pity towards the two. They simply had never been trained better and were not clever enough to become self-trained. Julian hoped that before he saw either of them again that they would find someone who could teach them how to properly be a ninja.

However now that that was done and Julian had expended the chakra for his next technique he worked on the earth that he wished to increase in rank. The doton chakra he had poured into the ground allowed him to paint his surroundings with his own brush and twist its features in whichever way he desired as long as the chakra could take it. Julian had a feeling that if he increased his control over the doton chakra within his body he could increase the ways he could shift the earth around him. As for now he simply shifted the earth underneath the rocks in the area under his control into mud and sunk the stones so that nobody else would run into him. It was not like they farmed up on top of this mountain anyways, thus Julian did not have to worry about people trying to dig up the rocks. After that he moved the tree the two had slammed into towards its original position, that part was rather easy it was just a slight twist of the earth for although the duo had hit it rather hard they were not that big in comparison with the young oak. It was a nice day but even so, not all days would be like that so Julian formed three half domes and made earthen benches underneath them to allow people to enjoy the view on the Hokage mount without having to worry about getting wet in the rain.

Though it was not penance for beating up two who lacked in skill, it did make Julian feel a bit better and he made a small railing made of earth as well up there in case anyone decided to bring their child up for a look. After this he felt his chakra reserves protest, he had spent a couple hours adding intricate and useless details to his creation after all. It was as if the genin wished to turn the place into a giant park, which in itself was ironic as he viewed the whole country as a place the other ninjas regarded a park. It was their child in the mind of Julian and they had meticulously rebuilt it over and again during the past. That was the way of the ninja world however, to create and destroy and afterwards rebuild. It was simply the cycle of life for a ninja and Julian was convinced that it would never change, no, not for anyone at all.

Raising himself on a pillar made of earth behind the domes he created Julian took one more look over the village with a smile before the pillar lowered and he decided to trek back down into the village in hopes of finding something useful to do today.


2,032/2,000 Training Doton C->B Complete

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