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1Secrets I Wanted to Keep {open, no kill} Empty Secrets I Wanted to Keep {open, no kill} Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:29 pm



Jezzi jolted up in her wooden bedroll. It was early that morning, and she had roused herself from a nightmare. The room around her was dark, save a very faint light breaking the night into dawn. She held her forehead with her small shaky hand, trying to remember the dream. She had forgotten most of it save the creeping feelings of horror and the nauseating smell of blood and loneliness. She took several deep breaths and attempted to snap herself back into reality. The world around her seemed foggier than usual, and the room spun, making her feel sick to her stomach. She stood up, and steadied herself, shaking her head. She got dressed into black track pants and a yellow gi top, and clipped the longer part of her back with hair clips. She looked into the cracked mirror that hung on the decaying wall, barely able to make her own image out. The girl in the mirror looked paler than usual that day, the blush in her cheeks absent. She decided to leave, she didn't know where to go, but she had to get out of that shack.

Jezzi left her small living arrangements and made her way out of the slums, aimlessly moving like she was half-dead or walking in her sleep. She didn't bother eating that morning; the nauseating pit in her stomach had taken her appetite away. The voice that usually scolded her or belittled her for doing stupid things was absent, and she had trouble forming thoughts. She was near the centre of the village when she found she had trouble moving forward. She stopped and held her head in her hands, the world around her spun at an incredible degree. She looked up to see the ground closing in on her, and the world went black. She lay unconscious on the ground, the people around her not seeming to notice her small unmoving form.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor woke up at a little after dawn to begin his daily duties beginning with a clan meeting with the elders so he got dressed in his clan robes and placed his blade at his side. He combed his hair and placed his sandals on. When he was done he left for the meeting. it took arund an hour for the meeting to end and razo went back to his room to change. He put on his regular clothes and decided to take a walk through the village.

As he was walking he began to think about recent things and as his mind was about to wander he saw a little girl fall down. Razor ran over to the girl and turned her over and realized he knew the girl it was Jezzi his friend from the bazaar. "Jezzi Are you alright" Razor looked at her and decided she needed a doctor so he picked her up she was not heavy at all so he began to run toward the hospital.

As razor ran he wondered what happened to Jezzi to make her fall down in the middle of the road. As Razor Neared the hospital he began to worry about her. Razor burst through the hospital door and yelled "Help this girl needs a doctor". immediately a doctor and nurse came over and began to look at her the doctor looked at him and said "We will handle it from here". Razor nodded and said as she was being looked at "Take care of her".



Heero was walking with a tired look in his eyes, He had missed sleep again for the third night in a row. As Heero walked slowly he spotted his old teammate Razor and in his arms was a unconscious Jezzi. Razor was running to the hospital carrying the girl in his arms, Heero wondered what was going on and it seemed to wake him up out of worry. " Well im awake now.." He said running to follow them. He ran to the doors of the hell hole, er Hospital and watched as Razor handed off Jezzi to the doctors. "Hey Razor what happened?"Heero asked, The stutter he had was nearly gone after the mission a few weeks ago. He was much more confident in himself and it showed but, right now he was worried about Jezzi.



Kaizen had woken up rather early to do his duties at the nearby hospital since he was a medical ninja and all. It had been a long day for him but he was still able to keep going. The shy guy really didn't show when he was working with the sick or wounded. He simply focused on what needed to be done. He then heard a someone yell for someone needing attention and he began to run towards the voice. He noticed that a doctor and a nurse had began looking at the person but once he had gotten closer, he noticed that Heero was there along with another guy. Kaizen peered down to the person to see that it was Jezzi. He pushed the doctor aside and began to look at her and examine her. Damn it Jezzi, what happened to you now? He muttered as he checked her pulse and heart rate.

He took note that she was steady and could tell that she passed out. Kaizen looked towards the man who brought her in and Heero. You! You brought here, right? Do you know what happened? Kaizen then went back to helping her. He motioned to the doctor and the nurse to prep an I.V. for her as Kaizen picked her up and began to carry her to a nearby room. As he picked her up, he looked to the two guys. You two, follow me. He spoke, in a serious tone. As he carried her into a room, he laid her on the bed and put on some gloves. As he finished the nurse had come in with an I.V. bag. He put it on a little hook and prepped a needle and found a spot on her arm to put the needle in. He slid the needle in slowly and then began the drip of the I.V. by giving the top piece a little flick. He then turned back to Razor and Heero with a worried look. This is all we can do for the moment. Please, tell me what you guys know. Did she just collapse or was she in some kind of fight? Kaizen was curious as to what could have happened.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor watched as the doctors then he heard a familiar voice from behind him. Razor turned and saw Heero his old teammate Heero. And heard Heero say "Hey Razor what happened?". Razor was about to answer when another person came up and said "You! You brought here, right? Do you know what happened?". Razor looked at him and said "i do not really know i was walking by and saw Jezzi laying on the ground". Razor watched them start to work on Jezzi and the other ninja said "You two, follow me". Razor nodded and followed the other ninja. After he finished working on her he said "This is all we can do for the moment. Please, tell me what you guys know. Did she just collapse or was she in some kind of fight? ". Razor looked at him and said "i have no idea i was walking and saw Jezzi fall when i got to her she was unconscious so i ran straight here". Razor looked at the other ninja and said "Is she going to be alright".



Heero stood there as Razor had turned to answer him, Kaizen walked up and asked "You! You brought here, right? Do you know what happened?" To Razor. Heero wondered what had happened as well, however his thoughts where interrupted by the very question he was thinking about when he heard Razor say. "I do not really know I was walking by and saw Jezzi laying on the ground." That worried Heero, could someone really have attacked her and left her for dead? His eyes narrowed in a cold look that he would rarely wear, if someone had attacked her they would have to fight him. He had only meet her recently but, he was her friend, and that was all he needed for his blood to boil. "You two, follow me" is what brought Heero out of his thoughts yet again. He followed his old teammate and the medical nin to a little room where they had Jezzi. The room gave Heero the creeps and a chill went down his spine. He hated places like this, but at least it was not him this time. This is all we can do for the moment. Please, tell me what you guys know. Did she just collapse or was she in some kind of fight? "i have no idea i was walking and saw Jezzi fall when i got to her she was unconscious so i ran straight here". Heero heard. The other nin had answered first but, that was good since Heero did not know anything about the situation anyways. "I don't know what happened, I...I was walking about half asleep and Razor ran past me car carrying her. I was worried so I..I followed." He Said with a little of his old stutter coming out again. "Was she attacked?" Heero asked looking at Kaizen, yet again his eyes where harder, but before he could go on a warpath he had to know.



Kaizen listened to the two of them explain what they had seen and done and he simply nodded, realizing that they didn't know what had happened. Kaizen looked at Razor to answer him and smiled lightly. She should be alright. Her heart rate is fine and there doesn't seem to be any damage to her. A higher up doctor will look at her. He then looked at Heero. The young ninja looked worried. He seemed to care a lot about his fellow ninja. Attacked? No. Being in her group, I know that she would be fine if she was attacked. She might not look it, but I think she has some power to her. Then Kaizen thought about what Heero had said about him being half asleep and figured that he should get some rest too. There were a couple chairs in the room in which they could sit in if they needed to relax.

You two can stay here and wait until she wakes up. And if you are tired, Heero, you can rest. Kaizen once again turned to Jezzi and put his palm on her forehead, feeling if she had gotten hot or cold. She seemed fine. He took a moment and just looked at her face. She looked like she was in some pain but Kaizen wasn't good enough to be able to tell. That and he didn't have the abilities the other medical ninja and doctors did. His eyes got watery. ~Damn it, Jezzi! I wish I could help you. Please wake up!!~ He thought in his head, wanting her to wake up so he knew she was okay. He soon gained his composure and took his hand off of her head. Kaizen peered at the other two and walked to one of the chairs and sat down, crossing his left leg over his right. He then waited for the others to do or say something. He was too worried to really talk but he knew the others might have more questions.



Jezzi was drifting in a dreamless slumber, nothing but darkness surrounded her. However, a familiar voice broke through the darkness. "It's time to wake up now.." But... I don't want to...
However it was too late. The darkness turned to a dim light and her eyes slowly opened. There was a rhythmic beeping sound; her arm felt cold and there was a smell of chemicals. Am I in a... hospital? She looked at her cold arm to see a tube emerging from it, hooking up to and IV. "Uhhn.." She groaned and tried to sit up.

She looked around to see 3 boys sitting by her. She recognized Kaizen as the one with the glasses first, mostly because of the glasses and because he was her teammate. Next she recognized the blonde boy as Razor, who she had just met the other day, who had bought her a treat. Finally she recognized Heero, the smaller one, only a few inches taller than herself. She tried to remember how she ended up in this place."H-hi guys... ugh what happened?"



Heero jumped up when Jezzi woke up. He was glad that she did wake up at least. "H-hi guys... ugh what happened?" She asked as she sat up. Heero wanted to know that himself. "Razor over here found ya laying on the ground... A Are yo you ok?" Heero stuttered out. He wanted to know what happened but he was glad she was still alive. He let out a small smile to try to make her feel better as he waited for her answer.

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor sat quietly until he heard a voice say "H-hi guys... ugh what happened?"". Razor then put his head up and saw Jezzi setting up razor smiled at the sight of her up razor then stood and said "I saw you passed out on the ground so i carried you to the hospital". Razor walked up and said "Do you remember anything?""

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