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1Tending to the Graveyard (D-Rank) Empty Tending to the Graveyard (D-Rank) Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:33 am



Kaguza woke up earlier then usual this morning, the sky was still dark out slightly. Performing his usual morning routine, he stepped outside into the misty morning air. Mornings in Kiri like this were quite common, they were the "Village Hidden in the Mist" after all. Today was to be a calm one, he had been tasked to clean up around the cemetery, nothing too special. Making his way through town, he wore his usual attire of dark colored clothing. His arsenal of weapons had been left behind, save for his meteor hammer, which he had coiled around his right forearm. He'd be cleaning up the cemetery not fighting any battles today, though he always carried at least one weapon with him at all times if he could manage it.

Arriving at the cemetery, the mist hung thick in the air. A fitting silence played as the background for the area, the occasional crow however broke this silence. The cemetery seemed empty, as Kaguza surveyed the landscape. A few piles of garbage lay scattered about the cemetery, the weeds however had nearly over taken several of the grave markers. A series of vines attempted to over take a tomb that stood above the headstones. The day seemed to grow longer as he saw more and more that needed to be done.

Mulling over a list of tasks to conquer in order to clean up the area in a timely manner, he finally set out to work. The tomb stood out the most, so it was first on his list. Reaching out the vines were easy to pull from the building, but where they connected to the ground they held more firmly. With a bit of strength, the vines were forcefully removed from the ground. It didn't take long before the tomb was completely free of the over taking vegetation. Finding a spot out of the way, Kaguza dumped the vines and set back to work. The piles of garbage were next in line, they sat in the way of removing a large number of weeds. Preferring not to deal with someone else's garbage he made quick work and got the worst of it over with. The garbage found it's own pile next to the vines, Kaguza didn't want to mix the two. The garbages was to be disposed of properly, while the vines and weeds were likely to be composted or sent through some other plant cycle that he didn't particularly care for.

Though his list didn't start long it was now half completed, the vines and garbage were out of the way to deal with the biggest problem among the cemetery. The weeds earned his attention next. On all fours, Kaguza slowly made his way across the cemetery multiple times, pulling every weed in a line. By the end of the current task, his knees were sore and soaking wet, the ground in Kiri wasn't exactly dry floor. Several piles of weeds no littered the cemetery, he didn't constantly drop them off at the vine pile hoping to save time. Performing a collection run, he quickly ran around the cemetery removing the piles of weeds. The vegetation pile that began as vines had grown fairly large, thankfully someone else was to deal with them. Finally one last task remained, thankfully only a few grave markers suffered from a growth of moss or algae. Borrowing a brush from the cemetery shed, that was almost hidden from sight completely, he quickly scrubbed off any remaining vegetation. Returning the brush to the hidden shed, Kaguza was finished for the day. The cemetery looked well kept, though Kaguza stood in wet muddy clothes, he did not look well kept. That was the end of the day for him, so he made his way home.


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