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1A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:07 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor got up and got dressed same as usual. but today was different being the Namizake clan leader meant he had think of the clan's well being. So he left for the Bazaar. He had heard there were some new things there so he thought he would check them out. And see if the clan could use any of the stuff. So he grabbed his sword and left

Razor arrived at the Bazzaar a little after noon. He saw many venders there working there game. Peddling the same useless crap as always. He walked up to a random vendor and began talking to him.

2A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:31 pm



The day was bright and the sun bore down on the Bazaar, making it seem a little more pleasant, but hot. Jezzi wore Some short, black gi pants and a yellow tanktop, and clips that kept the long lock of hair on the left side on her head under control. She had gone to the bazaar that day to purchase some food. She had to use her ryo sparingly, so was only able to purchase a bit of bread and some uncooked rice and carrots. She sighed at the lack of food and looked at some of the sweet stands longingly. No sweets for you! Do you want to turn into a fatty? Besides, you don't have the ryo Her inner voice lectured her. Jezzi sighed, "If anything, I could use a bit more fat on me.." she sighed, wishing her body wasn't so thin and juvenile looking.

However, Jezzi decided to save up her funds and continued to make her way through the crowd of tall people, struggling to see where she was going. She began to look through her groceries, not paying attention to where she was going, when she walked full throttle into another very tall person. She let out an "Unff!" and fell back onto the ground. Her groceries fell beside her and she pouted. "H-hey!" She whined as she got up and brushed herself off, but stopped, eyes widening as she realised something.. A sack of pills that had been tied to the belt loop on her pants was no longer there. "Oh no!" she cried as she got down on all fours and began searching for the small, black sack.

3A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:37 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor was just done talking to a vender when somebody small ran into him. He turned to see a small girl on the ground looking for something. Razor felt bad for being the reason she lost there stuff. So he bent down to help here look for here things. Razor gathered her groceries and held them out for her. When razor saw a strange black pouch near her foot. Razor walked over and picked it up and said "Is this yours too". He held out the small black pouch for the small girl to inspect.

4A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:20 am



Jezzi was scrambling around on all fours, while multiple people tripped, nearly falling over her; after all, her small form was easy to miss in such a crowd. "Crap,crap crap! Please be here somewhere!" She got to her knees and hit herself in the head, clearly this sack was very important t o her; tears of frustration began to form in her eyes. When suddenly a voice called out "Is this yours too?"

Jezzi looked up with wide eyes, eyes that held a large amount of gratitude. However that gratitude quickly turned to wariness. She snatched the sack from him and began poking through it. In the sack some unique looking tablets were seen; Jezzi did a mental count of them. Oh thank the heavens, they're all here! She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked tough, like he could seriously harm her if he wanted to. She tied the sack back onto her belt loop with an extra-tight knot. She cleared her throat and tried to make her youthful, normally energetic voice sound tough (Albeit, not very successfully) "I suppose I should thank you..." She said, picking up her bag of groceries and holding them to her chest. It was hard for her to look menacing when the bag she was holding was about the size of her torso.

5A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:15 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor handed her the groceries and then she said "I suppose I should thank you..." Razor held up his hands in front of him and said. "It was nothing after all i was the reason you lost them in the first place.After all if i had not been standing in your way you would not have fell." Razor bent down to offer a hand to help her up. Razor smiled and said "My name is razor namizake mind telling me yours".

6A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:18 pm



Jezzi looked up at him, raising a suspicious eyebrow as villagers tried their best not to trip over the little girl that was in her way. She ignored the man's hand and stood up by herself, trying to prove that she wasn't weak. She frowned at him "You don't need to talk to me like that, I might look young but I'm probably only a few years younger than you.." She said. Clearly she didn't like being spoken down to.

She looked at him, with a look showing much concentration. She was trying to memorize his name and face. He seems nice enough..... I should probably tell him my name Yeah, just give away your identity to everyone Well I'll never make friends if I always do what you tell me to.. Namizake.... where have I heard that name.. Her face changed suddenly, as if she had just remembered something. "Yeah, I'm Jezzi... Namizake... I know a guy named Kenji with that last name... you're from the same clan?"

7A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:32 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor saw the girl get up on her own. And say "You don't need to talk to me like that, I might look young but I'm probably only a few years younger than you.." Razor took his hand back and said "Oh sorry i meant no disrespect to you. I was trying to be friendly.". Razor listened and heard her say. "Yeah, I'm Jezzi... Namizake... I know a guy named Kenji with that last name... you're from the same clan?". Razor smiled and said "Yeah i guess you could say that. I am the namizake clan leader ". Razor felt proud to say that but at the same time filled with fear from it. "So if you don't mind my asking what are you doing in this part of town".

8A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:56 pm



Jezzi remembered Kenji, and a peculiar look appeared on her face. What a weird guy..... I wonder if this guy will be as weird as him.. She then looked at Razor and shrugged, "It's ok.... I guess.... I just already have a squadmate who treats me like a child so it gets on my nerves a bit.. she sighed. She knew she shouldn't be so harsh on Misoka, but the girl just angered her for reasons she couldn't explain. " Also, your name is a tool used for shaving...." She said in an incredibly blunt voice.

She was beginning to wonder whether or not she should have mentioned the odd fact about his name when she spotted a fairy cake (or cupcake) stand. Her eyes widened in desire but she let out a sad sigh when she remembered she couldn't afford sweets at that moment.

9A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:03 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor listened to her talk and said "Yeah i hear you". Then as they were walking he heard her say "Also, your name is a tool used for shaving....". Razor stopped in his tracks... Then began laughing "Yeah i guess your right". Razor saw her look at the cupcake stand. He may have imagined it but he thought he heard her stomach growl. Razor amiled a bit and walked over to the vender and said "2 Fairy cakes please". The vender handed him 2 cupcakes and razor gave him the ryo. Razor walked back to Jezzi eating one of the cupcakes. He put the other one out and said smiling "Here this ones on me ".

10A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:48 pm



Jezzi was relieved that Razor found her comment amusing, rather than enraging or insulting. She was beginning to think that perhaps making friends wasn't as much of an exact science as she had initially thought. She gave a bit of a lopsided grin when her stomach let out a loud growl. Jezzi realised how loud it was and turned her head away, cheeks blushing as she tried to pretend that the loud rumbling sound hadn't come from her.

She looked back to see Razor heading towards the fairy cakes. "Oh, you really don't need to-" But it was too late, he was already purchasing two. He came back with one for her. The pastry was delicately decorated with light yellow frosting and pink crystal-like sprinkles. It was almost too pretty to eat. Almost, but not quite. She admired it for a few seconds before taking a small bite out of the bottom. "Thanks... But I should really pay you back for it..." She knew she had to save her ryo but she didn't want her new acquaintance to realise that she was poor.

11A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:28 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor smiled as he finished his cupcake. And heard Jezzi say "Thanks... But I should really pay you back for it...". Razor raised a hand up and said with a icing covered smile . "No need to worry about it". At that moment razor realized he had the icing on his face and wiped it off. "Darn things i can not eat them without making a mess". He looked back at Jezzi now icing free and smiled.

12A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:50 pm



Jezzi tried to eat her fairy cake as lady-like as possible.... but she never really had great manners. After a couple of bites she scarfed it down like it was the last thing she would ever eat. Graceful as a swan... She looked up at Razor and grinned, her face turning red. "S-sorry... She wiped her face with the back of her hand. She may look cute and delicate but it was clear that her table manners didn't reflect her appearance.

After a moment she cleared her throat to try and fill the awkward silence. "So.... uhm.... where in town do you live?" She looked at her feet. He was a clan leader, he probably lived in a nice house in a nice part of town... Not an old abandoned shack in the slums like herself. She suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed by being in such company.

13A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:45 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor looked up in the air and said "I live at the clan housing complex". Razor began to think about his clan "Hmm a lot of people think being a clan leader is fun but at times it is stressful i mean one wrong move im not just screwing up my life but my clan's too".
Razor caught himself rambling. Razor looked at Jezzi and said with a smile "Sorry for talking so much it is a bad habit". Razor looked at Jezzi and said "What about you where do you live at".

14A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:49 pm



Jezzi tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. I didn't know clans had their own housing.. That's because you're not part of a clan.. Jezzi sighed at herself, Well I could pretend I was..

Jezzi was having this inner battle when Razor asked her where she lived. She stood and thought about how to best answer this question "Oh uhm... I live in another part of town... It's not very big but I don't have to pay much to live there.." She smiled sheepishly, then internally face-palmed. She had given away that she lived alone, she only hoped that Razor wouldn't pick up on that.

She decided to change the subject. "So what kind of abilities does your clan have? I use earth-style ninjutsu mainly.... and I know some medical ninjutsu.... When I train enough I'll be able to use mokuton.." She looked at Razor and waited for his answer.

15A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:02 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

hmm she must live alone thought razor he was pondering this when he heard her say "So what kind of abilities does your clan have? I use earth-style ninjutsu mainly.... and I know some medical ninjutsu.... When I train enough I'll be able to use mokuton.. Razor thought for a second then said "Mokuton huh so you must be from the senju clan". Razor had heard of the senju clan it was a very powerful and respected clan. Then razor said with a smile "Well my clan is a bit....different you might say here is easier to show than to explain". With that razor did some very fast hand signs and *poof* he had turned into his wolf state. Razor sat down and said "My clan are animal transformers we become the animal we are most like and apparently i am most like a flea bitten dog". Razor said before he transformed back Razor then looked at Jezzi to see her response.

jutsu inside:

16A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:36 pm



"Mokuton huh so you must be from the senju clan"Jezzi heard this and began to twiddle her fingers. How could she explain to him why she had the senju kekkeigenkai when she wasn't actually descended from the senju clan? She looked up at him and began to say "well, actually...." but was relieved when she realised that Razor decided to tell her about his clan.

She watched with amazement as he transformed into an animal. He turned into a dog.... But it wasn't a cute house pet or the type of dog you'd have sit on your lap while you pat it.. The dog looked like it could be very dangerous.... vicious... hostile even. It was an impressive ability indeed. She stood and looked at him for a moment, tilting her head in thought. "So... you're like.... a were-dog..." she said, a wry smile planted on her face.

17A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:09 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor laughed at the comment and said "In a way yeah i guess so difference is i can do that whenever i want to". Razor continued to smile and said "So tell me about your self any family here in suna". Razor walked next to jezzi as he waited for a answer.

18A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:05 pm



"So tell me about your self any family here in suna". She had been giggling along side him slightly (his laugh was very infectious) but stopped when he asked her this. He had asked about her family. Her brain began racing, trying to find an answer to this question. She didn't want to have to explain her past completely to him, but did she have a choice? Crap! He asked about my family! What do I say? Should I tell him the truth? If you tell him about your past, you're dead.. Jezzi sighed internally Of course... you're right... If he finds out other people might find out... someone would try to kill me for sure..

Jezzi gathered her bearings, smiled at him and shook her head. "Nope! I'm not originally from the sand village, so I don't have any family here..uhm..." She looked at him curiously. "What about you? Do you live with your family?" She said, wanting to steer the conversation away from herself.

19A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:57 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor saw her look uneasy before saying " Nope! I'm not originally from the sand village, so I don't have any family here..uhm..." Razor as curious about this girl but before he could say anything she asked "What about you? Do you live with your family?" Razor tilted his head back for a moment and said "Yeah i live with my mother". Razor then looked at her and said "So since you are not originally from here where are you from".

20A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:40 pm



"Yeah i live with my mother" Jezzi admitted that she was envious of him. She remembered her own mother for a moment. Golden hair and violet eyes like hers, and a kind smile... No I can't... What's wrong? Feeling guilty? Jezzi shook her head as if it would get rid of these thoughts and looked at Razor, trying to hide the sadness in her eyes.

"So since you are not originally from here where are you from" Jezzi's eyes widened. Crap, can I tell him? Her mind raced, wondering if it was safe to give away her birth village. Well, as long as I don't tell him exactly why I left, it should be fine, yes? She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I'm originally from the grass village... So is Kenji!" She looked at Razor, "anyways, I need to get going, thanks for the fairy cake!" she said, and she waved at him.

21A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:15 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

Razor listened to her as she said she was from the Grass village. "Wow the grass village huh". Razor heard her say "anyways, I need to get going, thanks for the fairy cake!". Razor smiled and said "No problem". Razor was about to leave when he turned and said "Will you be alright walking home by yourself".

22A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Empty Re: A Bazzaar Trip {Jezzi/No Kill} Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:01 pm



Jezzi began to hastily make her way towards the slums, thankful to have gotten away from more questions. She was happy to make another's acquaintance but she didn't want to have to go into her whole life story. Also, if he found out what she did, he might try to kill her. "Will you be alright walking home by yourself".

Jezzi stopped in her tracks,nearly sliding into a crowd of people. She turned back to him, and gave a nervous smile. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I'm tougher than I look... She gave a small laugh. No you're not. Shut up now.

She waved again at him. "We should meet again sometime!" She smiled. That part was true, she hoped this meant that she had made a new friend, despite not knowing him for very long. With that she turned and ran away, towards the more run down part of town known as the slums.

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