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~Capture the Silver Saboteur!~ seemed about time to get back on the saddle and start doing some missions. Even though the Kage was gone, there were most likely someone left behind to remain in charge in his absence. He hadn't done missions for some time now and it seemed like a good enough time to get back on the road to becoming stronger! He may have been weaker in the past but his current progress of late was making him stronger and stronger by the day and hopefully the Kage would see his progress and actually make him a higher rank. Everyone he knew before were now gone for some reason so he now needed to make himself worth something. He needed to become a Jounin. Or at least near the rank. Two jumps away he was from becoming that title and hopefully, eventually...Sannin. His previous mentor, Naota Uchiha, was a Sannin but he had miraculously vanished into thin air. He only hoped he didn't need to fight him in the future to come...he knew would come out on tops in that fight.

Cracking his knuckles, he had decided it was time to approach the Kage's Office, soon to be greeted by a Jounin that was most likely stationed in there to maintain peace within the village. It must have been awkward for the man because when Kenta approached him, he couldn't help but see that the man was more confused the he was! Did the Kage really pick the right man for the job? Surely there must have been something about him that made him stand out to the Kage...Maybe....Ah, who knows to be honest? Kenta began to scratch his head and sigh when he noticed how the man had almost completely changed in stance. He seemed more sure and confident of himself. Kenta had most likely caught the poor guy off guard and gave him a fright. It made him giddy a bit inside but he continued to approach the man once he knew that the man felt more at ease.

"My name is Kenta Sarutobi. I apologize for my recent absence but I have had some serious problems occur recently and if sir Kage has any punishment awaiting me, then I will gladly have it done but for now I would like to go on a mission please, any will do." He said, sure of himself, thinking back to how he used to be. How he used to be such a child and whatnot, how stubborn and arrogant he was. He remembered the day that he nearly made his sensei kick his face in...thank god that he decided to leave that day. Otherwise he might not even be here! The thought of being dead made him shudder as the Jounin nodded and walked off into the corner, retrieving a slim box. It must have been where lord Kage kept the mission requests. The Jounin gently placed the box down on the table next to him and pulled out the first scroll he had seen. A C-Rank. He turned and threw Kenta the scroll before closing the box and placing it back inside the cabinet.

Catching the scroll with his left hand, Kenta bowed to his superior, turned and left the room without further delay, not wanting to be a bother for the man since he looked like he was about to burst one moment. He sighed as he began to descend down the never ending like stairs, eventually reaching the bottom and taking a moment to figure out his course of action...was he going to do the mission or get something to eat first? Everything for him in that brief moment before slapping himself on the side of the face, wakening him up. He couldn't afford to slack off, not as much as he already had! It was about time he took his finger out and did some work. He opened the scroll and began to read it. A Saboteur? How odd for Konoha to have such a thing...why would anyone want to disrupt the ryo income to the village? Out of boredom? Blackmail? For shits and giggles? He honestly couldn't understand as to why someone would do such a thing but it must be serious if there was a mission out for them. He shrugged it off and began to get his shit to gear. He was wearing his Konoha Flak jacket so anything used on him, if a battle pursued, it'd be dampened at least. The thought of having his very own uniform made him smile. He turned towards the doors of the estate and leaped from the entrance and into the air, landing on a rooftop before he began to make way for the Refinery.

The smell...the very thing about metal scraping across each other sent shivers down his spine. As soon as he reached his destination he knew what he was in for...pain. Not physically but mentally. He hated Refineries with a passion, mainly because of the scraping, the smell, the noise...oh the noise gave him such a headache and he was already beginning to give up on life until he saw his contractor, the man who wanted this all to happen. He must have hated people with the ability to hear cause this was not on and his was as if he dressed in the dark and shot was fashion suicide... It made him cringe from all angles as he approached the man, tapping him on the shoulder in which he jumped to.

"Are you Takashi? I'm here apprehend the Saboteur." He asked calmly, the mans face screwing up as he turned and pointed to some middle aged, funny looking guy. Was this mission going to be that easy? Takashi turned back around to Kenta, grabbed his shoulder and pushed him in the direction of the suspect, egging him on...he most likely wanted this to get over and done with so production could get underway. They did seem to be holding back in the amount of raw ore they let through, not wanting to waste much. If he knew who the culprit was...why not alert someone immediately? Kenta wasn't too sure but he got his man and now it was time to get him into custody. He walked up to the man who almost immediately threw a bucket for Kenta's face, dodging it naturally before launching a jutsu in frustration. The binding technique. Simple and perfect for use. The man stopped in his tracks as Kenta smacked the back of his head and K.O'ed him instantly. Easy peasy.

Word Count: 1121/1000

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