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1The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:25 am



The two story building loomed over Tatsusa as he came up to it. For being not as popular as the Sandbox, a lot of older men came here to drink. Due to the fact that it was safer than going to a strip club. Most of them had scary wives so they did it to keep in line. Nothing screams safer than the Myugan bar. The giant Sake bottle on the front of the upper half of the building was lit up for all those to see it. It was a calm place, where nothing bad every happened. Most of the time.

Tatsusa could see the giant wooden doors in front of him. Even though they only stood seven feet tall, it was still huge for him. His father punched these doors into existence just for the fact that the doors often got broken off when people got thrown out. The building was made of a think mixture of wood and mud like most Suna building. It was still mid-day so he did not have to worry about it being full of the usual people. His fear was starting to get the best of him though and he could not hold Misoka any longer. Putting her next to the door his heart started to pound. He was suppose to be back for lunch and he forgot about it.

Taking a deep breath he open up the door to get greeted with a foot to the face from his mother. "DYNAMIC ENTRY" She yelled as she quickly came flying through door. Even though Tatsusa was prepared he could not stop what was going to happen. He flung backwards flying through the air like a rag doll as he proceeded to hit the nearby building with a loud thud. "I told you to be back by lunch! What is wrong with you child!" The woman stood 1.8 meters tall and looked like she lifted weights all her life. She was a well fed woman, but not bad enough to be called fat. Her arms were huge, but no one could tell if it was muscle or fat, and most feared of asking. She wore a one piece plaid dress that was covered by a white apron.

Grabbing Tatsusa by the hair she put him in a full Nelson. "You better explain yourself mister. I told you to be here by a certain time! What have I raised a delinquent?" Tatsusa quickly ran out of air in his lungs due to the blow, but managed to gasp out "Girl...Help..." The giant woman could not hear him over the yelling she was doing.

"You butthead! You said you were going to teach me some ninja tricks today." A small girls voice came from the door. A girl who was at least a foot taller than Tatsusa went up to him and flicked his nose. She was built like Tatsusa was, thin yet defined. She wore normal khaki shorts that stopped before her knees and a white tank top with a light red windbreaker with they Myugan clan symbol on the back over it.

Tatsusa could see his life flash before his eyes once again. "" He gets out as he manages to point a finger at Misoka. The younger girl looked at the girl. "Ohmygod! Tatty what the hell did you do to her?" She quickly went inside to get Misoka some water.

Dropping Tatsusa the giant woman went up to the girl. "Good Kami child! You look like you got lost in the desert! Come inside." She went from a deep bellowing voice to a calm, nice and sweet voice. The change was very dramatic.

Tatsusa took this moment to catch his breath. Breathing in and out, in and out. He had to get it done. Luckly for him one of the hardest challenges in his life has been met.

2The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:08 am



They arrived at a two story building and Misoka narrowed her eyes to read the shield on the door. 'Myugan Bar' it said or was it Nwugam? She shook her head slightly, holding back a wince of pain. Even this little movement gave her a terrible headache.
Tatsusa let go of her and she leaned against the wall, grateful for the shadow the building cast over her.
Taking another sip of the water, she watched the boy knock on the door. His face was still tear-stained.

What happened next, scared the Karisuma so much that she let out a hoarse scream, which was, however, swallowed by another voice.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" A huge woman opened the door and immediately sent Tatsusa flying with a kick. Needless to say, it looked very painful.
Misoka's eyes widened as she stared in horror at the woman. She must be an enemy! They were being attacked..!
"I told you to be back by lunch! What is wrong with you child!"
And then it hit her. The woman must be Tatsusa's mother! Oh yeah, they wanted to go to his family's bar. Standing in the shadow made her brain function better than before.
Still, she wondered if she might be having a hallucination - Since when did a mother treat her son like that?
Soon after, a girl joined them, insulting Tatsusa and flicking his nose.
Could it be the sister he was telling her about?

Misoka's mouth hang agape. This had to be some kind of joke or was she really a witness of domestic violence?
Oh my God.

Suddenly, the gazes of the newcomers went to her. Her blood ran cold despite the heat. She wanted to get into a fighting stance, but still felt too dizzy to do so.

The tall woman's face, however, lit up with concern the moment she set eyes on Misoka. With a sweet voice, completely different than hers before, the woman told her to come inside. Even the sister's behaviour changed rapidly.

"Y-Yes, thank you..."
Misoka replied weakly; confusion evident in her tone. She threw a glance at Tatsusa. Was he always being treated like this? For deeper thoughts her head ached too much, though. First, she had to get rid of this heat stroke or whatever it was.
Shaking, she managed to get inside.

3The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:58 am



Tatsusa groaned as he got off the ground. Even though this was a normal thing for him, he still could not get used to it. Brushing off the sand on his clothing he managed to stretch all the pain away. Luckily for him his mother was really out of practice from her days as a ninja. She did not hurt as much as she used to when he was a child. She was really into making him strong, probably to far too.

Tatsusa walked into the building, it was defiantly cooler than outside was for sure. The first floor was huge, with at least 12 round tables around. There were stairs on each side of the wall that lead up a balcony that had a few more tables up there. Underneath the balcony was a counter that reached from on end of the building to the other. With stools lined along it. At both ends there was a small saloon door for easy access in and out. There is a door behind the counter that lead into the kitchen.

Tatsusa scratches the back of his head as he walks toward the table that was prepared for Misoka. There was a feast set there for her, a lot of rice and curry was on the table. There was a giant pitcher of iced water for her. His sister was ready she had some wet cold cloths for Misoka. She was ready to put them on top of her head, chest, and arms to help with the heat stroke Misoka was having. "Just keep sipping the water and try to eat something." The young girl said cheerfully.

Tatsusa kept his distance from Misoka now not looking at her, due to the fact his fear was back in full effect. "What were you two doing anyway?!" His mother questioned him. Tatsusa did not want to answer it was not his place. That got him a quick smack upside the head. Scratching the back of his head he muttered something about how she was going somewhere. "Fine! If you want to play secrets!" smiling sweetly she asked Misoka "So darling how did end up like this? Did you get wrapped up in some stupid training session? Wait that can't be right, he can barely talk to a girl that is not apart of the family."

Tatsusa sighed as this continued on "Are you alright Misoka?" He asked looking away from her.

4The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:29 am



Misoka followed them almost blindly inside until she was seated at a large table with a substantial meal; rice and curry as far as she could see.
Her head throbbed regularly and she squinted her eyes shut to blank out her blurred surroundings.
"Thank you," she whispered, gratefully accepting the wet cloths put on her. Single water drops trailed down her forehead and chest; the sensation of coolness went through her like a medicine. Slowly, Misoka could feel the headache fade.
She dared to open her eyes again, hoping her sight had recovered.
The luck was on her side. With a relieved smile spreading across her lips, she blinked a few times before paying closer attention to the people around her.
"So darling how did end up like this? Did you get wrapped up in some stupid training session? Wait that can't be right, he can barely talk to a girl that is not apart of the family." She heard the woman say.
So it hadn't been a hallucination, after all, Misoka realized, slightly aghast.
Her eyes darted to Tatsusa, then back to his mother.

"U-Um," The woman's tall and strong figure made her feel a bit nervous. "I spotted Tatsusa walking around town on his hands. I was curious and spoke to him." She bit her lower lip for a moment, careful not to tell them about Tatsusa's first reaction. "Unfortunately, I'd forgotten to take a water bottle with me and since I'd been in the heat for too long, I got this sunstroke. Your son was so kind to help me."

She bent her head down apologetically. "This is my fault. If it had not been for me, he would have come home on time. Please forgive him."
Her good manners, which she had with no doubt been taught by her mother, kicked in again. Her forehead rested on the table with her hands put properly on the left and right beside her head.
Once again, she didn't look like a kunoichi, but resembled more of a princess considering the way she spoke and moved.

Misoka hoped she could help Tatsusa somehow. It seemed unfair to her that he would apparently not get to eat anything. He must be hungry as well. This was indeed her fault; she shouldn't have slowed him down.

5The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:32 am



Tatsusa watched Misoka give him a glance when she went into detail about her and Tatsusa meeting for the first time. He sorta froze as he was looked upon by her, but he gave her a crooked smile. Forcing it out, due to the fear that was causing him to freeze up. Tatsusa calmed a little more as she went on explaining more. She was defiantly concentrating on someone else now. Giving him time to relax. His muscles gave a what sounded as a sigh of relief as he became more calm around his house. Sure you had to go through the kitchen to get to the giant house that they Myugan had.

"Damn it boy! Make sure you get your fill too!" His giant mother snapped at him. Her eye brow was thicker than the average person. Almost block like, that looked really natural on her. Her dirty blonde hair came only down to her shoulder, but looked well taken care of. Especially since they were in Suna. His sister had the exact same look, but her hair was longer going down to her waist. Tatsusa quickly grabbed the bowl that his sister brought out for him and started to stuff his face. He was really hungry and forgot about it until food hit his empty stomach.

The giant woman looked back at the young princess "You sure it was my boy? He has this fear, that we just can't get rid of." The woman gave her a look when she started to apologize. "Now, now, dear. You are in the Myugan house. Once you are here you are family! No need to apologize, everything happens for a reason. Especially for my son! He does things on his own accord. It takes a few beating her and there to keep him in check. Make sure you are full! Don't be afraid to ask for more, we got plenty!"

Tatsusa smiled at that, it did not matter if you had money or not. The Myugan bar would feed you, and make sure you left stuff. He was proud of his family. They were nice people deep down, even though most of them drank like devils. She was talking so she must have been fine.

The younger girl squealed in joy "Your eyes are so pretty! How do you do that!" That quickly got a smack from Tatsusa's mother "Let the woman eat in peace child!" Tatsusa smiled, his treatment was not special everyone in his house got the same treatment from his mother, even his father.

Tatsusa looked at Misoka, complete dread has not taken over yet so it was an improvement from earlier today. "Sorry about my house, it is always this chaotic. Come on Kara give her a break." He mumbled and slightly stammered out. Kara was the younger girl who now stuck her tongue out at him.

6The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:10 am



Misoka relaxed and looked up with a relieved smile, sitting properly again.
"Thank you for your hospitality! I really appreciate it. And yes, I'm sure it was Tatsusa," she said sincerely, giggling a bit at her last comment. It seemed almost unreal that they would give her something to eat and not ask for money in return; they didn't even know her, after all. It reminded her of Tatsusa's promise to protect her from the bad guys - That had been of the same selflessness which moved her deeply.

Misoka gave the two women another smile before she started to eat her meal slowly in big contrast to Tatsusa who looked like he hadn't eaten in months.

While she was picking up some rice with her chopsticks, she could feel Tatsusa's sister's gaze on her. "Your eyes are so pretty! How do you do that!"
"Oh - that is.." Misoka said, a bit startled by the question when the mother suddenly smacked her daughter's head. "Let the woman eat in peace child!"
At first, Misoka dropped her chopsticks out of surprise, her mouth slightly agape, but then she quickly continued to eat as though nothing had happened.
Apparently, some punches now and then were common in the family. Perhaps the mother only wanted her children to become tougher according to the principle: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Sunk in thought, she nodded once, telling herself she must be right with this assumption. There was no way such nice people could hate their own son and brother.

"Sorry about my house, it is always this chaotic. Come on Kara give her a break."
Misoka returned Tatsusa's gaze and beamed. "It's great and ... huge! I'm sure it never gets boring here, does it?"
Sometimes she wished her home was as lively as Tatsusa's. But with only her father, who had turned a rather quiet person ever since her mother's death, dull days were bound to come regularly.

She looked around amazed, every now and then eating from her meal.
"Where is your father by the way?" The question popped up in her mind whilst watching his sister Kara and his mother with a smile.

7The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:22 am



Tatsusa laughed as she dropped her chopsticks, she must have lived a much different life than him. This was very normal for him and his sister. His mother probably did not even know what time out meant. She would punish them by ungodly amount of push ups and sit ups. It was just her ways, even though she was very over protective of them. His mother refused to let anything bad happen to her children. She just had a weird way of showing it.

Tatsusa could feel her gaze upon him, making him freeze up a little bit inside. He did not have the urge to run away, just his body decided that his muscles needed to tense up for what ever reason it thought. He forced all those thought to go away as he gave her a smile. "Your more than welcome to come over any time to take some chaos with you." He was serious about that, he could use a few calmer days. Even though he knew that would drive him up the wall. "Yea between the people in here all the time and my mother and father we never have a boring moment." His voice was cracking still, but he was defiantly not as badly shaken as he started off. Maybe since they were in his house he felt better about talking to a girl.

They way she ate was very different than Tatsusa. 'Do I need to eat more like her now? Nah to much time used eating anyway.' he thought to himself. Then she asked about his father. "Oh...Sleeping...I think." He started to stammer things again but managed to keep it under control. Kara pip up the rest of the info, "Our father usually does not go to bed until the sun is coming up. He is often taking people who drank to much home. He usually carries most of them at once too. Our father is really strong." Tatsusa's mother had a pride look in her eye even though she replied "Yea to bad he is lazy when it comes to the dishes." Tatsusa's mother voice still sounded proud even though she was smack talking him.

Kara started her barrage of questions on Misoka before Tatsusa could stop her. "Are you a ninja? What rank? Your to pretty to be a ninja! What type of ninja things do you do? Are you in Tatsusa's squad? Who is your teacher?" Tatsusa cringed as his mother gave Kara another smack on the head. "Good god child, calm down let her finish eating first!" Out of instinct Tatsusa's mother grabbed the bowl out of Misoka's hand and refilled it and handed it back to her. "Feel free to answer her though." Tatsusa's mother said as she handed the bowl back. Her voice had curiosity in it also. "Tatty never had the chance to bring a girl over. So this is very new to us!"

Tatsusa had no idea why, but he was quickly turning red in embarrassment. He remember that his blindfold was still off. He quickly ran through the kitchen to hide his red face as he went to go grab another blindfold and put it on. He causally walked back into the hall.

8The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:20 am



"I can?" Misoka smiled widely, already picturing herself knocking on the family's door when she had to go through one of these very dull days again. They honestly didn't seem to mind having her here.
Kara and Tatsusa then told her what their father was doing at the moment - sleeping - and how he always stayed up late to drag the drunks home. How generous! Misoka got to like the Myugans better and better. She grinned to herself, finishing her meal in the meantime when Tatsusa's mother refilled her bowl instantly.
"Oh, thank you, Myugan-san," she beamed and bowed her head shortly. Good that she hadn't eaten anything for breakfast today; her father's letter had striked her too hard to think about her growling stomach.
In the eyes of Tatsusa's mother you could clearly see the love for her husband. It evoked a dull feeling of yearning inside Misoka, flashbacking to a time when her own family had not fallen apart yet.

Before she could dwell on that thought, Kara distracted her by asking a great number of questions. This got her a smack of her mother again, but both wanted to know more about her. "Feel free to answer her though. Tatty never had the chance to bring a girl over. So this is very new to us!"
Misoka's gaze automatically went to Tatsusa at that point. Tatty? She bit her lower lip to stifle her giggle.
Then she put her chopsticks down and cleared her throat.

"My name is Karisuma Misoka and yes, I'm a Genin. I hope to become a Jounin sometime. I'm in Team One with the Kazekage as sensei" she started with a smile, which faded in the slightest when she went on. "The Karisuma Clan is known for the beauty of its members, especially the females. Most girls are not even allowed to become ninjas because they are... um... married off to rich men." Misoka looked down, ashamed for her clan's ways to get to money. A short silence followed. Quickly, she tried to talk about something else,"No, Tatsusa and I are not in the same squad, but we can still train together. Right, Tatsu-"
Problem was that said person just walked out of the room, his face scarlet red. Had she said something wrong?
Misoka sweatdropped.

Soon enough, Tatsusa came back again, this time wearing a blindfold, which made the young Karisuma raise an eyebrow questioningly. Perhaps he felt more comfortable that way... whatever.

She began fiddling with one shiny strand of hair, knowing that the Myugans' attention would be on the Karisuma Clan now that her attempt to change the topic had failed more or less. So she prepared herself to give them more information when asked to.

9The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:32 am



"Of course you can darling! Once you walk into those door it does not matter what you do, you are family here until proven otherwise!" The bigger woman said cheerfully, Tatsusa's mother laughed at the Myugan-san. "Dear I am not that old, the fire of youth is still in my veins. You can call me Keiko." Tatsusa knew his mother did not like the fact she was still getting older, often reminding him and his sister to enjoy her youth.

Tatsusa cringed as he heard his childhood nickname ring through the air. Tatty is what all the females in his house called him. Since most Myugans lived in the same house a lot of people call him that too.

Tatsusa sat down after she was done explaining about herself and her clan. It was interesting that most of the females were married off for money. 'That defeated the purpose of love did it not?' Tatsusa thought himself. 'Well each person was raised differently.' He noticed the raise of the eyebrow. He would have to explain later.

Tatsusa slowly did a face palm as his sister rattled off more questions. "Ohhh are you gonna marry someone rich and handsome?! They are gonna be so lucky! Getting to stare at your eyes all the time." Tatsusa was relieved when his mother smacked his sister harder than usual. "That is just rude!" Tatsusa's mother knew that she did not want to talk about this any more and changed the topic for her. "So Misoka dear, how is it having the Kage as your teacher? She must be making you guys some of the strongest genin in this village. I remember training with the Kage, that was a handful and careful with training with Tatty, he takes after his mother with the ridiculous training regiment." Keiko gave Misoka a sweet smile.

Tatsusa was trying his best to be more involved in the conversation, but really every time he had tried to say something his voice just refused to work. "My training is not that bad mother, I clearly do not do as much as you do." He mutters under his breath.

10The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:55 am



Kara's words hit her hard. Not because she was mad at the girl for being so oblivious to these kinds of marriages, but because Misoka realized she should start asking herself the same question. Now that her mother was dead, would the clan eventually come and claim her? A shiver ran down her spine. She didn't know an answer to this.
When Tatsusa's mother, Keiko, changed the topic, Misoka accepted it gratefully. With a smile, though it felt forced in a way, she told them about her squad.

"Yes, the Kazekage is really strict! For our first training session she built up some sort of chakra shield which we had to break through. While we tried everything to get through it, Gin-sama would just sit down and read a book." At last, her smile became sincere. She laughed. "I don't even want to know what she is reading. You know, I heard the rumours."

Then she cast a glance at Tatsusa. "Oh, I'm sure Tatsusa is stronger than I am," she stated bluntly. Being the modest type, she was not ashamed to admit her assumption. With a soft chuckle, Misoka looked back at Keiko, "But we've only had one training session with the Kazekage yet. I hope I'll be stronger in the long run!"

11The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:39 am



He listened about the training that Misoka had with her sensei and it sparked a little of jealous in him. He wanted to try to beat these outrageous goals. He heard about the book part, "wow it just shows the difference in power between us and them. I can't wait to get that strong." Tatsusa said with his hands clenched in his chest. He was willing to do anything to protect everything he cared about.

Tatsusa turned beet red when she mention being stronger. He was probably not, he trained for endurance sure. So he could last in fight, but he could not do that much damage. At least that is what he thought, he had chakra flow help turn the battle in his favor. Still it was something that he could not rely on. He could feel his body relax more around Misoka the more time she was in his house. "I do not know, Misoka about that. I won't let anyone surpass me, the next hero of Suna needs to protect everyone in the village."

His mother smiled at this, Tatsusa could feel her approval gaze on him. He knew his family encouraged him in this goal. Most of them were glad he wanted to do something that fitted the family. "Well you can't be a hero if you get beaten by your own parents every time we spar." His mother teased him with. "I am sure you will become a really powerful ninja Misoka dear. It just takes time and patience. Remember that every ninja is powerful in their own way too."

A loud crashing noise came from the kitchen that made Tatsusa jump. It must be his father waking up, it was about that time. A man only standing at 1.5 meters tall wobbled into the bar. His blonde hair was clean and slick back reaching his and his body seemed all wrong. His arms were extremely well worked out. Showing all the muscles he had. Yet he had a huge beer belly. He wore his Jounin vest and had his ninja headband around his neck. His emerald eyes shined as he said "Morning you all, ello lass ya want some drink? First one is on the house." He pulled a clear bottle out and poured it into a glass. "Ejji! That is a minor you drunkard!" Tatsusa's mother yelled punching the man into the wall. Kara sighed and wandered off due the fact she realized she had things to do. "My family." she said as she walked into the kitchen.

Tatsusa cringed as his father went flying like it was nothing. Somehow the man ended upside down when he hit the wall. Rolling on his face he managed to get up with perfect balance. "Morning dad, this is Misoka." Tatsusa stammered out.

12The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:03 am



Misoka laughed when Keiko teased her son about becoming a hero.
Then a loud noise startled her, followed by footsteps. A short, corpulent man walked into the room, still somewhat tired-looking.
"Morning you all, ello lass ya want some drink? First one is on the house."
Misoka opened her mouth to decline his offer, but Tatsusa's mother was faster. With an enraged face, she punched the man into the wall, clearly disapproving of his idea to give a minor some alcoholic drink.
The young Karisuma couldn't help but stare in awe at Keiko's almost unnatural strength, at least for her age.
"My family," Kara mumbled, not in the slightest surprised about how her mother had greeted her husband. This seemed to be nothing new to her.
The scene definitely held something humourous and Misoka felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips.

"Morning dad, this is Misoka." Tatsusa said, which made Misoka stand up and give the man a polite smile. "Good morning. Have you slept well, Sir?"
She casually looked to Tatsusa again: The similarity between him and his father was undeniable.

13The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:33 am



Tatsusa could feel the gaze upon his, making him feel stiff. Ejji was quickly dragged by the ear by Tatsusa's mother into the kitchen ranting and raving like she usually does. He quickly yelled out "I slept fantastic! Make yourself at home!" As he got dragged into the kitchen Tatsusa's mother turned and quickly said "What he said, we have to set up the evening set up." She dragged the father into the kitchen were crashing and steam soon to follow.

Tatsusa glanced at Misoka, he could not keep eye contact. The urge to run away was gone. He was not sure what to do now. His family has dispersed. "Well, um, that is my family." he said to her. He was not sure what to say now. It was easier with his family was here. "I do not know if that freaked you out at all." He said sheepishly.

14The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: The Myugan Bar (Open/No Kill) Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:58 pm



Everyone disappeared somewhere until there were only Tatsusa and Misoka left. The way the boy avoided her gaze, she suddenly remembered his gynophobia and that she was no longer disguised as a boy. Should she say something about it? But then she decided against it, recalling his plead for her to act normal.
"Well, um, that is my family. I do not know if that freaked you out at all." Tatsusa said quietly. However, he didn't run away so Misoka took this as a good sign.

She broke into a smile and shook her head slightly. "No, not at all! They are really nice and funny. You're lucky to have such a family."
Her smile turned into a smirk. "At first, I thought you were a victim of domestic violence, though," she teased, keeping her voice down so no-one other than Tatsusa would hear her.

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