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1The Revival Empty The Revival Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:45 am



Sero had been awakened by a messenger. He had been training for what seemed like an endless amount of days. The grey scruff of a beard starting seemed to make him look older then he was. But he had not yet taken up shaving. It was so thin that He didn't mind it really. But still his dull grey eyes look to the messenger. A man wrapped in dark ninja garb. His body seemed to be designed for speed. He felt they where unique in that regard. Not designed for combat but rather trained to avoid it and deliver the message.

Still he took the scroll from the messenger and watched the messenger disappear into the mist again. It would of been unnerving to him if it wasn't for the fact that he passively did the same thing himself. His dull grey eyes look down to the scroll in his hands before he breaks the seal. The wax crumbling under his thin fingers. He unrolls it and reads the scribbles there. Apparently he was being summoned back from his training. The Kage had been absent for too long.

Sero could not help but to sigh at that. His hands crumpling up the paper before tossing it in his camp fire. The people needed a leader. Another Osada in the seat was like a second chance. Kiri was nearly complete again, and truth be told Sero had gained a great deal of allies and support. It was only natural he would be elected. But the Elders wanted some level of Ceremony too it so He needed to report in immediately. Those oldies where so bossy. Either way he kicks dirt over the bonfire with one swift kick snuffing it out. The last spark dying in an instant.

It was time for him to return. His skills mastered to a point he could be temporarily satisfied with. But the villages fighting force was in a sorry state of affairs. He needed to get more Shinobi working with the village or it would be vulnerable. If he was to do so he could not waste any more time. Without packing up his tent or anything else he Changes into fresh robes. White with a black collar. And with that he turns towards the Mists of Kiri. In a blast of speed he was gone. Rapidly moving with all his speed to the Administration building. When you where summoned by the council you appeared. Preferably before one of them died of old age. Which could happen quickly.

2The Revival Empty Re: The Revival Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:35 pm



Sero had moved rapidly through the mists like a phantom in the town. He was born in its embrace and now it was his ally. The clothes he was wearing seemed to blend into the thick mist and he would fade to the untrained eye frequently. But he was putting very little effort into stealth at the moment. Indeed speed was his only goal. His lanky legs seemed perfect for moving quickly at long lengths. His balance near perfection as he moved across the roof tops.

His grey eyes could pick out the Administration buildings roof now. The crack on top brought back memories of only months back. Training on that roof with a Kaguya. He had been outmatched then but his opponent was dead now. And he still lived. If anything he had a knack for staying alive. His squad was just him and Otto now. Honestly he hadn't expected Otto to fall behind him in ranks like that. But it was a whisper that it was due to his clan that Sero got promoted so quickly.

He passed the finished buildings and half smiled with a sense of accomplishment. The tragedy was being put behind them now. They had rebuilt from nothing more then dreams and pain. He was actually impressed by the will of the people. Almost shocked by it actually. But his mind turns back to the business at hand as his boots touch the roof top of the Administration building.

Moving down Into the Administration building he knocked on the double doors to the main office before entering. An old man was standing there looking outside. He was a little hunched but the head band marked him as an old ninja of the Mist. Sero bowed his head waiting in reverent silence as the old man spoke. It was a lengthy speech but in the end Sero was informed he was to be the new Kage of the Mist. They needed a leader now more then ever and the people looked up to him.

Soon Sero was alone in his office looking out that same window as the rain began to come down. What did he need to do to protect his people? He had to grow up now. And prepare himself for the summit. His grey eyes glint briefly with life and determination as he turns to his paper work and begins his new life.

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