There he was now, taking a walk with his bird Shun, for the very first time. He bought Shun from an animal rescue agency, in Iwagakure, whilst the agency were taking their first stop in Iwagakure, before continuing on, heading to all the main villages in the ninja world. He had been lucky to be able to have Shun, as he was the last Dove they had. What was even more lucky, was that Shun was a rare type of dove, in the sense that he was part of a bird breeding program that bred all different species of birds and trained them to do ordinary things, such as: deliver mail across ninja villages, pick up light objects and reutrn them to their own on command and they could also train the birds to come imediately to their owner when the owner blew a special whistle or whisled a certain tune.
Shibirin had his three katana (Genko, Sai and Noro) all sheathed by his left hip and he carried Shun on his left shoulder. The two friends were on their way to the waterfall point, a place most people in Suna come to, to just let loose and enjoy the view of the village it had. When he had arrived there, Shibirin saw a person, in the distance not too far from where he was standing. He decided to walk up to the figure, hoping he wouldn't get attacked for just that. When he had reached the guy, he said to him, "Hello there. My name is Shibirin, and you are?".