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1Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:34 pm



Waiting from afar Alucard is watching the field where he told chinmoku to come for a friendly spar. Alucard has been waiting for alittle bit of action. With all his studying lately he hasnt been out recently. This is his chance to work out all the kinks that have build up for months.

2Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:43 pm



Chinmoku was running towards the place she had agreed to spar with Alucard. She had been running late because she had been drawing and lost track of time. She was worried about the spar because it would be the first time since she had graduated the academy. She got to the area and stopped running.

3Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:51 pm



Alucard saw Chinmoku running toward the destination he told her to meet. Then looking up at the sun , then shadow and calculated the time. "She's late..." He muttered onto himself. He was gonna let her get alittle closer , then attack. "She just got out the academy, lets see how she was trained." He said with a grin.

4Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:59 pm



As Chinmoku got closer to the meeting place she noticed that Alucard wasn't there. She slowed her run to a walk and started looking around incase he was there. "We can't both be late." She thought to herself as she approached the place.

5Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:15 pm



He watched as she slowed her run to a jog and then eventually a walk. Standing on a edge high up , he peaks over the edge. Without thinking about it Alucard backflips off the edge. Falling at a fast rate , he remembers the body flicker technique and decides to put it to use. Vanishing in the air , he quickly appears on the ground. Landing on the ground standing in the middle of a mini crator. "Chinmoku your late!" He yells from 100 meters. "Let's get this thing started."

6Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:36 pm



After Alucard yelled toward her, Chinmoku increased her pace and then sped up to a sprint, running in the direction of Alucard.

7Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:41 pm



Alucard grins hard then starts a full on sprint straight toward Chinmoku. With a quick adujustment of his feet , he stops. With his legs crouched to a starting postion he pushes forward. Increasing the speed of his sprint.

8Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:38 pm



Chinmoku continues sprinting towards Alucard, slowly gaining speed, when she realises that if she continues it probably won't do her any good so she turns away slightly and continues running at an angle.

9Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:00 pm



Paying attention to the way she runs , alucard finds that shes running in angle. He changes his direction to cut her off. Reaching for 3 shuriken in his back pouch on his back right side. He secures them in his hand throwing one in each direction with a curve to the left , right and center. Aiming at her ankles .

10Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:31 am



Noticing the shuriken, Chinmoku continues running till they have almost hit her when she jumps over them. It is at this point that she notices Alucard's changed his direction and is heading towards her.

11Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:35 pm



Alucard closes in on Chinmokus path that she has decided to take. Within seeing her dodge the shuriken , he quickly throws three more striaght towards her mid section. Thinking that would be enough to slow her down , he jumps spining sideways throwing his right leg out to complete the roundhouse kick towards her low mid section. "You can't run forever!" Alucard shouted.

12Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:28 pm



Using the momentum she has picked up through running, Chinmoku slides taking her under both the shuriken and Alucard's kick. After this she continues running in the other direction away from Alucard.

13Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:45 pm



"Damn she's quick , cant give her room to dodge." He whispered. After she made her moves , alucard took his actions. Still in the air , he flips foward while both hands reach for his pouch, completing his 180 rotation. Now landed and facing her direction. He launches 5 shuirken from each hand , curving his hands slightly so that the shurikens would hit the target all at once.

14Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:02 pm



Chinmoku glances over her shoulder just in time to notice the shuriken and jump to the right in an attempt to dodge them. Most of them missed but one sliced off a bit on her left arm and one stabbed into her leg. She pulled it out of her leg and threw it back towards Alucard then made a sharp 90 degree turn and continued running.

15Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Empty Re: Alucard,Chinmoku(OOC Spar) Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:45 pm



As she continued running he did handsigns, the jutsu that he was about to use was going call for focus and concentration. He inhaled a large amount of air letting it sit into his stomach while mixing it with fire charka. Exhaling this large amount charka out of his mouth into a form of a Giant Fireball. The fire ball speeding at her he did a couple more handsigns, then suddenly disappered into the nearest tree preparing his next jutsu.

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