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1Friendly Spar Empty Friendly Spar Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:05 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

It had been night. The vision of the young Nick was slightly unclear because of the darkness. He had been standing on top of a field. A grass field. In his left hand there had been a kunai whilst his right hand was free. Nick somehow resembled a strong- individual, indicating that his taijutsu was up to level. His mind had been clear of thoughts. He was prepared to agni-kai someone he had met earlier today. Things sparked off badly. He would narrow his eyes and look around him. Being on full- alert of any surprise attack that might have been coming his way.

2Friendly Spar Empty Re: Friendly Spar Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:26 am



The cool, night breeze lifted my hood off my head, my white hair flowing out and shimmering in the pale moonlight. A few clouds and the moon only a small crescent which added up to poor lighting and visibility. The grassy knoll seemed to sway in the dark, the green weeds brushing at my ankles as I purposively walked forward.

Be here, and prepare for a fight.

The words came to me again. The person in question stood not too far before me, waiting. How long had he been here? How long would this take? And which one of us would still be here at the end?

I shrugged my white cloak behind my shoulders, the neck strap keeping it from flying off in the wind. My eyes watched the silhouetted figure. The subtle moonlight only providing a soft backlight against the man. A small, metallic gleam highlighting a weapon in his hands. I flicked my hands inward to pull out senbons that were strapped at my wrists, pulling two with each hand from the opposite wrists and then quickly flicking them forward. All four soaring through the air.

A test, a precaution.

Only one senbon still held in my right hand. My last. Yet, plenty more tools were still at my disposal. 'First things first, understand your opponent,' as my father would say.

3Friendly Spar Empty Second Start Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:59 am



There, on top of a sand dune, I could see for nearly a mile in all directions. The one good thing about living in a desert land was knowing when someone was coming. I stood with the sun at my back, high noon keeping my shadow small and close to my feet.

Someone was coming this day, coming for me. I kept my eyes scanning around me, my ears listening for anything more than the soft, brittle whisp of sand in the air, and my nose to catch any whiff of aroma besides my own sweat. The one bad thing about living in a desert land was sweating all the time. But a kunoichi like me learns to live through this.

I stood, waiting, with a lone kunai in hand. Ready and able for anything.

4Friendly Spar Empty Re: Friendly Spar Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:06 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick had been in the dune for a long while. It had been caved out, the dune itself was fifty meters high and the 'barrier' of sand that made it a dune was about a meter or two thick. Because of the wind it was a strong building. Nonetheless Nick had made it all the way up using kunais as a rock-climbers tool as he eventually would be hanging from the ceiling whilst holding the kunai that he jammed into it. He grabbed two explosion tags from his pouch and laced them against the ceiling. As one drop of sweat fell onto the sand above him the male let go of the kunai and let the explosion tag explode. Of course the structure would collapse in it self and Nick would catch Suzume as they would have reached the ground safely.

5Friendly Spar Empty Re: Friendly Spar Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:11 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick had been sitting on the edge of a roof top. His clothes had been tight. His mind, clouded with thoughts. He bit his lip and held his hand in-front of his mouth as he yawned into it. Squinting his eyes for a second before standing up from the edge of the roof. He spoke to the world,

'I'm gunna get ye!'

As anarchistic as he was, the male would proceed and jump off the building onto the ground.

6Friendly Spar Empty Re Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:10 am



Ok..m sorry lady chi...I wazn't aware

Last edited by Draygglez on Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Friendly Spar Empty Re: Friendly Spar Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:40 am



Draygglez wrote:...and from nowhere came the young shirogane named draygglez to defend his one messes with sunagakure he said and held his ground.

[Don't mind me guys. But, Draygglez, you can't RP until your character is approved, so kindly delete your post]

8Friendly Spar Empty Re: Friendly Spar Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:14 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Friendly Spar FIA4WWM

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