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1Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Empty Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:45 am



It was a regular for Alucard as he woke up to the sound of his alarm. He shuffled around in his covers, trying to resist waking up the last couple of weeks have been dull and boring he couldn't stand not doing anything but baby missions and escorts all the same. He thought if he if he covered his head with his pillow he could drown out the sound of the alarm. Well.....he thought wrong, the sound ringed his eardrums with a piercing high pitch. At this time his pillow flew at the clock knocking it into the wall; the clock smacked the wall then dropped on the floor. "Sighhh, that's another clock I have to buy again, I really need to work on waking up better." Standing up he looked at himself in the mirror and arranged his hair into a ponytail; reached down in the sink full of water and splashed some in his face. "Ahhhh refreshing." He wiped off his face then proceed to get dress. When grabbing his shoes he seen a little crack in corner of his floor. "Hmmmm , what's this little crack doing here." He looked even closer an saw what seemed to look like an edge of a scroll; he punched through the wood floor to find out that his guess was spot on. On the scroll the words Katon: Phoenix Sage Art was imprinted in black bold kanji. Alucard recognized this jutsu automatic it was a Katon jutsu his clan favored; even though he has only seen this done one time by his father the thought it would be a fairly easy jutsu to learn. Katon was his primary element anything dealing with Katon jutsu came natural to him. "Ahhhh, looks like I have a new jutsu to train couldn't do anything better at the time anyway if that's the case I need buy a food pill from the market." He said as he scratched his head. He grabbed his tool pouch and his tan robe, with the scroll in his right hand. Running towards his balcony and jumped over the railing and fell threw the air.

Alucard dropped 20 feet before he landed on a top of another building, he moved towards the south. Up she'd be could see a crowded place. Konohagakure known for there vast market, they get shipments from all over the nations so there a vast variety of items, food, weapons, gear etc. The market was always crowded from sunrise to sunset, he could recall a time when he was a Genin he was put on security duty for catching shoplifters back then that was the only action you could get besides a escort mission with his sensei. All that back then was annoying. Now that he was on his own he made up his mind to uncover the dark secrets of the ninja world and destroy them by his hand first dealing with clan. Training to active his sharingan, he would awaken it by training as his brother and father did. Reaching the backroads of the market he stopped on top of the building and looked from above, a slight breeze blew in with the sun shining bright. "I didn't notice the weather today, it's beautiful." He gazed over the village as the buildings stood tall, and the village sounded lively as ever. He smiled slightly then front flipped into the ground landing smoothly. He walked out into the market to see the traffic of people blocking his way to destination.


2Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Empty Re: Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:40 am



With his destination in sight he would rather just he there faster than walking to the crowd. His body disappeared in a cloud of white smoke reappearing in front of the pill store, recognizing a familiar face he smiles. "Little Alucard you've grown into a fine shinobi I hear." The owner said with a delighted smile. Alucard giggled and smiled along. "Well, I still have a long way to go to achieve my goals." Alucard stated. "Well what can I do to help you reach those goals today ?" The owner asked. "Two food pills." He responded. The owner threw a whole bag of food pills at Alucard, he caught the bag. "It's on the house later." The owner sent him off in a hurry knowing that Alucard was on his way to train. He always stopped by the same shop before he trained. Alucard disappeared in white cloudy smoke again and reappears at a open field by Naka River.

Alucard looked around the field to see if anyone was here, this field was a popular place to train you could see the scars many generations of ninjas left on this large piece of land. Alucard found a nice shady spot under this large tree to put his things and start his training. He sat down under the tree and crossed his legs Indian style taking a deep breath before he started meditating. 30 minutes later Alucard finished meditating and opened the scroll looking at the guide for this jutsu he was about to learn. Glancing at the instructions for a few minutes he decides its his turn to try, and walks a few meters away from the spot where is things are located.


3Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Empty Re: Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:03 am



Alucard decided to get right to it, first a normal fire ball then he would break it down into ten six inch fireballs from one big fireball; or he could make the ten fireballs separately. Alucard takes a deep breath and exhales, then with the next deep breathe he forms a few handsigns, with the opening of his mouth he blows out 5 six inch fireballs that burn wildly in the sky going in every direction. Not use to controlling the fireballs with his chakra they burnt out in the sky. Alucard already broke a sweat after the first try. He tried one more time with the five fireballs and aimed for control and full power with the five fireballs. More hand signs where created for Alucard's second attempt. Alucard takes a deep breath and exhales five large fireballs that burned wildly in in the sky. "Now for the control." Alucard formed a handsign and focused his charka control the fireballs aiming for a tree close by; before impact the fireballs dispersed. With his headband soaked in sweat he would attempt this jutsu one more time everything was full scale.


4Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Empty Re: Phoenix Art[Training/No Kill] Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:46 am



Alucard backed up and took a couple of deep breathes too refocus his mine back on the jutsu; the feel of the control over the fireballs. Another deep breathe while his handsigns formed. As the chakra built up in his stomach crunching chakra on top of chakra. Finally he exhaled the exploding chakra in the form of ten six inch fireballs. Alucard focused his mind in hitting ten different trees with all ten fireballs. Within seconds each fireball hits their designated tree setting them aflame; now that the trees where on fire smoke was rising in the clouds darkening the color of the sky. Alucard decided to sit down right where he was standing at and meditate until the trees burnt out. He was going to try and Un weave his charka , opening up the channels through his body for better chakra flow.

[WC: 143/1000]
[TWC: 1229/1000]

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