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1Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:34 pm



Alucard was in a tree looking at the sun shining bright through a part of the branches, recently he finished a mission that was annoying none the less. Alot of stress had been built up and a friendly spar or any action that require to throw a fist at anything would; help him relieve anything of what he was feeling. He laid down on the branch he was sitting on, letting out a huge sigh he stared at the sky.

2Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:37 am


(OOC: My jutsus haven't been approved yet, so either we postpone the spar or I'll simply let it end rather quickly.)
IC: Finally fresh air... Chiyoko breathed in deep, standing there, on the outskirts of the forest. Earlier that day, she had had an training session with some other Hyuugas. Now, her arms felt as though they were falling off and she felt the need to breath fresh, pure air after 5 hours of strict training in a closed room. Ahhh, that's better. Oh well , guess I'll just meditate a bit now. she thought, went into the lotus position and began emptiing her head.
Chiyoko sprang to her feet, eyes immideatly opened. Who does this sigh belong to? I thought I was alone out here. Interesting. She wandered off in the general direction of the sigh, wanting to meet the person to which the sigh belonged.

3Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:57 am



(OOC: Just taijutsu , is fine with me, we can just talk its up to you.)
IC: Still laid out on the tree branch, the sun now being blocked by the clouds. Now sitting up with a baby *Yawnn* he stretched. Something caught his eye down below, but couldn't really see maybe he was too high up in the tree.

4Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:27 am


(OOC: Taijutsu only works for me)
IC: Where could he be? Or is it a she? Questions over questions in her head - and all unanswered. She continued to walk deeper in the forest while carefully listening for another sound. Ever so often, she would completely stop moving and gaze at the treesaround her, as if wanting them to tell her where to look.
There. The Yawn sounded close, yet it was faint. So you're hiding in the trees, huh? She could swear it was the tree to er right in which the person hid. So, she walked to the tree on her left and simply continued to walk up the tree with seemingly no effort. SHe didn't control her chakra well for nothing, after all.
When she was about twenty meters from the tree-top, she looked to the other tree, hoping to find the person. And indeed, there he was, laying on a tree branch. She went into a crouching position and then jumped from tree to tree, aiming for the same branch he lay on. MAking the jump, she stood about 1 m in front of him ans, trying to not simply bombard him with questions, said : Hi.~

5Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:31 pm



Alucard jumped up and was startled by this girls random "HI", he fell off the branch; catching himself with both hands using the momentum of the fall to swing himself to the next tree. Landing on a sturdy branch, he had some many questions; where did she come from ? Is she a threat ? How did she even find me ?. His mind was racing, and his body was prepared for anything. At least he had sometime to rest he thought to himself. Now roughly 25 meters away he could launch the first attack, he halted for odd reasons. "You there where did you come from ?" He yelled from the branch.

6Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:49 pm


From the tree over there. Chiyoko said while pointing at the tree she jumped from. Finally, I've found you. Now onwards to stilling my curiosity. Sorry for making you fall. I didn't mean to startle you. I simply wanted to know who made the sounds I heard earlier. I'm correct to assume that was you? While speaking, Chiyoko would let her arms rest with the palms of her hands facing the boy, meaning to show that she wasn't a threat to him. Which was true. Right now, she only wanted to chat with him. Later, maybe a little spar? Who knew. Now, she let herself fall to a lower branch, not wanting to seem arrogant because of the higher place. Now she rested at a branch about 5 m from the boy, waiting for his answer.

7Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:03 pm



"Indeed, it was me." Alucard shakes his hair to rough it up a bit, he like it that way anyway. He sat on the branch with legs on both sides of the branch. Noticing she had a Kono headband she was a fellow ninja. He'd never seen her before, but he decided to play nice for now. He smiled right at her, "So what brings you out here? Your kinda far from the village and it doesn't seem like your on a mission."

8Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:41 pm


So it was indeed him. One question answered. Ah, well, I simply wanted to breath fresh air, so I went for a stroll. And then I heard you. While Chiyoko said that, she shifted her balance a bit, trying to have a more relaxed stand. In the end, she decided that she would also sit on the branches, just like the guy she was talking with. The name's Chiyoko, by the way.~ After stating her name, she would tilt her head to the right a little, silently hoping that he would also give her his name.

9Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:39 pm



(OOC: I'm on my IPhone So excuse the errors but I will try not to make as much ^^)

As she states her name he grins slightly, at sound of her name it sounded beautiful. The name sounding noble and looking at her konoha headband there was a few clans that came to mind; but she didn't tell him it didn't matter her first name was good enough. "Alucard......Uchiha Alucard." He replied to her question with a slight grin. "I didn't happen to catch you last name Ms.Chiyoko." An obvious statement. He stared at the sky, while he soaked in the sun rays that penetrated the thick trees.

10Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:59 pm


So his name is Alucard... Wait, he is an Uchiha? That was quite the interesting turn of events. SO she just met a member of the famous Uchiha clan. My last name would be Hyuuga. she said, smiling a little while gving him the information. Noticing him staring into the sky and not wanting to let awkward silence follow, she tried to keep the conversation going by saying: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? What could I ask him without appearing overly inquisitive?

11Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:06 pm



After he told him her last name, he interrupted the silence. "No wonder your eyes are so white." He stated. This information excited him very much so. "So why not skip the introductions and get straight to the spar." His tone was energetic. He stood up on the branch and stretched out, then jumped to the lower branches. "I'll meet you at the bottom."

12Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:17 pm


(OOC: Taijutsu only, right? Or if we wati a bit, i'll be able to use Jutsus.)
Quite the interesting person... and I bet he loves sparring as much as I do. Of course, it was the adrenaline that made sparring one of her favorite things. Being able to only have one thing on your mind, coping with the stress, she loved it. So, when he skipped the introductions and jumped down the tree, Chiyoko could not help but silently let out a cry of joy. Her skin prickled in anticipation of the fight. Immedeatly, she jumped after him. However, whil flying towards the ground, her mind began thinking: Wait a second... Did the spar already start? What if he wants to do a suprise attack? Deciding it was no good blindly jumping after him, she landed on a branch and jumped to a tree on her left, away from Alucard. There, she would continue going towards the ground, her eyes looking where she expected Alucard to be.

13Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:41 pm



(OOC:Your jutsu have been approved , I don't think jutsu will be needed but if so I guess some jutsu won't hurt. I only have C ranks though)

Alucard landed on the ground, then dashed out 20 meters away from the tree to put space between him & her. He reached for his weapon pouch. "Damn it" He whispered, he must of left it in the house or something.He then slowly relaxed his body into his stance; which was neither offensive nor defensive. Standing tall with a small lean, both legs planted; one hand extended with all fingers straight. At this poin he was caught in the sun rays with a warm breeze. "A perfect day for a spar."

14Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:00 am


(OOC: You decide)
Just when CHiyoko was at the height of the lowest branch, she noticed him dashing away from the location she presumed him to be in. So he had the same idea as me. Now, she landed on the ground light like a feather, got up and walked away from her tree. She didn't need anything she could be pushed against right next to her. Now, letting the sunbeams tickle her nose while stretching her arms, Chiyoko tried to sort out what she knew about her opponent : He is an Uchiha... and seems self-cönfidend. I definetly should see what kind of tricks he has up his sleeve before I get too close for my comfort. Then again, I must get close to deliver damage...

15Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:31 pm



(OOC: Tai is fine , next spar we should be ready)

Alucard was still in his stance although he watched a shadow which was chiyoko jump down the tree. He knew that she was a thinker when it comes to fighting especially when in the hyuuga clan; he didn't know if he should make the first move or not but his body reacted for him. Dashing towards chiyoko's position he started having the battle inside his head already, pre-gamin before the real event. I must be careful, I do not know what tricks she could have up her sleeve so I have to watch my movments. She does also have the byuakugan, which can distort my chakra.

16Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:58 pm


Ahhh... Chiyoko let out a small sigh of relief when she could hear her neckbones doing a slight crack when she set her neckstraight again. And now, the shoulders... She put her arm over her head and began pulling her elbow towards the back of her head. When she was halfway done with the second arm, she had her eyes half-closed and camly breathed. Just then, she noticed Alucard begining his dash towards her. Immideatly, she went into a more stabile stand with her feet as wide as her shoulders. He didn't even let me finish my stretching! However, that wasn't said out of frustration, no. It was perfectly fine with her.
When Alucard was about 5 meters away, Chiyoko raised her hands to her shoulder-level, wanting to let him have the first shot.

17Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:02 pm



In mid dash Alucard stops about 5 meters away from Chiyoko, sliding his feet across the ground to create dust in the area; to distort the vision of Chiyoko. He wanted to see how we'll she could use her byuakugan or if she was even trained to use it. He took three paces back, left foot as the pivot foot. The waited .

18Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:36 am


Here he comes... She had her eyes fixed on him, looking him straight in the eyes. To her suprise, she couldn't see the Sharingan, but only his red eyes. Why doesn't he use his Sharingan? Oh well, if he doesn't use his Kekkei Genkai, neither will I. It was only fair in her mind.
When the dust hindered her vision, her mind began racing Normally, now would be the time to throw some kunai... But Chiyoko had left them at home, deciding she wouldn't need them for meditation. Way to be prepared, Chiyoko! she scolded herself. For the time being, she would also wait for the dust to fall to the ground.

19Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:31 pm



The dust was getting alittle bit clearer, so Alucard wasted no time and dashed at Chiyoko. He jumped out the cloud of dust spinning around executing a spinning kicking at her chest. Flipping himself forward after that, he flipped over her head while grabbing her shirt to throw her after he landed on his feet. The momentum he built up, he used in that throw. This should be easy for her to dodge, we'll at least she can land the throw. He thought to himself.

20Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:51 am


Feint or attack? Feint or attack? Feint or attack? She was running out of time thinking about the question, so in the end, her instict decided for her. She simply let herself fall to her knees and throw back her head, seeing the kick flying 10 centimeters above her nose. Now, when he wanted to grab her and jumped over her now-a-good-meter-lower head, she rested on the ground.
Trying to time it with his landing, she threw a low kick aimed at his ankles before jumping up, turning around and trying to punch him on his chest.

21Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:30 am



Giving her to much time to react, she dodged as expected. With him landing his feet came from under him just as he landed she timed a well executed sweep, a beginners taijutsu move that worked well in different situations. Little damaged received from the sweep, only numbness. As she went for the punch Alucard, quickly planted his left arm on te groud to catch himself fromt eh sweep; then rotated to his right swinging his right leg toward her rib cage. Knowing that this wouldn't be enough to inflict a moderate amount of damage, a spin is added to his whole body; both legs now spinning at her ribcage in a whirlwind. If I'm going to get serious with her I have control the tempo of the battle at all times. He thought to himself

22Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:46 pm


Seeing him planting the left hand on the ground, she already half-expected him to try a swinging kick. However, she was still in an upwards motion, thus not really being able to dogde it. Seeing that both legs now came flying fast, she twisted her body so she was facing the kick, pulled her ellbows to her body and then, she let her forearms guard the area where the kick was aimed at. Great.. she thought, her forearms now a little numb from the hit.The force behind it pushed her back a little. Before the swing would loose all of its momentum, Chiyoko would jump in the air, her arms still close to the legs in case he tried anything with them. While the kick passed beneath her, she would bring her legs forward, landing in Alucards back. From there, she would try to attack his lever with an ellbow. I cannot let him keep the momentum! she thought under her breath.

23Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Empty Re: Killed Or Be Killed[Chiyoko/No Kill] Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:57 pm



Alucard quickly reacted before she could get her next plan of action in motion. She was moving to slow, he decided since he had the momentum why not capitalize on it; besides if it where a hostile situation his opponent wouldn't think twice about hesitating. With that being said Alucard's spin had came to a haulting stop, pushing himself off the ground he forced himself into the air to meet Chiyoko face to face. Changing his center of gravity, allowed him to flip in a forward motion send him back down apon her. Aiming with a elbow in between her neck and a hard knee to the rib cage, not stop there he added a spinning kick to her chest in hopes of pushing her back to increase the distance between them so that he could regroup and plan his next attack.

This girl has not used any of Hyuuga Clan Taijustu the clan teaches them when growing up with the clan, at least then this spare should liven up. As for right now I have an advantage in almost every aspect of this spar because of my experience. I wanna see how this Genin will adapt with the battle, will she learn or will fall. He thought to himself.

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