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NPC (Higori):

Today was it: the day Shibirin was going to be titled as an official Special Jounin. The Tsuchikage had said that he was pretty much ready, though he wanted the guy 'tested' by one of Iwagakure's finest Jounin: a man named Higori. Shibirin had no idea what the guy looked like, he was just going to have to see him for himself. He had gone downstairs, like the Tsuchikage had instructed him, but didn't see Higori anywhere. Instead, he saw the secretary that always handed Shibirin missions below B rank, for him to do. She beackoned for him to come where she was sitting, and he did. "I have a letter for you, mr Shibirin. It is from a man named Higori, here you go" sad the secretary, as she now handed Shibirin a small letter in an envelope. He turned to her and said, "Thankyou" before making his way out of the building.

As he walked slowly into the village, he opened the envelope and inside was a small note, that read, 'Dear Shibirin Genko, make your way towards Cave Neverendless. Signed: Higori'. Shibirin had heard of that place before: cave neverendless. It was near the mountains, he recalled being told by one of the villagers. He decided to make his way towards the place, as this was where thei Higori guy was. He didn't know exactly what they guy wanted him to do. Maybe it was a short spar, between the two, or a race. He had been in a race before, back in Sunagakure. He had lost last time, but not by much. Shibirin couldn't wait to see what the guy looked like. He couldn't wait to see what test he had installed for him. He couldn't wait to become a Special Jounin.

After a few minutes of walking, Shibirin finally made it to Cave Neverendless. He had no idea why someone would give it such a name, but if he were to take a guess, he'd say it's a very large cave. Upon arrival, Shibirin saw a man, standing near the entrance of the cave. He had short, black hair and was wearing a jounin outfit that consisted of: a navy blue, long-sleeved shirt with a black flak jacket over it and black pants and sandals to match. As Shibirin got closer, he could see that the guy had dark, brown eyes. He walked up to him and said, "Hello there. You must be Higori?" before giving him time to answer.

"Yes, Higori is my name, and i suppose you must be Shibirin Genko?" the man replied, as he quickly scanned his eyes over Shibirin's appearance from head to toe. "Yes, Shibirin is my name. I was told by the kage, to come see you if i wanted to rank up to Special Jounin" spoke Shibirin, and not a moment too soon, Higori replied back saying, "Ahh yes, the test. Good, see, all you have to do, is go in the cave and bring back a white scroll that's located at the center of the cave. Think you're up for it?". The man wanted Shibirin to simply go in and bring him back a white scroll, what was the purpose of that? Shibirin repeated this task ove and over again in his head, trying to make sense of the somewhat simple task.

"That's all i have to do?" Shibirin asked, and again, not too soon after he got a response from the guy. "Yes, then i'll report to the Kage and you become a Special Jounin. So, you up for it?" said the guy, and at this moment Shibirin was convinced that there's a catch to it. There must be, otherwise any old genin can come to him, do this task and easily get the rank Special Jounin. Shibirin decided to do as the guy said, knowing well in his head that there's some strings attached to this task. Maybe there was a bear in there, just waiting to rip out his guts. Or maybe, they were dangerous spiders and snakes and other creepy crawlies. Shibirin didn't like bugs and serpents at all. "Alright then, here i go..i guess" he said, before making his way into the cave, feeling safer because he had remembered to bring all three of his katana with him tht day.

{Lightning training C -> B: 719/2000}

Last edited by Shibirin on Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:31 am; edited 3 times in total



Now drawing out his Noro blade, Shibirin found himself deep, within the cave in no time at all. Surprisingly, special mushrooms that grew on the sides of the cave glowed in the dark and lit the cave tunnels. Shibirin was worried that he wouldn't be able to see in the dark, but he could. He wasn't usually the type of guy to get scared over bugs, but then again, everyone had their own different phobias: his just happened to be bugs, snakes and everything that's hairy or slimy. 'Alright Shibirin, keep an eye out for anything creepy, slimy or anything moving' Shibirin told his mind, as if he was giving himself orders for a search and destroy mission.

He was just about to sheath his sword, when the ground he was walking started getting softer and softer as he went deeper and deeper into the cave. Not many people were able to tell if the ground is soft or not just by walking on it, but Shibirin could. Even if two pieces of land felt the same hardness, looked the same colour or tilted in the same direction, Shibirin could always tell the difference. It was a special skill he had picked up from learning with earth based jutsus a lot. It was a habit he couldn't get rid of, not that he wanted to. He stopped walking, and crouched down. He felt the ground with his left arm (he's holding the sword with his right arm). He then stood up, walked a couple of steps back, then crouched down and felt the earth there. There was a small difference in their density: one was higher and the other lower. He then kept on walking, but came to a shocking halt, when he saw a large sink hole, blocking his path. It looked too deep to jump over. It looked too far to wall walk over. Was he stuck? Was this the catch to the mission Higori hadn't informed him about? It couldn't be, this couldn't be it. For someone who was about to become Special jounin, the cath must be much further away than this. This, was just an insalt, to Shibirin's abilities. It was like a mini revision test, that tested how much he had remembered from when he was a genin. It mocked his ability as a chuunin: he had to surpass it. He had to make it over. It was too far to jump, too hard to wall walk, but not too late to use the body flicker technique.

He concerntrated, for but a few seconds, before a puff of smoke cloaked his movements and the next thing he knew, he was on the other side of the hole. He chuckled at the hole and murmered to himself, "Too soon" before advancing further into the cave. It wasn't long until Shibirin got to the middle of the cave. It was a large, dome-like room that was iluminated by the farely large crack in the center of the roof in the room, that let in a cylinder of light in. He walked right in the middle of it: big mistake. He saw two pairs of red eyes, appear from one part of the wall, where the light didn't hit. He then saw another two pairs of eyes appear from either side of the first two.Suddenly, the whole room was filled with bright red, eyes, all seemed to be starring right towards Shibirin. One came towards him, and as more of the light beamed on it, he saw that it was a giant rat. A part of him was going, 'Oh, just a giant rat,' but the smarter side of him said, 'No you fool. LOTS of giant rats!' Shibirin wanted to run away, but he couldn't: the whole room was filled with giant rats. He could slice them all with his sword at the same time, he hadn't the kenjutsu enough to perform just a fast move that covers all angles.

He decided to use ninjutsu. He formed the half-dragon hadnsign and closed his eyes. A large half-dome emerged from Shibirin's left side and the other half from his right side. They met in the middle and formed a full, earth dome: covering Shibirin from the wild rat attack. He needed to think fast, for he couldn't stay in this rat-trap for too long. He decided to use his electric shock impulse jutsu to paralyze the entire room of blood-thisty rats, before making his daring escape. He quickly formed the Boar, Dragon and then Serpent handsign, before slamming both of his hands on the ground in front of him, within the dome and releasing a strong charge of electricity into the earth around him. The lightning would first cover the entire surface of the dome. Any and all rats that were touching the dome at the time were fried, zapped and paralyzed with electricity. Shibirin then stretched the jutsu so much, that it filled the entire room, paralyzing any and all rats that were in the room at the time. Shibirin then took the risk of submerging the dome and taking a look outside. Luckily, all the rats were paralyzed, but not for long. Within a few minutes, they'll be up and running again, so he had to keep on walking. Now making his way even deeper in the cave, he began to see much moe light, coming from the distance. He was certain he had made it to the last part of the cave.

Chakra: 115/120:


{Current Chakra: 110/120}

{Lightning training C -> B: 1,637}

Last edited by Shibirin on Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:32 am; edited 2 times in total



Shibirin had made it: this was the centre of the cave and certainly the brightest part of the cave. There were lots of mushrooms down here that lit up the place more than any other part of the cave. Shibirin started walking slowly the moment he stepped in the room. In the previous little room, there were giant rats. He couldn’t imagine what vicious creature lurked in this part of the cave. It didn’t take him long to find the small, white scroll Higori had earlier mentioned. It was placed n top of a stone bed, in the middle of the room. Shibirin slowly walked over towards it, looking in every direction for booby traps. He even looked up towards the roof: maybe a giant cage was just sitting up there, waiting for the poor chuunin to activate it in the most unpredictable way.

’So far, no booby traps’ Shibirin thought to himself, before making the dumbest decision ever: he went out to grab the scroll, his hand shaking a bit. He closed his eyes shut, the moment he touched the scroll, but nothing happened. He paused for bout, five seconds, and still nothing happened. He then opened his eyes, hand still lightly resting on the scroll. He then took hold of it and picked it up: big mistake. After pulling the scroll up, he heard a faint sound of some form of paper, ripping apart. The worst thought came to mind: he had detonated a paper bomb. He heard a loud boom, at that moment, and the ground beneath him rumbled a bit. The walls started shaking and chunks of rock, falling from the roof came crushing down on the cave’s surface. Shibirin knew that, that paper bomb he had detonated wasn’t meant to blow him up: it was meant to cause a loud enough bang to send the cave crushing down onto whoever was in it at the time. He knew that if he didn’t get out of there in time, he’d be crushed by the collapsing roof in no time and most likely die in the cave. He didn’t try to come up with a way to stop the cave from crumbling, instead he thought of a way to get out of the cave as fast as he could.

He began bolting, back in the direction he had come from. He didn’t look back, no his mind was fixed on getting out of the cave alive. He still had the scroll with him: he hadn’t jumped over sinkhole, fought a room filled with giant rats and detonated a paper bomb for nothing, no, he was going to get something out of this and he was sure whatever was in the scroll, was it. He continued running, nearly slipping and falling by the lack of caution he took into his steps. He hadn’t the time for that: behind him, the roof of the cave was crashing down and very soon, the time would come for the roof on top of Shibirin to collapse down. He made it all the way to the room filled with giant rats, but didn’t stop to fight them off like last time. He ran straight past them and jumped a few that were in his way, and within seconds he was out of that room. The rats simply watched him go past, as if they were completely oblivious to the fact that the cave was collapsing. They’d soon find out what was happening, but it would’ve been too late. Nevertheless, he didn’t think about anyone else than himself. He continued running, until he came to the same sinkhole he had earlier avoided with the body flicker technique. He couldn’t use that jutsu again; he had to come up with something else. A large chunk of rock fell from the roof and landed right next to Shibirin, warning him of what would happen if he didn’t think of something and fast.

He decided to use his Earth changing terrain jutsu, to cast a large platform over the sinkhole that would act as a temporary bridge. Shibirin knew he couldn’t dodge bad ideas at a time like this, he needed to use whatever came to his head at the time. He made half of the dog hand sign, and as if he had done it before, a platform, no thicker than 1m, no wider than 2m and no longer than 5m, srung out from one end of the hole and across to the other. He had made a mini bridge, but he hadn’t the time to celebrate. He quickly ran across the platform and continued running. Seconds later, that same platform was crushed down by falling boulders from the roof. Shibirin continued running for another 2 minutes, and soon enough he reached the exit. He saw Higori, standing near the entrance, but didn’t stop to say hi. He wanted to make sure he was really out of the cave so he stopped running when he was ten meters away from the cave entrance. He watched as the cave’s opening closed. ’Someone will need to re-open that entrance’ thought Shibirin, as he made his way back to Higori.
”Here, is…the, white scroll you, wanted…” Shibirin stuttered, as a result from being physically exhausted after the long chase out of the cave. He showed him the scroll, but he rejected it and said, ”Why don’t you open it for me, and read it” and Shibirin did as he was told. He opened the scroll. It read: ’Dear Shibirin Genko. Sorry for putting you through this, but I needed to test you to see if you could handle the rank special jounin. If you are reading this, it means you have passed, and now , you’re a special jounin. Congratulations. Signed, Arashi__Tsuchikage’. Shibirin smiled and looked up to Higori, but he was already on his way back to the village. Now putting the scroll away in his pocket, he followed the guy back to the village, living his chuunin rank at the cave and accepting his Special Jounin rank as he walked towards Iwagakure.

Chakra: 100/120:

{Lightning C -> B: 2,655/2,000}
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