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1Construction of the Residential Area Empty Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:38 am



Unlike the Kiri Memorial, the Residential was an ongoing project to complete since the fires of Amaretsu burned them down. Starting out at dawn, the construction crew was sitting around enjoying themselves and socializing. Today wasn't much of an assignment or a mission, it was more of a break. Though he was an upbeat person who got along with most, Kaguza wasn't actually social too often. His usual routine was to train in solitude, and master his ability.

A large amount of lumber say out, several stacks each of varying sizes and cuts, they were to become homes for those still living in mass shelters. Thankfully the day seemed like it would be clear all day, though regardless the crew would work. With so many projects going on to return the village to a stronger state, the shinobi of the village were often assigned to help out and perform some tasks that required either different skills, or machines that were scarce. It usually came down to either heavy lifting or medical ninja patching up those injured through the hard labor.

Dressed in his usual attire, the Myugan gave a hearty morning greeting to the construction crew. His gray jacket kept him warm till the morning sun rose higher into the sky. A well fitted black shirt and loose pants covered the majority of him, while a standard pair of shinobi shoes and a pair of black gloves finished his ensemble. A pair of large sledgehammers hung in a harness on his back. It wasn't difficult to mesh with the construction crew, if you could defend yourself against taunts and throw them back, you were golden. Being twenty-one years of age didn't hinder him either, he knew what kind of humor they could have, and he had no issue rebutting any dirty joke thrown his way.

Running Word Count:

2Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:59 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

The Destruction of Kirigakure was a horrible event, making this a very solemn task to take on. Strafe didn't mind helping out where he could though, as it could only make him stronger. He slowly walked to the work site, welcomed by the crew members. He was still very young, so they were exceptionally nice to him, careful to watch what they say around him. Of course, he was only here to tend to any injured, as he was the best medical genin at the moment.

Strafe was casually dressed in a white loose fitting shirt and the standard kirigakure pants, which were in a unique white color. A blue belt connected the two, making his look very unique among the shinobi of his village. On his right hand was his sacred ring that was the exact same color as his hair. Basic blue ninja shoes completed his attire.

As he walked towards one of the construction areas, he noticed an older ninja standing alone. He had never seen the man before, which made Strafe a bit curious. He smiled as he walked up to the man, who seemed to be a good bit older than Strafe. "Hello, my name is Strafe Aisu." He said as he bowed in respect to his elder. The man was well dressed and seemed to be quite strong. He hoped the man was polite, as it was comforting to see another ninja assigned to the same area.


3Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:31 am



Kaguza turned when he heard someone speak behind him, it was a tall boy, dressed almost formally to him. He was an Aisu, if memory served him well, they were the ice clan. Least the ninja who could manipulate ice, it wasn't surprising to find a relative of Tenshi's. "Kaguza Myugan." Though he didn't bow in return, he did offer his hand. Taking a guess, he assumed Strafe was here to act as a medic for the crew, though if no one got hurt it would be a long boring day. In hindsight it would be a positive thing if no one got hurt.

The sun rose higher finally shedding enough light on the area for the foreman to call a start to the day. Several crews began working for the day. The system of authority amongst the crew was very similar to the hierarchy the ninja of the village responded to. A head foreman gave orders to the other foreman, who in turn ordered their respective crews. Even within each crew there was a hierarchy, it wasn't difficult to spot who was in charge either. Usually those yelling the loudest were in charge, it was humorous to look at from an outside perspective.

Kaguza questioned the head foreman over his duties for the day. Nothing complicated, he'd help with the heavy lifting for the crew's that needed it. He was sent towards a house with a wall that had yet to be erected. The wall was only the framework, it would be a light weight for his capability. With the wall up, Kaguza would find a spot out of the way till he was called again, or saw work that demanded his attention.

Running Word Count:

4Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:54 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

"Nice to meet you." Strafe said with a warm smile. If anything, He has always been good at reading people, and this shinobi seemed quite nice. Strafe thought about the name for a minute, as it seemed familiar. He had heard of the Myugan clan before, but to be a shinobi of Kiri from that clan was odd. He decided not to press the conversation, as it was time for the work to start. The head Foreman started barking orders to the workers and construction ensued.

It seemed as these men were professionals and wouldn't need much medical aid. Even if they were to get a minor injury, He doubted they would allow him to heal it for the sake of their pride. It seemed to be the start of a long and boring day for Strafe, which he was fine with. The less number of injuries, the better. As Strafe observed the work going on, he thought silently about his village and it's rich history. He was excited to be a part of the rebuilding of his village.

Strafe looked around him for a a place to sit and wait. There was no point in standing, as he would most likely get in the way. He eventually found a rock that was about 15 meters away from the work site he was assigned to look over. He walked over and took a seat, smiling as he looked out upon the villagers coming together for the good of the village.


5Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:11 am



The sun had reached it's peak, so had the temperature. Though Kiri wasn't a hot place to live, it was a mixture of the humidity and sun that made it feel hot. Unlike Strafe, Kaguza was running from one sight to another lending his strength. A few crews took note of the mobile ninja, and began making bets as to when he'd either call it quits or collapse. It was difficult to keep it a secret, so naturally Kaguza put in his own bet. He claimed he'd last the day, and stop only when the day was called to an end. Thankfully the head foreman called out for lunch. Though he planned to hold true to his claim, Kaguza was thankful for a chance to rest. The ninja fell down against a wall, breathing fairly heavy and covered in sweat. He pulled out a small box, and opened it to reveal his lunch inside. Broiled eel, his favorite. It didn't take long before the food was gone, the ninja had stuffed himself.

Resting for awhile by himself, he got a drink and found Strafe. "Having fun yet? Glad no one's been hurt yet, but the day is only half over. I'm sure you'll find a patient by days end." Kaguza laughed, though the crews working were good at what they did, even professionals made mistakes or misfortune befell them. "Even if you don't it's good to know we have a medic standing by. Most times these crews have to call when medical attention is needed. With you here, it helps to minimize damage."

Running Word Count:

6Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:33 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

It was quite an impressive site. The workers, especially Kaguza, were hard at work. The speed they worked at wasn't the fastest, but it was efficent. Strafe was sure that the people living in these houses would feel secure. Strafe knew his role was an important one, but he couldn't help wanting to join in with them. Luckily, he wasn't that impulsive and knew that he would do more harm than good. Strafe's eyes followed Kaguza, who was the center of attention. His incredible strength was a site to see, and the workers enjoyed having him. Maybe he could go on a mission with Kaguza one day.

Suddenly, it was lunch time. Even though Strafe didn't have much to do, he could observe all day. He loved watching comrades work together to attain a goal. It seems a little deep for a twelve year old, but Strafe wasn't your average Genin. He raised his hand to wipe his brow, as the heat was intense for anyone, especially someone from the Aisu clan. It's probably best that he didn't do any physical work, as his body might not be one hundred percent in this humidity.

Strafe smiled as Kaguza joined him after lunch. Strafe's meal was just a basic rice cake with salmon, which is one of his favorites. "I'm definitely enjoying the atmosphere here. These guys really know what they are doing." He said nodding in agreement to the latter part. "I would rather not have a patient to be honest." He said looking at Kaguza and then at the workers with a smile. "The more work we get done, the better." He added as he heard the lead foreman sound off once again. "If we do, I am ready though." He added.


7Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:50 am



"Good to hear it. We're in the last half of the day now, and I'm already feeling it." Kaguza laughed, his body was becoming stiff as he relaxed. It didn't take long before the lunch was called to an end by the head foreman. Stretching his body out thoroughly before going back to work. "Let's get this done for the day." With the final stretch he quickly went to helping to closest crew that needed. The rest of the day proceeded the same as the morning, constantly running back and forth between crews doing what ever he could to lend a hand.

Running Word Count:

8Construction of the Residential Area Empty Re: Construction of the Residential Area Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:07 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe returned to his place and continued to watch the men work. He smiled as the village was coming together nicely. Maybe he could become a Chunin by the time it is finished! His thought process was suddenly stopped when he saw a man fall off one of the ladders. Strafe immediately sprung into action as the medic. He looked at the wounded area carefully, deducting that it was just a minor bruise to the bone.

Strafe then decided it was best if he used his jutsu. He put his hand on the area of the injury, and took a deep breathe. "Zenchi Te no Jutsu!" He whispered as his hand started healing the area. It might have seemed silly to heal something so small, but it was crucial for the men to be at their best when working on the village. It was the only way reconstruction would be finished in time.

"Good as new." He said as he finished healing the man's injury. "Please be careful!" He said as gathered his supplies and returned to where he was sitting. He stayed there for the rest of the day, just watching and waiting to be able to help wherever he can. Eventually, the sun settled down and the work was completed. It was time to go home, after reporting in.



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