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1The Coffee Shop: Writer's Community Empty The Coffee Shop: Writer's Community Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:27 am


The Coffee Shop: Writer's Community Hry7fb

Title: The Coffee Shop
Category: Art & Culture
Language: English
Purpose: Share, discuss, and seek support for writing, for writers

Staffs: JadeHeart, iLikePie

Description: this may be a new forum, but endless fun awaits you. If you are an eager writer, you're able to post your writings asunder works for others to enjoy, and read others works as well. Discuss writing related topics and seek advice to improve your writing skills. Share your experiences with other writers around the world. There are friendly contests, awards, games, and so much more!

Besides writing, there's is a small section of graphic design for those who love graphics.

Other non-writing activities include non-writing discussion board, games, chats, etc.

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