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[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) Naruto11

In the world of Shinobi,  countless battles between countries including Great Shinobi Wars. Events passed and Naruto attained his status as a Hokage, world peace was regained. Generation have passed, a new era of shinobis are born...  

​A combination of Minecraft and the Naruto World, here comes ShinobiCraft!
​A whole new level of gameplay, ShinobiCraft will be a fun-filled Naruto RPG server that is coming your way, never seen before.

We Need You!
There are countless Naruto server projects out there, but none yet successful. I've decided, instead of waiting for one, why not build one yourself?
A dedicated team will be required for this large scaled project to commence smoothly. Large amount of information is needed to keep the Universe similar resemblance to how the World of Naruto is . Thus I urge Naruto fans/Good builders to provide a helping hand in completing this project, at the same time building a community to help support each other during this journey. Each and everyone's contribution to the server will be greatly appreciated.

We will need:
•Interior Designers
•Texture pack Degisners (most probably in HD to provide better experience)
•Terrain builders
•Mod makers (experience preferred)
•Lore writer
•Server donor
•GFX Designers
Not sure what some of the jobs are? Refer below

We require a large amount of builders to help build the main structures of the universe e.g. houses, monuments, gates etc. Buildings are to be according to images found in Naruto, if not it can be based upon the village/country and be built accordingly. Builders built exterior structures. ​

Interior Designers:
In-charged of designing interior of buildings made by builders with reference of existing images (if applicable), if not, a good sense of architecture is possible.

​ They will need to make  detailed map of the Naruto universe (or finding an accurate one on the internet).  It will have to have as much information down to the smallest scale possible.  This is one of the toughest job, but an important one to help shape the Universe.
A good texture pack would be needed for best server experience. Those texture packs found around the internet are usually over exaggerated, what we want would be something in-between realism and naruto world. Items would have to be customized to fit the universe theme.

Terrain builders:
​ To modify the biomes and terrain to fit with the Universe. They will be creating deserts, forests/jungle, hills/moutains, rivers etc. in the villages and countries.

Mod Makers:
Generally, mod makers will make plugins/modifications to help the server fit into the Universe. Jutsus, Clans, Bloodline Limit etc.

Lore Writer:
Since ShinobiCraft is a RPG server, a lore is required to give a life to it. We require good lore writers to come out with great background, create stories etc. to make the server more interesting to play in. Good command of grammer and vocabulary is a must!

Server Donor:
Hosting the server requires money, and to ease the burden during the development stages, I would love if people could donate to help sustain it. It do not have to be a lot, just as little as $1/month is as good

Experience: (in the job you are choosing)
Self intro: (Optional)
Why you love Naruto:
Ever been banned?:
What will you bring to this server: (Relate to your job would be appreciated) ​

Village/Country: (Refer below on how to fill this blank)
Village: Hidden Leaf, Hidden Cloud, Hidden Mist, Hidden Sand, Hidden Rock
Country: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning
The purpose of this is to spread the jobs equally. Each country/village have limited number of builders so please choose fast!

***Some qualifications are needed for certain job scope as we want a team of professionals to maintain this world and the future of Naruto Shinobi RPG.

​Apply now!! WE WANT YOU!

Sneak Peaks:
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2012-010
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-010
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2012-110
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-011
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-012

Last edited by ZacAwesome on Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:04 am; edited 1 time in total


Some updates on our builds!

[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-010
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-011
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-012
[Naruto Minecraft RPG]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed (We are Recruiting!) 2013-013

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