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1Shinobi Chronicles: Fall of the Reform Empty Shinobi Chronicles: Fall of the Reform Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:54 pm


Shinobi Chronicles: Fall of the Reform Forumnb


In this Naruto based RP, the world is alternate to that of the Naruto universe we know now. There are some major events which happened after Naruto returns to a different Konoha than he knew.

These events were then given the following names in chronological order:
  • Godaime Assassination
  • Great Reform of Konoha
  • International Sweep
  • Kazekage Rebellion
  • United Shinobi Nations
  • Decline of the Reform
  • Fall of the United Shinobi Nations

Don't think as if you know what each of these events are, for you are wrong. The RP takes place years after canon characters have died, thus making it a non-canon. This is a new world, borders are different, there are new countries, and thus more Kage's than before.

There's more to Shinobi Chronicles: Fall of the Reform than you'd know, like:

-We are a brand new site, so there are high ranking positions open, but they're first-come-first-served, as long as you make a good enough app.

-This site has moderator positions open, which are not first-come-first-served. You must have a character. Moderator positions will be stripped and given at admin discretion, and will never be personal.

-Chuunin exam or no Chuunin exam, whatever. The rank up from Genin to Chuunin is decided by the Kage of the village, as long as it gets admin approval.

-No jutsu limit cap! You may start with a limited amount of jutsu, but beyond that, you may learn as many jutsu as you want as long as you buy and train for them.

-Want to be able to do more as a genin? No problem! We have three levels in each rank that enable you to learn higher ranking jutsu as you progress without having to make one big jump to the next rank.

-We're waiting for you! Please join us and guide this new world in whatever way you can!

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