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1Fill-In-Waiter - D- {Mission} Empty Fill-In-Waiter - D- {Mission} Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:06 pm



Heero walked into the restaurant with a smile on his face. This was the perfect mission for him in his eyes, he gets to eat good food and get payed for it! He opened the door and sitting at the bar was a middle aged man with a deep tan as if he had worked the Fields his whole life and a girl who was the opposite. Whereas the man had dark skin, the girl had very pale skin. " I'm hear to help for today." Heero managed to say without stuttering. The man and the girl both looked up at the same time. The girl gave a soft smile, the man just looked him over. Heero just knew it was about his clothes as he had nothing that looked clean although it was. The man got up and walked over to Heero. At a staggering six feet tall the man made Heero seem even smaller then normal as he only stood at four feet eight inches. " Well well well whats your name boy?" The man asked. Heero gulped slightly as he looked up at the older man. " I'm Heero..." He said staring in the mans eyes . "My name is Gendo." He said then he turned slightly around as to address the girl. " Kasumi do you have anything that would fit the boy?" He asked. Kasumi frowned a little bit. "I don't think so, he is much to small for my boy uniforms." Her face lit up as if she had had a bright idea. Heero for his part decided he did not like that look for a odd reason. The girl smiled at him as she walked over and joined the man that was standing. She got on her tip toes and whispered something in Gendo's ear, Gendo just nodded. " Well Ill leave it to you then Kasumi." he said as he went out the door to get some supply's for that night. Heero could not hold it in any longer as his curiosity had gotten the best of him. "Leave what to you?" He said. Kasumi just looked at him and smiled. " Well Heero Chan, your getting a makeover! " She giggled. " But but im a a guy!" He protested. Kasumi just smiled and put her hand on his head. " Its ether this or you don't get to work today and im sure your sensei would love to hear why you failed a mission." Her smile was even brighter as she removed her hand from his head. He was trapped and he knew it.

: Later that day :

Heero weaved in and out between the crowds dressed in a french maids outfit. His hair was in a higher pony tail and thanks to how Kasumi had done it he looked just as a 14 year old girl. He wore a blush that just would not go away. Kasumi would take the orders so he would not have to talk and Heero would pick them up and take them to the people. It was a long, tiring and embarrassing day for Heero and by the time it was closing Kasumi told him to take a seat at a small table. She came out with a box of fresh cooked pulled pork with rice and other assorted foods. " Here you go Heero Chan." She said handing him the box. "Im sorry you had to do that Heero but you were just so small we had to come up with something..." Kasumi thanked him again and told him he did a good job. " The food is for you Heero, thank you for a good job." She said. Then standing back up she looked at him eating and smiled. " Oh by the way you old clothes are in the back when you feel like changing." Kasumi got up and started to lock the place up. Heero at first was so embarrassed he could not even think straight, However he had lived threw it and made a few ryo and got free food, To him it was a decent trade. Heero got up and made his way to the back and went to change into his regular clothes. He found a note under his pants and it read: " You can keep the outfit as we have no need for it. Also thank you again. Gendo and Kasumi." He folded it up and put it in his pocket. He put the maids outfit in his bag got his food box and went home.

Word count :762/600 for Fill-in Waiter D-Rank and a reward of 60 Ryo

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